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State Revenue Legislation Amendment
Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend certain State revenue legislation in connection with the Budget for
the year 2009-2010.
Clause 1          State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                            1

 1    Name of Act                                                                     2

               This Act is the State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2009.          3

 2    Commencement                                                                    4

         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, except as        5
               provided by subsection (2).                                            6

         (2)   Schedule 1 commences, or is taken to have commenced, on 1 July 2009.   7

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                    Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                               1

[1]   Chapter 2, Part 8, Division 1A                                                     2

      Insert after Division 1:                                                           3

      Division 1A         NSW Housing Construction Acceleration                          4
                          Plan (Budget 2009-10)                                          5

      87A    Nature of the scheme                                                        6

                   The scheme established by this Division is intended to provide a      7
                   reduction in duty in respect of the purchase or construction of       8
                   new homes by persons who are not eligible for an exemption or         9
                   reduction under the First Home Plus scheme in Division 1 or a        10
                   grant under the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000.                     11

      87B    Relevant dates for eligibility                                             12

             (1)   The following agreements or transfers are eligible for               13
                   consideration under the scheme:                                      14
                   (a) agreements for sale or transfer of dutiable property entered     15
                         into on or after 1 July 2009 and before 1 January 2010,        16
                   (b) transfers of dutiable property that occur on or after 1 July     17
                         2009 and before 1 January 2010 (other than transfers made      18
                         in conformity with an agreement for sale or transfer           19
                         entered into before 1 July 2009).                              20

             (2)   An agreement for the sale or transfer of dutiable property is not    21
                   eligible if:                                                         22
                   (a) it replaces an agreement made before 1 July 2009, and            23
                   (b) the replaced agreement was an agreement for the sale or          24
                          transfer of substantially the same dutiable property.         25

      87C    Agreements or transfers must be for acquisition of new home                26

             (1)   An agreement for the sale or transfer of dutiable property is        27
                   eligible under the scheme if:                                        28
                   (a) it is an agreement for the acquisition of a new home that is     29
                          complete and ready for occupation, or                         30
                   (b) it is an agreement for the sale or transfer of land on which     31
                          a new home is to be built before completion of the sale or    32
                          transfer (an off the plan purchase agreement).                33

             (2)   A transfer is eligible under the scheme if the transfer is for the   34
                   acquisition of a new home that is complete and ready for             35
                   occupation.                                                          36

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

             (3)      For the purposes of this Division, a new home is a home that has          1
                      not been previously occupied or sold as a place of residence, and         2
                      includes a substantially renovated home.                                  3

             (4)      An off the plan purchase agreement is eligible only if the                4
                      agreement states that the sale or transfer must be completed              5
                      before 30 June 2011 or, in any other case, the agreement is               6
                      completed before 30 June 2011 or by such later date as the Chief          7
                      Commissioner may allow for delay caused by circumstances                  8
                      beyond the control of the parties.                                        9

             (5)      In any case, the agreement or transfer must be for the whole of          10
                      the land or, if the land is a parcel of land on which 2 or more          11
                      homes are built, or are being built, for that part of the land that is   12
                      an exclusive occupancy.                                                  13

             (6)      For the purposes of this section, land is an exclusive occupancy         14
                      only if the Chief Commissioner is satisfied that the person              15
                      acquiring the land will be entitled to occupy a home that is built,      16
                      or being built, on the land as a place of residence to the exclusion     17
                      of other persons who occupy or are to occupy the other home or           18
                      homes built or being built on the parcel of land.                        19

             (7)      The Chief Commissioner may approve an application in relation            20
                      to an off the plan purchase agreement in anticipation of                 21
                      compliance with the eligibility requirements of this section.            22

     87D     Restrictions on eligibility                                                       23

             (1)      An agreement or transfer is not eligible if:                             24
                      (a) the agreement or transfer is eligible under the First Home           25
                            Plus scheme in Division 1, or                                      26
                      (b) the transferee, or any of the transferees, is eligible for or        27
                            has been paid a grant under the First Home Owner Grant             28
                            Act 2000 in respect of the purchase or construction of the         29
                            new home on the land.                                              30

             (2)      An agreement or transfer is not eligible if the new home, or the         31
                      land on which the new home is located or to be built, is intended        32
                      to be used, or made available for use, for any purpose that is not       33
                      ancillary to the use and occupation of the land for residential          34
                      purposes (such as a commercial, industrial or professional               35
                      purpose).                                                                36

             (3)      However, an agreement for the purchase, or a transfer, of a              37
                      farming property on which there is a new home or on which a              38
                      new home is to be constructed is not excluded.                           39

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                       Schedule 1

     87E     Cap on dutiable value of transaction                                            1
                   The dutiable value of the dutiable property that is the subject of        2
                   the agreement or transfer must not exceed $600,000.                       3

     87F     Duty payable if application approved                                            4

             (1)   If an application concerning an eligible agreement or transfer is         5
                   approved, the amount of ad valorem duty chargeable on the                 6
                   agreement or transfer is to be reduced by 50%.                            7

             (2)   If an eligible agreement or transfer is aggregated with other             8
                   dutiable transactions, and treated as a single dutiable transaction       9
                   under section 25, the 50% reduction is to be applied only to the         10
                   ad valorem duty that would be chargeable (in the absence of              11
                   aggregation) on the approved agreement or transfer.                      12

     87G     Making of applications                                                         13

             (1)   An application under this Division is to be made to the Chief            14
                   Commissioner in an approved form.                                        15

             (2)   The Chief Commissioner may at any time (whether before or                16
                   after the approval of an application) require the applicant or           17
                   applicants to provide such further information as the Chief              18
                   Commissioner may consider necessary for the proper                       19
                   administration of the scheme.                                            20

     87H     Reassessment of duty payable where duty concession wrongly                     21
             applied                                                                        22

             (1)   The Chief Commissioner may reassess the duty chargeable in               23
                   respect of an agreement or transfer that is initially approved           24
                   under the scheme if the Chief Commissioner forms the opinion             25
                   that the agreement or transfer is not eligible under the scheme,         26
                   including in a case where approval was given in anticipation of          27
                   compliance with any eligibility requirements that have not been          28
                   met.                                                                     29

             (2)   The Chief Commissioner may issue a notice of assessment, based           30
                   on the reassessment, for the duty chargeable in respect of the           31
                   agreement or transfer.                                                   32

      87I    Charge on land for duty liability of applicant                                 33

             (1)   Any duty liability that an applicant has under the scheme in             34
                   respect of an agreement or transfer is a charge on the applicant's       35
                   interest in the land that is the subject of the agreement or transfer.   36

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

             (2)      An applicant has a duty liability under the scheme in respect of      1
                      an agreement or transfer if the applicant is required to pay an       2
                      amount of duty to the Chief Commissioner, in respect of an            3
                      agreement or transfer that is initially approved under the scheme,    4
                      under a notice of assessment referred to in section 87H.              5

             (3)      The charge created by this section gives the Chief Commissioner       6
                      an interest in the land and, accordingly, the Chief Commissioner      7
                      may lodge a caveat in respect of the land under the Real Property     8
                      Act 1900 to protect that interest.                                    9

             (4)      The caveat must be withdrawn when the amount of the duty             10
                      liability has been paid.                                             11

             (5)      The amount of the duty liability is the amount of duty that the      12
                      applicant is required to pay to the Chief Commissioner in respect    13
                      of the relevant agreement or transfer, together with any interest    14
                      or penalty tax payable.                                              15

             (6)      In this section:                                                     16
                      applicant includes a former applicant.                               17

       87J   Definitions                                                                   18

             (1)      In this Division:                                                    19
                      home means a building (affixed to land) that:                        20
                       (a) may lawfully be used as a place of residence, and               21
                      (b) is, in the Chief Commissioner's opinion, a suitable              22
                             building for use as a place of residence.                     23
                      new home--see section 87C.                                           24

             (2)      For the purposes of this Division, a home is a substantially         25
                      renovated home if:                                                   26
                      (a) the home is new residential premises within the meaning          27
                            of section 40-75 (1) (b) of the A New Tax System (Goods        28
                            and Services Tax) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth, and            29
                      (b) the home, as renovated, has not been previously occupied         30
                            or sold as a place of residence.                               31

[2]    Section 270B                                                                        32

       Insert after section 270A:                                                          33

      270B   Exemption for caravans                                                        34

             (1)      Duty under this Chapter is not chargeable on an application to       35
                      register a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle is a caravan.          36

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                 Schedule 1

             (2)   In this section:                                                 1
                   caravan means a trailer (within the meaning of the Road          2
                   Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997), including a camper   3
                   trailer, that is permanently fitted for human habitation in      4
                   connection with a journey.                                       5

[3]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                         6

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                            7

                   State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2009                     8

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21

Schedule 2             Amendment of First Home Owner Grant                         1
                       Act 2000 No 21                                              2

[1]   Section 18C NSW new home buyers supplement                                   3

      Omit "10 November 2009" wherever occurring in section 18C (2), (3) (a),      4
      (4) (a) and (5) (a).                                                         5

      Insert instead "30 June 2010".                                               6

[2]   Section 18C (3) (b)                                                          7

      Omit "10 May 2011" wherever occurring.                                       8

      Insert instead "the required completion date".                               9

[3]   Section 18C (7)                                                             10

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                               11
                    required completion date means:                               12
                    (a) for a contract made on or after 11 November 2008 and on   13
                          or before 10 November 2009, 10 May 2011, or             14
                    (b) for a contract made after 10 November 2009 and on or      15
                          before 30 June 2010, 31 December 2011.                  16

[4]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                       17

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                          18

                   State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2009                   19

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