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Transport Administration Amendment (Community Road Safety Fund) Bill 2012 No , 2012 A Bill for An Act to amend the Transport Administration Act 1988 to establish the Community Road Safety Fund. Transport Administration Amendment (Community Road Safety Fund) Clause 1 Bill 2012 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Transport Administration Amendment (Community 3 Road Safety Fund) Act 2012. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. 6 Page 2 Transport Administration Amendment (Community Road Safety Fund) Bill 2012 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration 1 Act 1988 No 109 2 [1] Part 8, Division 3B 3 Insert after Division 3A: 4 Division 3B Community Road Safety Fund 5 80G Community Road Safety Fund 6 (1) There is established in the Special Deposits Account a fund 7 called the Community Road Safety Fund. 8 (2) The Fund is to be administered by TfNSW. 9 80H Payments into Community Road Safety Fund 10 (1) There is to be paid into the Community Road Safety Fund: 11 (a) all fines and penalties recovered for camera recorded 12 speeding offences, camera recorded traffic light offences 13 and other speeding and traffic light offences of a kind 14 prescribed by the regulations, and 15 (b) the proceeds of the investment of money in the Fund, and 16 (c) all other money required by or under this or any other Act 17 to be paid into the Fund. 18 (2) There is also to be paid into the Fund from the TfNSW Fund such 19 money as TfNSW determines is required to meet expenditure 20 incurred in relation to the road safety functions of TfNSW. 21 (3) A regulation cannot be made for the purposes of 22 subsection (1) (a) without the concurrence of the Treasurer. 23 (4) In this section: 24 camera recorded speeding offence means: 25 (a) a speeding offence in respect of which the penalty notice 26 or the court attendance notice indicates that the offence 27 was detected by an approved speed measuring device and 28 recorded by an approved camera recording device (within 29 the meaning of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic 30 Management) Act 1999), and 31 (b) a speeding offence involving a heavy vehicle in respect of 32 which the penalty notice or the court attendance notice 33 indicates that the average speed of the vehicle was 34 calculated from information recorded by approved average 35 Page 3 Transport Administration Amendment (Community Road Safety Fund) Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109 speed detection devices (within the meaning of the Road 1 Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999). 2 camera recorded traffic light offence means a traffic light 3 offence as defined in section 57 of the Road Transport (Safety 4 and Traffic Management) Act 1999 in respect of which the 5 penalty notice or the court attendance notice indicates that the 6 offence was detected by an approved camera detection device 7 (within the meaning of that Act). 8 80I Payments from Community Road Safety Fund 9 (1) There is to be paid from the Community Road Safety Fund: 10 (a) all payments required to meet expenditure incurred in 11 relation to the road safety functions of TfNSW, and 12 (b) all other payments required by or under this or any other 13 Act to be paid from the Fund. 14 (2) Any money in the Community Road Safety Fund that TfNSW 15 determines, with the concurrence of the Treasurer, is not required 16 to meet expenditure incurred in relation to the road safety 17 functions of TfNSW is to be paid into the Consolidated Fund. 18 80J Meaning of "road safety functions" of TfNSW 19 For the purposes of this Division, the road safety functions of 20 TfNSW are: 21 (a) conducting testing, research and investigations in 22 connection with promoting or improving road safety, and 23 (b) developing and implementing programs (including capital 24 and recurrent works programs), projects, strategies and 25 campaigns for promoting or improving road safety, and 26 (c) providing advice and assistance to public and local 27 authorities for the promotion or improvement of road 28 safety, and 29 (d) such other functions relating to road safety as are 30 prescribed by the regulations. 31 Page 4 Transport Administration Amendment (Community Road Safety Fund) Bill 2012 Amendment of Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109 Schedule 1 [2] Schedule 7 Savings, transitional and other provisions 1 Insert at the end of clause 2 (1): 2 Transport Administration Amendment (Community Road Safety 3 Fund) Act 2012 4 Page 5
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