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New South Wales Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 3 Schedule 2 Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154 9 b2012-001-20.d28 New South Wales Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 No , 2012 A Bill for An Act to amend the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 to provide for the regulation of smoking in certain outdoor public places and to make further provision for proceedings for offences under that Act; and to amend the Health Services Act 1997 to provide for the regulation of smoking at public health establishments. Clause 1 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Tobacco Legislation Amendment Act 2012. 3 2 Commencement 4 This Act commences on 7 January 2013. 5 Page 2 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment 1 Act 2000 No 69 2 [1] Long title 3 Omit "enclosed". Insert instead "certain". 4 [2] Section 3 Object of Act 5 Omit "enclosed". Insert instead "certain". 6 [3] Section 4 Definitions 7 Insert in alphabetical order: 8 commercial outdoor dining area has the meaning given in 9 section 4A. 10 [4] Section 4, definition of "enclosed public place" 11 Omit the definition of enclosed. Insert instead: 12 enclosed public place means a public place that has a ceiling or 13 roof and, except for doors and passageways, is completely or 14 substantially enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily. 15 [5] Section 4, definition of "outdoor public place" 16 Insert in alphabetical order: 17 outdoor public place means a public place that is not an enclosed 18 public place. 19 [6] Section 4, definition of "smoke-free area" 20 Omit the definition. Insert instead: 21 smoke-free area means a smoke-free area under section 6 or 6A. 22 [7] Section 4A 23 Insert after section 4: 24 4A Commercial outdoor dining areas 25 (1) In this Act, commercial outdoor dining area means an outdoor 26 public place that is: 27 (a) a seated dining area, or 28 (b) within 4 metres of a seated dining area on premises that are 29 licensed premises under the Liquor Act 2007 or the 30 premises of a restaurant as defined in that Act, or 31 Page 3 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 (c) within 10 metres of a place at a food fair where food is sold 1 or supplied for consumption at the event, with a food fair 2 being an organised event at which the principal activities 3 are the sale or supply of food for consumption at the event 4 and the consumption of that food. 5 (2) A seated dining area is an area in which seating is provided and 6 in which food that has been purchased and served on plates or 7 packaged for immediate consumption is consumed. The seating 8 must have been provided by the occupier of the premises where 9 the food is purchased or by the operator of the business from 10 which the food is purchased. 11 (3) An area is only a seated dining area when food is being consumed 12 there or is available to be purchased and consumed there. 13 (4) An area is not a seated dining area if the area is designated as not 14 being for the consumption of food by the display within the area 15 of signs complying with the regulations. 16 (5) The occupier of an area designated for the purposes of 17 subsection (4) as not being for the consumption of food must take 18 reasonable steps to ensure that the consumption of food does not 19 occur in the area. 20 Maximum penalty: 21 (a) 10 penalty units, in the case of a natural person, or 22 (b) 50 penalty units, in the case of a body corporate. 23 (6) In this section, food does not include drink. 24 [8] Sections 6 and 6A 25 Omit section 6. Insert instead: 26 6 Smoke-free areas--enclosed public places 27 (1) Every enclosed public place is a smoke-free area for the 28 purposes of this Act. 29 (2) Schedule 1 contains a list of examples of enclosed public places 30 that are smoke-free areas (irrespective of the name by which the 31 particular place is known). 32 (3) An enclosed public place is not a smoke-free area if it is an 33 exempt area (see section 11). 34 Page 4 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 Schedule 1 6A Smoke-free areas--outdoor public places 1 (1) An outdoor public place is a smoke-free area for the purposes of 2 this Act if it is any of the following places (or part of any of those 3 places): 4 (a) a place that is within 10 metres of children's play 5 equipment but only if the children's play equipment is in 6 an outdoor public place, 7 (b) a swimming pool complex, 8 (c) an area set aside for or being used by spectators to watch 9 an organised sporting event at a sports ground or other 10 recreational area, but only when an organised sporting 11 event is being held there, 12 (d) the platform of a passenger railway or light rail station, 13 (e) a ferry wharf, 14 (f) a light rail stop (with light rail stop to include any area 15 where persons queue or gather when waiting at a light rail 16 stop), 17 (g) a bus stop (with bus stop to include any area where persons 18 queue or gather when waiting at a bus stop), 19 (h) a taxi rank (with taxi rank to include any area where 20 persons queue or gather when waiting at a taxi rank), 21 (i) a place that is within 4 metres of a pedestrian access point 22 to a building (as provided by subsection (2)), 23 Note. A place within 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to 24 licensed premises or a restaurant is not a smoke-free area until 25 6 July 2015. 26 (j) a commercial outdoor dining area, 27 Note. A commercial outdoor dining area is not a smoke-free area 28 until 6 July 2015. 29 (k) a place at a public hospital, health institution or health 30 service under the Health Services Act 1997 that is 31 designated as a smoke-free area by a by-law or regulation 32 under that Act and notified by signs displayed in, or at an 33 entrance to, any such area, 34 (l) any other outdoor public place that is prescribed by the 35 regulations as a smoke-free area. 36 Page 5 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 (2) A pedestrian access point is an entrance to or exit from a 1 building for use by pedestrians, but does not include: 2 (a) an entrance to or exit from a building that is used only for 3 residential purposes (including a boarding house and a 4 building in a caravan park), or 5 (b) an entrance to or exit from a building that is used partly for 6 residential purposes and partly for other purposes if the 7 entrance or exit concerned is used solely for entry to or exit 8 from that part of the building that is used for residential 9 purposes, or 10 (c) an emergency exit that is locked to entry. 11 (3) It is a defence to a prosecution for the offence of smoking in a 12 smoke-free area that is a light rail stop, bus stop, taxi rank or 13 within 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to a building if it is 14 established that the accused was smoking only while passing 15 through the smoke-free area and did not remain in the smoke-free 16 area while smoking. 17 (4) The regulations may exempt a specified outdoor public place or 18 class of outdoor public places from being a smoke-free area 19 under this section. 20 [9] Section 8 Occupier not to allow smoking in certain smoke-free areas 21 Omit section 8 (1). Insert instead: 22 (1) If a person smokes in contravention of section 7 in any of the 23 following smoke-free areas, the occupier of the smoke-free area 24 is guilty of an offence: 25 (a) any enclosed public place, 26 (b) a commercial outdoor dining area. 27 Maximum penalty: 28 (a) 10 penalty units, in the case of a natural person, or 29 (b) 50 penalty units, in the case of a body corporate. 30 [10] Section 9 Occupier to display signs 31 Insert after section 9 (2): 32 (3) The following outdoor public places are exempt from 33 subsection (1): 34 (a) a place that is within 10 metres of children's play 35 equipment, 36 Page 6 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 Schedule 1 (b) a sports ground or other recreational area, unless the 1 regulations otherwise provide in a particular case or class 2 of cases, 3 (c) a light rail stop, 4 (d) a bus stop, 5 (e) a taxi rank, 6 (f) a place that is a smoke-free area because it is within 7 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to a building. 8 (4) The Director-General may enter into arrangements with any 9 government or local government agency or body for the display 10 of signs relating to smoking in an outdoor public place that is 11 exempt from subsection (1) and in respect of which the 12 government or local government agency or body is the occupier. 13 [11] Section 20 Proceedings for offences 14 Insert at the end of the section: 15 (2) Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations 16 may only be brought by: 17 (a) the Director-General, or 18 (b) a person or a member of a class of persons prescribed by 19 the regulations for the purposes of this section. 20 Note. Section 21 of the Health Administration Act 1982 provides for the 21 delegation of a function of the Director-General. 22 Section 20A provides for inspectors to serve penalty notices. 23 [12] Section 21 Act does not create right to smoke 24 Omit "an enclosed public place". Insert instead "a public place". 25 [13] Section 21A Compensation not payable 26 Omit "the Smoke-free Environment Amendment Act 2004" from 27 section 21A (1) (a). 28 Insert instead "any Act that amends this Act". 29 [14] Section 21A (1) (c) 30 Omit "enclosed". 31 [15] Section 23 Regulations 32 Omit "enclosed" from section 23 (2) (a) and (c) wherever occurring. 33 Page 7 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 No 69 [16] Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions 1 Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead: 2 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or 3 transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any 4 Act that amends this Act. 5 [17] Schedule 2, Part 2 6 Insert as Part 2: 7 Part 2 Provisions consequent on enactment of 8 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Act 2012 9 2 Commercial outdoor dining areas 10 A commercial outdoor dining area is not a smoke-free area until 11 6 July 2015. 12 3 Licensed premises and restaurants--pedestrian access points 13 A place that is within 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to a 14 building that is licensed premises under the Liquor Act 2007 or a 15 restaurant as defined in that Act is not a smoke-free area under 16 section 6A (1) (i) until 6 July 2015 (even if the place would 17 otherwise be a smoke-free area as a result of being within 18 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to another building that is 19 not licensed premises or a restaurant). 20 Page 8 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 1 No 154 2 [1] Section 39 Local health district may make by-laws 3 Insert after section 39 (1) (c): 4 (d) regulating or prohibiting smoking at any public hospital, 5 health institution or health service under its control, 6 including by designating an area as a smoke-free area for 7 the purposes of section 6A (Smoke-free areas--outdoor 8 public places) of the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000, 9 [2] Section 60 Statutory health corporation may make by-laws 10 Insert after section 60 (1) (c): 11 (d) regulating or prohibiting smoking at any public hospital, 12 health institution or health service under its control, 13 including by designating an area as a smoke-free area for 14 the purposes of section 6A (Smoke-free areas--outdoor 15 public places) of the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000, 16 [3] Section 140 Regulations 17 Insert after section 140 (2) (n): 18 (o) regulating or prohibiting smoking at any public hospital 19 controlled by the Crown (including the Minister or the 20 Health Administration Corporation), including by 21 designating an area as a smoke-free area for the purposes 22 of section 6A (Smoke-free areas--outdoor public places) 23 of the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000. 24 [4] Schedule 7 Savings, transitional and other provisions 25 Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead: 26 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or 27 transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any 28 Act that amends this Act. 29 Page 9
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