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                               New South Wales

Transport Administration Amendment
(Sydney Metro) Bill 2018

             1   Name of Act                                                   2
             2   Commencement                                                  2
Schedule 1       Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109         3
Schedule 2       Amendment of other legislation                               18
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                                   , 2018

                                    New South Wales

Transport Administration Amendment
(Sydney Metro) Bill 2018

Act No     , 2018

An Act to amend the Transport Administration Act 1988 and other legislation to establish Sydney
Metro and to facilitate the development, implementation and operation of a metro in Sydney; and
for related purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
  1   Name of Act
             This Act is the Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Act 2018.
  2   Commencement
             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

Schedule 1             Amendment of Transport Administration Act
                       1988 No 109
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):
                    metro means a mass transit infrastructure system, and associated facilities,
                     (a) provides high-frequency, high-capacity passenger services, and
                    (b) is operated using automated or partly-automated systems from one or
                          more central control points.
                    metro assets means assets (including transport infrastructure, transport
                    vehicles and rolling stock) used for or in connection with or to facilitate the
                    movement of persons by means of a metro.
                    metro passenger service means a passenger service provided by a metro.
                    Sydney Metro means Sydney Metro constituted under this Act.
                    Sydney Metro Board means the board of directors of Sydney Metro.
[2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "NSW rail network"
      Insert ", but does not include any part of a metro" after "controlled)".
[3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "public transport agency"
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Ferries".
[4]   Section 3 (1), definition of "rail infrastructure owner"
      Insert in appropriate order:
                   (a4) in the case of any rail infrastructure facilities that are managed or
                          controlled by Sydney Metro for the purposes of exercising its functions
                          under this Act, Sydney Metro, or
[5]   Section 3 (1), definition of "railway service"
      Insert "and a metro passenger service" after "railway passenger service".
[6]   Section 3 (1), definition of "transport services"
      Omit "railway services (including heavy rail, metro rail and light rail services),".
      Insert instead "railway services (including heavy rail and light rail services and metro
      passenger services),".
[7]   Section 3B Ministerial responsibility and delegation
      Insert after section 3B (1):
           (1A)    Sydney Metro is, in the exercise of its functions, subject to the control and
                   direction of the Minister.
[8]   Section 3B (3)-(5)
      Insert after section 3B (2):
             (3)   The Minister may delegate to Sydney Metro any function of the Minister
                   under this Act, other than this power of delegation.

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

              (4)   Sydney Metro may sub-delegate to an authorised person any function
                    delegated to it by the Minister if the delegate is authorised in writing to do so
                    by the Minister.
              (5)   In this section, authorised person means:
                     (a) the Chairperson of the Sydney Metro Board, or
                    (b) the Chief Executive of Sydney Metro.
 [9]   Section 3G Directions by TfNSW to public transport agencies
       Insert after section 3G (1) (f1):
                     (f2) Sydney Metro,
[10]   Part 3D
       Insert after Part 3C:

       Part 3D Sydney Metro
       Division 1          Constitution of Sydney Metro
         38   Constitution of Sydney Metro
              (1)   There is constituted by this Act a corporation with the corporate name of
                    Sydney Metro.
              (2)   Sydney Metro is a NSW Government agency.
                    Note. Section 3B (1A) provides that Sydney Metro is, in the exercise of its functions,
                    subject to the control and direction of the Minister.

       Division 2          Objectives of Sydney Metro
       38A    Objectives of Sydney Metro
              (1)   The principal objectives of Sydney Metro are as follows:
                    (a) to deliver safe and reliable metro passenger services in an efficient,
                          effective and financially responsible manner,
                    (b) to facilitate and carry out the orderly and efficient development of land
                          in the locality of metro stations, depots and stabling yards, and proposed
                          metro stations, depots and stabling yards.
              (2)   The other objectives of Sydney Metro are as follows:
                    (a) to be a successful business and, to that end:
                           (i) to operate at least as efficiently as any comparable business, and
                          (ii) to maximise the net worth of the State's investment in the metro,
                    (b) to exhibit a sense of social responsibility by having regard to the
                          interests of the community in which it operates,
                    (c) where its activities affect the environment, to conduct its operations in
                          compliance with the principles of ecologically sustainable development
                          contained in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment
                          Administration Act 1991.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

      Division 3          Functions of Sydney Metro
     38B     Functions of Sydney Metro
             (1)   Sydney Metro has the functions conferred or imposed on it by or under this or
                   any other Act.
             (2)   Sydney Metro may:
                   (a) design, construct, develop and operate a metro to provide safe, reliable
                        and high-frequency metro passenger services, or other associated
                        transport services, to the public, and
                   (b) deliver services in connection with, or related to, the operation or
                        proposed operation of the metro, and
                   (c) assist the relevant planning and transport authorities in the preparation
                        of strategic and other plans for the development of land in the locality
                        of metro stations, depots and stabling yards, and proposed metro
                        stations, depots and stabling yards.
             (3)   Sydney Metro may:
                   (a) conduct any business (whether or not related to its functions) that it
                        considers will further its objectives, and
                   (b) operate other transport services, including bus services, whether or not
                        in connection with its metro passenger services, and
                   (c) build, modify, hold, manage, maintain, finance and establish transport
                        assets vested in or owned by it, or to be vested in or owned by it, and
                   (d) acquire, build, modify, hold, manage, maintain, finance and establish
                        metro assets vested in or owned by it, or to be vested in or owned by it,
                   (e) dispose of metro assets vested in or owned by it (other than a metro),
                    (f) acquire, build, modify, manage, maintain and establish transport assets
                        vested in or owned by, or to be vested in or owned by, another public
                        transport agency, and
                   (g) make and enter into contracts or arrangements for the carrying out of
                        works, or the performance of services, or the supply of goods or
                        materials, and
                   (h) make and enter into contracts or arrangements with any person for the
                        operation, on such terms as may be agreed on, of any of Sydney Metro's
                        passenger or other transport services or of any of Sydney Metro's
                        businesses, and
                    (i) make and enter into leases or licences, or other arrangements, with
                        persons for developing metro assets, and
                    (j) provide goods, services or facilities to the transport industry, and
                   (k) appoint agents, and act as agents for other persons.
             (4)   Sydney Metro may:
                   (a) acquire any land, and
                   (b) develop, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any of its land, and
                   (c) with the consent of the owner of any land, exercise in relation to the land
                        any function that Sydney Metro could so exercise if Sydney Metro were
                        the owner of the land, and

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

                    (d)   exercise in relation to any land in which Sydney Metro holds an interest
                          any function that a private individual could so exercise if the private
                          individual were the holder of the interest.
             (5)   The operation of any railway service by Sydney Metro is subject to the
                   requirements of the Rail Safety National Law (NSW).
     38C     Metro infrastructure development functions
             (1)   Sydney Metro may exercise the functions described in clause 3 (1) of
                   Schedule 1 in relation to the metro as if:
                   (a) references in that clause to TfNSW were references to Sydney Metro,
                   (b) references to transport infrastructure were references to a metro.
             (2)   Clauses 3 (2) and (3), 11 and 12 of that Schedule apply accordingly.
     38D     Other land development functions of Sydney Metro
             (1)   Sydney Metro may carry out, finance, manage or otherwise participate in
                   development for residential, retail, commercial, industrial, mixed use,
                   community, public open space or recreational purposes on land in the locality
                   of a metro station, depot or stabling yard, or a proposed metro station, depot
                   or stabling yard, being the land shown on a map adopted by an order of the
                   Minister for Planning, made with the concurrence of the Minister, published
                   in the Gazette for the purposes of this section.
             (2)   Sydney Metro may, for the purposes referred to in subsection (1), acquire land
                   by agreement (including an interest in land).
             (3)   The imposition or conferral of a function on Sydney Metro by this section does
                   not limit the imposition or conferral of a function by another provision of this
     38E     Effect of Division
                   This Division does not limit the functions of Sydney Metro apart from this
                   Division, but is subject to the provisions of this Act and any other Act or law.

      Division 4          Management of Sydney Metro
     38F     Establishment of Sydney Metro Board
             (1)   There is to be a board of directors of Sydney Metro.
             (2)   The Sydney Metro Board is to consist of at least 3, not more than 7, directors
                   to be appointed by the Minister.
             (3)   The Transport Secretary may appoint 1 further director to the Sydney Metro
             (4)   The directors are to be persons who, in the opinion of the Minister or Transport
                   Secretary (as appropriate), have skills and experience relevant to the
                   administration of Sydney Metro and that will assist Sydney Metro in
                   exercising its functions.
             (5)   Of the directors appointed by the Minister, one is, in and by the instrument of
                   appointment or another instrument made by the Minister, to be appointed as
                   Chairperson of the Sydney Metro Board.
             (6)   Schedule 2B sets out provisions relating to the constitution and procedure of
                   the Sydney Metro Board.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

     38G       Functions of Sydney Metro Board
               (1)   The Sydney Metro Board has the following functions:
                     (a) to determine the policies of Sydney Metro and give directions to the
                          Chief Executive of Sydney Metro in relation to the functions and
                          activities of Sydney Metro,
                     (b) to exercise employer functions in relation to the Chief Executive of
                          Sydney Metro,
                     (c) such other functions as are conferred or imposed on it by this Act or any
                          other law.
               (2)   In exercising these functions, the Sydney Metro Board is, as far as practicable,
                     to ensure that the activities of Sydney Metro are carried out properly and
     38H       Chief Executive of Sydney Metro
               (1)   The Chief Executive of Sydney Metro is the person who is employed in the
                     Transport Service as the Chief Executive of Sydney Metro.
               (2)   Despite section 68C (3), the Sydney Metro Board may, subject to this and any
                     other Act or law, exercise on behalf of the Government of New South Wales
                     the employer functions of the Government in relation to the Chief Executive
                     of Sydney Metro.
               (3)   Accordingly, a reference to the Transport Secretary in this Act or any other law
                     in connection with the exercise of employer functions in relation to the Chief
                     Executive of Sydney Metro is to be construed as a reference to the Sydney
                     Metro Board.
               (4)   Despite subsection (3), the parameters relating to the remuneration package
                     for the Chief Executive of Sydney Metro (as referred to in section 68I (2)) are
                     to be agreed on by the Transport Secretary and the Public Service
               (5)   Division 4 of Part 7 does not apply to the Chief Executive of Sydney Metro.
                     Note. Schedule 2 contains ancillary provisions that apply to the Chief Executive of
                     Sydney Metro.

         38I   Control and management of Sydney Metro
               (1)   All decisions relating to the functions of Sydney Metro are to be made by or
                     under the authority of the Sydney Metro Board.
               (2)   The Chief Executive of Sydney Metro is responsible for the day-to-day
                     management of the affairs of Sydney Metro, subject to the specific policies
                     and general directions of the Sydney Metro Board.
               (3)   Any act, matter or thing done in the name of, or on behalf of, Sydney Metro
                     by or under the authority of the Sydney Metro Board is taken to have been
                     done by Sydney Metro.
               (4)   A direction of the Minister under section 3B or of TfNSW under section 3G
                     prevails over a policy or direction of the Sydney Metro Board to the extent of
                     any inconsistency.

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

      Division 5          General
      38J    Appointment of advisory committees
             (1)   The Sydney Metro Board may appoint such advisory committees as the
                   Sydney Metro Board considers appropriate for the purposes of advising the
                   Sydney Metro Board and Sydney Metro for the purposes of this Act.
             (2)   An advisory committee has such functions as the Sydney Metro Board may
                   from time to time determine in respect of it.
             (3)   An advisory committee consists of such committee members appointed by the
                   Sydney Metro Board as the Sydney Metro Board thinks fit.
             (4)   An advisory committee member holds office for such period as is specified in
                   the instrument of appointment of the committee member, but any such
                   appointment may be terminated by the Sydney Metro Board at any time.
             (5)   One of the advisory committee members is, in and by the instrument by which
                   the committee member is appointed or another instrument made by the Sydney
                   Metro Board, to be appointed as chairperson of the committee.
             (6)   An advisory committee member is entitled to be paid such fees and allowances
                   (if any) as the Minister may determine, from time to time, in respect of the
                   committee member.
             (7)   Subject to the regulations and any directions of the Sydney Metro Board, the
                   procedure of an advisory committee appointed under this section is to be as
                   determined by the advisory committee.
             (8)   The Sydney Metro Board may dissolve an advisory committee appointed
                   under this section.
     38K     Sydney Metro to supply information to Minister
                   Sydney Metro must:
                   (a) supply the Minister or a person nominated by the Minister with any
                        information relating to its activities that the Minister or person may
                        require, and
                   (b) keep the Minister informed of the general conduct of its activities and
                        of any significant development in its activities.
     38L     Corporate plans
             (1)   Sydney Metro must, at least 3 months before the beginning of each financial
                   year of Sydney Metro, prepare and deliver to TfNSW a draft corporate plan for
                   the financial year.
             (2)   Sydney Metro must:
                   (a) consider any comments on the draft corporate plan that were made by
                        TfNSW within 2 months after the draft plan was delivered to TfNSW,
                   (b) deliver the completed corporate plan to TfNSW before the beginning of
                        the financial year concerned.
             (3)   Sydney Metro is to make a draft plan prepared after the commencement of this
                   section available for public comment for at least 30 days and is to have regard
                   to any submissions it receives about the draft plan within that period. The
                   arrangements for obtaining or inspecting the draft plan and for making
                   submissions are to be publicly advertised.

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              (4)   Sydney Metro is to make the completed corporate plan available for public
                    inspection. However, Sydney Metro is not required to include in any draft or
                    completed plan made available for public comment or inspection information
                    that is of a commercially sensitive nature or that it would otherwise not be
                    required to disclose under the Government Information (Public Access) Act
              (5)   Sydney Metro must, as far as practicable, exercise its functions in accordance
                    with the relevant corporate plan.
              (6)   A corporate plan is to specify:
                    (a) the separate activities of Sydney Metro and, in particular, the separate
                          commercial and non-commercial activities, and
                    (b) the objectives of each such separate activity for the financial year
                          concerned and for future financial years, and
                    (c) the strategies, policies and budgets for achieving those objectives in
                          relation to each such separate activity, and
                    (d) the targets and criteria for assessing Sydney Metro's performance.
              (7)   This section is subject to any requirement made by or under this Act (including
                    the requirements of any direction by the Minister or TfNSW under this Act).
       38M   Delegation of functions of Sydney Metro
              (1)   Sydney Metro may delegate to an authorised person any of its functions, other
                    than this power of delegation.
              (2)   A delegate may sub-delegate to an authorised person any function delegated
                    by Sydney Metro if the delegate is authorised in writing to do so by Sydney
              (3)   In this section, authorised person means:
                     (a) a member of staff of Sydney Metro, or
                    (b) a person of a class prescribed by the regulations or approved, after
                           consultation with the Transport Secretary, by the Sydney Metro Board.
       38N   Roads authority consent not required for certain work by Sydney Metro
              (1)   Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 does not apply to anything done by Sydney
                    Metro, for the purposes of exercising its functions under this Act, in relation
                    to a classified road (within the meaning of that Act) for which a council is the
                    roads authority.
              (2)   However, Sydney Metro must not do anything referred to in section 138 (1) of
                    that Act in relation to any such road except with the consent of RMS.
[11]   Section 55A Definition of "transport authority"
       Insert after section 55A (h):
                      (i) Sydney Metro.
[12]   Section 65 Definitions
       Insert after paragraph (g) of the definition of transport authority:
                    (g1) Sydney Metro,

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[13]    Section 68C Employment in the Transport Service
        Insert after section 68C (1) (c):
                       (d) Sydney Metro.
[14]    Section 68Q Miscellaneous provisions relating to the Transport Service
        Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Trains" wherever occurring in section 68Q (5) and
[15]    Section 68Q (10)
        Insert after section 68Q (10) (f):
                      (f1) Sydney Metro (or a public subsidiary corporation of Sydney Metro) is
                             to be read as a reference to a person employed in the Transport Service
                             to enable Sydney Metro (or the corporation) to exercise its functions, or
[16]    Part 8, Division 3AC
        Insert after section 80FF:

        Division 3AC Financial provisions relating to Sydney Metro
       80FG   Sydney Metro Fund
                     There is established in the Special Deposits Account a fund called the Sydney
                     Metro Fund.
       80FH   Payments into Sydney Metro Fund
                     There is to be paid into the Sydney Metro Fund:
                     (a) all money received by or on account of Sydney Metro, and
                     (b) all money advanced to Sydney Metro by the Treasurer, and
                     (c) all money:
                            (i) appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of TfNSW and
                                  allocated to Sydney Metro by TfNSW, or
                           (ii) otherwise appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of Sydney
                                  Metro, and
                     (d) the proceeds of the investment of money in the Fund, and
                     (e) all other money required by or under this or any other Act to be paid into
                           the Fund.
       80FI   Payments from Sydney Metro Fund
                     There is to be paid from the Sydney Metro Fund:
                     (a) all payments made on account of Sydney Metro or otherwise required
                           to meet expenditure incurred in relation to the functions of Sydney
                           Metro, and
                     (b) all other payments required by or under this or any other Act to be paid
                           from the Fund.
[17]    Section 81A Definition
        Insert after paragraph (g) of the definition of Authority:
                      (h) Sydney Metro.

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[18]   Part 8, Division 5, heading
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Ferries".
[19]   Section 84 Definitions
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Ferries" in the definition of Authority.
[20]   Section 85 Orders fixing charges
       Insert after section 85 (2C):
            (2D)    The charges to be demanded by Sydney Metro in respect of its metro
                    passenger services or other transport services or for any other purpose are to
                    be as from time to time determined by order made by Sydney Metro.
[21]   Section 85 (3)
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp".
[22]   Section 88A Definitions
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "TfNSW" in the definition of rail authority.
[23]   Section 88G Severance of rail infrastructure facilities from leased or licensed land
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp" wherever occurring in section 88G (1) and (2).
[24]   Section 89 Definitions
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "TfNSW" in the definition of rail authority.
[25]   Section 89, definition of "State rail operator"
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp".
[26]   Section 107 Definition of "transport authority"
       Insert at the end of section 107 (1) (e):
                            , or
                      (f) Sydney Metro.
[27]   Section 109 Seals of Authorities
       Insert after paragraph (f) of the definition of Authority in section 109 (2):
                     (g) Sydney Metro.
[28]   Section 112 Personal liability of certain persons
       Insert ", a member of an advisory committee appointed under this Act" before "or a person
       acting under the direction" in section 112 (1).
[29]   Section 112 (1)
       Insert ", a member of such an advisory committee" before "or a person so acting".
[30]   Section 112 (2)
       Omit the definition of member of a transport authority. Insert instead:
                   member of a transport authority includes the following:
                    (a) the Chief Executives of the State Transit Authority, RailCorp, Sydney
                          Ferries, Sydney Trains, NSW Trains, Sydney Metro and RMS,
                    (b) the RTC manager (within the meaning of clause 6 of Schedule 9),

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                     (c)    the Transport Secretary,
                     (d)    the Chairperson of the Independent Transport Safety Advisory Board,
                     (e)    a director of the Sydney Metro Board.
[31]   Section 116 Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences on Authority's land
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Ferries" in the definition of parking offence in
       section 116 (7).
[32]   Schedule 1 Functions of Transport for NSW
       Insert after paragraph (c3) of the definition of transport authority in clause 4A (4):
                    (c4) Sydney Metro, or
[33]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to Chief Executives
       Insert after paragraph (f) of the definition of Chief Executive in clause 1:
                     (g) Sydney Metro.
[34]   Schedule 2
       Insert after clause 3 (4):
              (5)    In this clause, a reference to the Transport Secretary is, if the reference is used
                     in relation to the Chief Executive of Sydney Metro, taken to be a reference to
                     the Sydney Metro Board.
[35]   Schedule 2B
       Insert after Schedule 2A:

       Schedule 2B             Constitution and procedure of Sydney Metro

       Part 1        General
          1   Definitions
                     In this Schedule:
                     Board means the Sydney Metro Board.
                     Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Board.
                     director means any director of the Board.

       Part 2        Constitution
          2   Terms of office of directors
              (1)    Subject to this Schedule and the regulations, a director holds office for such
                     period (not exceeding 5 years) as is specified in the director's instrument of
                     appointment, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.
              (2)    However, a director cannot hold office for periods, whether consecutive or
                     non-consecutive, that total more than 10 years.
          3   Part-time appointments
                     Directors hold office as part-time directors.

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          4   Remuneration
                    A director is entitled to be paid such remuneration (including travelling and
                    subsistence allowances) as the Minister may from time to time determine in
                    respect of the director.
          5   Alternates
              (1)   The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to be the alternate of
                    the director appointed by the Minister, and may revoke any such appointment.
              (2)   The Transport Secretary may, from time to time, appoint a person to be the
                    alternate of the director appointed by the Transport Secretary, and may revoke
                    any such appointment.
              (3)   In the absence of a director, the director's alternate may, if available, act in the
                    place of the director.
              (4)   While acting in the place of a director, an alternate has all the functions of the
                    director and is taken to be a director.
              (5)   For the purposes of this clause, a vacancy in the office of a director is taken to
                    be an absence of the director.
              (6)   This clause does not operate to confer on the alternate of a director who is the
                    Chairperson the director's functions as Chairperson.
          6   Vacancy in office of director
              (1)   The office of a director becomes vacant if the director:
                    (a) dies, or
                    (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or
                    (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister (in
                          the case of a director appointed by the Minister) or the Transport
                          Secretary (in the case of a director appointed by the Transport
                          Secretary), or
                    (d) is removed from office by the Minister or Transport Secretary under this
                          clause, or
                    (e) is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the Board of which reasonable
                          notice has been given to the director personally or by post, except on
                          leave granted by the Minister or unless the director is excused by the
                          Minister for having been absent from those meetings, or
                     (f) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of
                          bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or
                          makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or
                    (g) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or
                    (h) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable by
                          imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted elsewhere than in
                          New South Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales,
                          would be an offence so punishable.
              (2)   The Minister may remove a director appointed by the Minister from office at
                    any time.
              (3)   The Transport Secretary may remove a director appointed by the Transport
                    Secretary from office at any time.

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          7   Filling of vacancy in office of director
                    If the office of any director becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this Act and
                    the regulations, to be appointed to fill the vacancy.
          8   Vacancy in office of Chairperson
              (1)   The Chairperson vacates office as Chairperson if he or she:
                    (a) is removed from that office by the Minister under this clause, or
                    (b) resigns that office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or
                    (c) ceases to be a director of the Board.
              (2)   The Minister may at any time remove the Chairperson from office as
          9   Disclosure of pecuniary interests
              (1)   If:
                     (a)   a director has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being
                           considered or about to be considered at a meeting of the Board, and
                    (b) the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the
                           director's duties in relation to the consideration of the matter,
                    the director must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the
                    director's knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the
              (2)   A disclosure by a director at a meeting of the Board that the director:
                     (a) is a director, or is in the employment, of a specified company or other
                           body, or
                    (b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, or
                     (c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified company or
                           other body or to a specified person,
                    is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter relating to
                    that company or other body or to that person that may arise after the date of
                    the disclosure and that is required to be disclosed under subclause (1).
              (3)   Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause must be recorded by the
                    Board in a book kept for the purpose and that book must be open at all
                    reasonable hours to inspection by any person on payment of the fee
                    determined by the Board.
              (4)   After a director has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the
                    director must not, unless the Board otherwise determines:
                    (a) be present during any deliberation of the Board with respect to the
                           matter, or
                    (b) take part in any decision of the Board with respect to the matter.
              (5)   For the purposes of the making of a determination by the Board under
                    subclause (4), a director who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a
                    matter to which the disclosure relates must not:
                    (a) be present during any deliberation of the Board for the purpose of
                          making the determination, or
                    (b) take part in the making by the Board of the determination.
              (6)   A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of the Board.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

             (7)   This clause applies to a member of an advisory committee of the Board and
                   the advisory committee in the same way as it applies to a director of the Board
                   and the Board.
       10    Effect of certain other Acts
             (1)   The provisions of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 relating to the
                   employment of Public Service employees do not apply to a director.
             (2)   If by or under any Act provision is made:
                    (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to devote the
                          whole of his or her time to the duties of that office, or
                   (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment outside the duties
                          of that office,
                   the provision does not operate to disqualify the person from holding that office
                   and also the office of a director or from accepting and retaining any
                   remuneration payable to the person under this Act as a director.

      Part 3       Procedure
       11    General procedure
                   The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Board and for the conduct of
                   business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the regulations, to be as
                   determined by the Board.
       12    Quorum
                   The quorum for a meeting of the Board is a majority of its directors for the time
       13    Presiding director
             (1)   The Chairperson (or, in the absence of the Chairperson, a person elected by the
                   directors of the Board who are present at a meeting of the Board) is to preside
                   at a meeting of the Board.
             (2)   The director presiding at a meeting of the Board has a deliberative vote and, in
                   the event of an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
       14    Voting
                   A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Board
                   at which a quorum is present is the decision of the Board.
       15    Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone etc
             (1)   The Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation
                   of papers among all the directors of the Board for the time being. A resolution
                   approved in writing by a majority of those directors is taken to be a decision
                   of the Board.
             (2)   The Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a meeting at
                   which directors (or some directors) participate by telephone or other electronic
                   means, but only if any director who speaks on a matter before the meeting can
                   be heard by the other directors.
             (3)   For the purposes of:
                   (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

                    (b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),
                    the Chairperson and each other director have the same voting rights as they
                    have at an ordinary meeting of the Board.
              (4)   A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the regulations, to be
                    recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Board.
              (5)   Papers may be circulated among the directors for the purposes of subclause (1)
                    by electronic means.
       16     First meeting
                    The Minister may call the first meeting of the Board in such manner as the
                    Minister thinks fit.
[36]   Schedule 6A Powers relating to rail infrastructure facilities and land
       Insert after paragraph (a1) of the definition of owner in clause 1:
                    (a2) in the case of any land, rail infrastructure facilities or any railway
                           building that is managed or controlled by Sydney Metro for the
                           purposes of exercising its functions under this Act, Sydney Metro, or
[37]   Schedule 6A, clause 1, definition of "rail authority"
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp" in paragraph (a) of the definition.
[38]   Schedule 6A, clause 1B (2)
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp".
[39]   Schedule 6A, clause 13A (4)
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp".
[40]   Schedule 6A, clause 13A (9)
       Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp".
[41]   Schedule 6B Special provisions for underground rail facilities
       Insert "Sydney Metro," after "RailCorp," in the definition of rail authority in clause 1 (1).
[42]   Schedule 7 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering:

       Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of Transport
                    Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro)
                    Act 2018
              First corporate plans for Sydney Metro
                    Subject to the regulations, section 38L (Corporate plans) does not apply in
                    relation to the first financial year of operation of Sydney Metro.
              Reference to Sydney Metro in Local Government Act 1993 and Public Finance
              and Audit Act 1983
                    The reference to Sydney Metro in the following provisions is taken, from the
                    commencement of this clause, to be a reference to Sydney Metro as constituted
                    under Part 3D of this Act:

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

                    (a)   sections 600 (9) and 742 (7) of the Local Government Act 1993,
                    (b)   Schedule 2 to the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
             Deeming references to TfNSW, RailCorp or Sydney Trains to include Sydney
                   The regulations may provide that a reference to TfNSW, RailCorp or Sydney
                   Trains in a specified provision of an Act, or an instrument made under an Act,
                   includes a reference to Sydney Metro.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

Schedule 2             Amendment of other legislation
2.1 City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48
[1]   Section 31 Definitions
      Omit the definition of RailCorp. Insert in alphabetical order:
                  TfNSW means Transport for NSW constituted under the Transport
                  Administration Act 1988.
[2]   Sections 41 (1), 42 (1) and 45
      Omit "RailCorp" wherever occurring. Insert instead "TfNSW".

2.2 Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2017
      Schedule 3 Prescribed warranties
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in clause 5.

2.3 Criminal Procedure Regulation 2017
      Schedule 3 NSW Government agencies and statutory bodies required to pay court
      Insert in appropriate order:
                   Sydney Metro

2.4 Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act 2017 No 17
      Schedule 3 Amendment of legislation relating to Crown roads
      Insert after paragraph (e) of the definition of notifiable authority in section 32B (1) in
      Schedule 3.2 [3]:
                   (e1) Sydney Metro,

2.5 Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2004 No 4
      Section 3 Definitions
      Insert after paragraph (b3) of the definition of electricity supply authority in section 3 (1):
                   (b4) Sydney Metro, and

2.6 Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015 No 5
      Section 3 Interpretation--key definitions
      Insert after paragraph (d1) of the definition of associated electricity network land:
                   (d2) Sydney Metro,

2.7 Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94
[1]   Section 53A Definitions
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Rail Corporation New South Wales" in paragraph (c) of the
      definition of private land.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

[2]   Section 191 Regulations
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Rail Corporation New South Wales" in section 191 (2A).
[3]   Dictionary
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Rail Corporation New South Wales" in paragraph (b) of the
      definition of distribution system.

2.8 Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2017 No 15
      Section 4 Definitions
      Insert after paragraph (d) of the definition of electricity supply authority in section 4 (1):
                   (d1) Sydney Metro, and

2.9 Impounding Act 1993 No 31
[1]   Dictionary
      Insert after the matter relating to Rail Corporation New South Wales in the definition of
      area of operations:
                      •  in the case of an impounding officer appointed by Sydney Metro, land
                          owned by or under the control of Sydney Metro,
[2]   Dictionary, definition of "impounding authority"
      Insert after the matter relating to the Rail Corporation New South Wales:
                       •  Sydney Metro,

2.10 Local Government Act 1993 No 30
      Section 555 What land is exempt from all rates?
      Insert before section 555 (1) (h):
                  (g3) land that is vested in or owned by Sydney Metro and in, on or over
                          which rail infrastructure facilities (within the meaning of the Transport
                          Administration Act 1988) are installed,

2.11 Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39
[1]   Section 4 Objects
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp" in section 4 (d).
[2]   Section 5 Crown bound by Act
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Sydney Ferries," in section 5 (2).

2.12 Passenger Transport Act 2014 No 46
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    Sydney Metro means Sydney Metro constituted under the Transport
                    Administration Act 1988.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

[2]   Section 36B
      Insert after section 36A:
      36B    Contracts for Sydney Metro passenger services
             (1)   Sydney Metro may enter into a passenger service contract on behalf of the
                   State for the provision of a metro public passenger service with an accredited
                   operator of a public passenger service or the operator of a public passenger
                   service who is not required to be accredited under this Act.
             (2)   Sydney Metro may enter into a passenger service contract that is subject to a
                   condition precedent that requires a party to obtain an accreditation to operate
                   a public passenger service.
             (3)   A passenger service contract under this section:
                   (a) is to specify the term of the contract, and
                   (b) is not to provide a right to renew the contract, and
                   (c) may provide for the operator of the public passenger service to have the
                         first right to negotiate a further contract, subject to meeting any
                         specified requirements, and
                   (d) must provide for the performance standards to be met by the operator of
                         the public passenger service.
             (4)   This Act (other than section 36 (1) and (2)) applies to a passenger service
                   contract under this section as if it were a passenger service contract entered
                   into with an operator of a public passenger service.
             (5)   A reference in another provision of this Act to TfNSW in relation to a
                   passenger service contract or the provision of a public passenger service is
                   taken to include a reference to Sydney Metro in relation to a passenger service
                   contract entered into under this section or the provision of a metro public
                   passenger service, as the case requires.
             (6)   In this section, metro public passenger service means a public passenger
                   service provided by means of a metro within the meaning of the Transport
                   Administration Act 1988.
[3]   Section 152 Appointment of authorised officers by TfNSW
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "the State Transit Authority," in section 152 (5).
[4]   Section 170 Exchange of information
      Omit section 170 (1). Insert instead:
             (1)   The following corporations may enter into an arrangement (an information
                   sharing arrangement) with each other or a relevant agency for the purposes
                   of sharing or exchanging information held by the corporation or the agency:
                   (a) RMS,
                   (b) TfNSW,
                   (c) Sydney Metro.
[5]   Section 170 (3)
      Omit "RMS or TfNSW".
      Insert instead "RMS, TfNSW or Sydney Metro".

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

[6]   Section 170 (4)
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "TfNSW".
[7]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering:

      Part         Provision consequent on enactment of Transport
                   Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro)
                   Act 2018
             Existing contract for Sydney Metro passenger services
                   The North West Rail Link Operations, Trains and Systems Project Deed
                   entered into between TfNSW and NRT Pty Ltd on 15 September 2014, which
                   is to be transferred from TfNSW to Sydney Metro by an order under section 94
                   of the Transport Administration Act 1988, is before and after that transfer,
                   taken to be a passenger service contract entered into under section 36B of this
[8]   Schedule 4 Amendment of Acts
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "the State Transit Authority," in clause 8 in
      Schedule 4.12 [22].

2.13 Pipelines Act 1967 No 90
      Section 3 Definitions
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in paragraph (a) of the
      definition of public authority in section 3 (1).

2.14 Retail Leases Act 1994 No 46
      Section 82A Certain transport and rail authorities
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales,".

2.15 Roads Act 1993 No 33
      Section 94 Roads authority may carry out drainage work across land adjoining
      public road etc
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in section 94 (2).

2.16 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65
[1]   Section 27 Permission of certain rail and transport authorities required
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales,".
[2]   Section 100A Definitions
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in paragraph (c) of the
      definition of managed land in section 100A (1).
[3]   Dictionary
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in paragraph (c) of the
      definition of managed land.

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

2.17 State Environmental Planning Policy No 64--Advertising and Signage
[1]   Clause 4 Definitions
      Insert "or Sydney Metro" after "RailCorp" in paragraph (b) of the definition of railway
      corridor in clause 4 (1).
[2]   Clause 4 (1), definition of "transport corridor land"
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "RMS" in paragraph (c) of the definition.
[3]   Clause 12 Consent authority
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Trains" in clause 12 (c).
[4]   Clause 16 Transport corridor land
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Trains" in clause 16 (1) (a).
[5]   Clause 33 Exempt development
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "Sydney Trains" in clause 33 (1).

2.18 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007
[1]   Clause 5 Interpretation--general
      Omit "metro railway" from the definition of railway station in clause 5 (2).
      Insert instead "metro".
[2]   Clause 40 Definitions
      Insert after paragraph (c) of the definition of electricity supply authority:
                   (c1) Sydney Metro constituted under the Transport Administration Act
                          1988, and
[3]   Clause 78 Definitions
      Omit the definition of rail authority from clause 78 (1). Insert instead:
                  rail authority for a rail corridor means:
                   (a) in relation to a rail corridor that is vested in or owned by ARTC or is the
                         subject of an ARTC arrangement--ARTC, and
                   (b) in relation to any other rail corridor--Transport for NSW.
[4]   Clause 82 Exempt development--public authorities
      Insert ", Sydney Metro" after "ARTC" wherever occurring in clause 82 (2).
[5]   Clause 88 Development within or adjacent to interim rail corridor
      Omit the definition of rail authority from clause 88 (8). Insert instead:
                  rail authority for an interim rail corridor means Transport for NSW.

2.19 Transport Administration Amendment (Transport Entities) Act 2017
     No 12
      Schedule 2 Amendment of legislation relating to conversion of RailCorp to Transport
      Asset Holding Entity
      Insert "Sydney Metro," before "Sydney Trains," wherever occurring in section 68C (2) in
      Schedule 2.1 [13].

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Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

2.20 Water Act 1912 No 44
[1]   Section 12 Licence
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in section 12 (3).
[2]   Section 14 Renewal
      Insert "Sydney Metro," after "Rail Corporation New South Wales," in section 14 (1B).

2.21 Water (Part 2--General) Regulation 1997
      Clause 27 Public authorities
      Insert after "Sydney Trains":
                   Sydney Metro

2.22 Water (Part 5--Bore Licences) Regulation 1995
      Clause 8 Prescribed public authorities: sec 116A
      Insert after "Sydney Trains":
                   Sydney Metro

2.23 Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017
      Clause 5 Definitions
      Insert after paragraph (e) of the definition of electricity supply authority in clause 5 (1):
                   (e1) Sydney Metro, and

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