New South Wales Bills

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                          New South Wales

Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill


            1   Name of Act                                              2
            2   Commencement                                             2
            3   Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111          2
            4   Amendment of Road Transport (General) Act 1999 No 18     2
            5   Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
                Management) Act 1999 No 20                               2

            1 Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998                   3
            2 Amendment of Road Transport (General) Act 1999            13
            3 Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
              Management) Act 1999                                      14
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, has

                                              Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                              Legislative Assembly,
                                              Sydney,                       , 1999

                               New South Wales

Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill
Act No     , 1999

An Act to amend the Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 to make further provision with
respect to the allocation of towing work, towing authorisations, fees and
administrative matters; to amend the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 and the
Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 with respect to the
removal of vehicles and other related matters; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                            Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1        Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

  1      Name of Act
             This Act is the Tow Truck Industry Amendment Act 1999.

  2      Commencement
             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by

  3      Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111
             The Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

  4      Amendment of Road Transport (General) Act 1999 No 18
             The Road Transport (General) Act 1999 is amended as set out in
             Schedule 2.

  5      Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act
         1999 No 20
             The Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 is
             amended as set out in Schedule 3.

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1          Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act

                                                                        (Section 3)

 [1]   Section 3, definition of "towing authorisation"

       Omit the definition from section 3 (1). Insert instead:
                  towing authorisation means an authorisation required under
                  Part 4.

 [2]   Section 3 (3)

       Insert after section 3 (2):
               (3) Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.

 [3]   Section 7 Constitution of Tow Truck Authority

       Omit section 7 (2). Insert instead:
               (2) The TTA is a statutory body representing the Crown.

 [4]   Section 8 Functions of TTA

       Insert after section 8 (2):
               (3) The TTA is, in the exercise of its functions other than making
                   a report or recommendation to the Minister, subject to the
                   control and direction of the Minister.

 [5]   Section 11

       Omit the section. Insert instead:

         11   Staff of TTA
               (1) The staff of the TTA (including the General Manager) is to be
                   employed under Part 2 of the Public Sector Management Act

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                  Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 1        Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998

                (2) The TTA may arrange for the use of the services of any staff
                    (by secondment or otherwise) or facilities of a Government
                    department, public authority or local authority. Any such
                    person of whose services the TTA makes use is, for the
                    purposes of this Act, an officer of the TTA.
                (3) The TTA may engage consultants.

 [6]     Section 17 Application for licence

         Omit "prescribed by the regulations" from section 17 (2) (h).
         Insert instead "determined by the TTA by order published in the Gazette".

 [7]     Section 21 Licence fees

         Omit section 21 (1). Insert instead:
                (1) The TTA may, by order published in the Gazette, determine
                    fees for the granting of licences.

 [8]     Section 21 (2)

         Omit "the regulations". Insert instead "the TTA".

 [9]     Section 25 Application for drivers certificate

         Omit "prescribed by the regulations" from section 25 (2) (c).
         Insert instead "determined by the TTA by order published in the Gazette".

[10]     Section 30 Drivers certificate fees

         Omit section 30 (1). Insert instead:
                (1) The TTA may, by order published in the Gazette, determine
                    fees for the granting of drivers certificates.

[11]     Section 30 (2)

         Omit "the regulations". Insert instead "the TTA".

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998                                 Schedule 1

[12]   Section 33 Investigation of application for licence or drivers certificate

       Omit section 33 (1). Insert instead:
               (1) The TTA may carry out such investigations and inquiries as the
                   TTA thinks necessary to enable it to properly consider an
                   application for a licence or drivers certificate.

[13]   Section 33 (5)

       Insert after section 33 (4):
               (5) For the purposes of this section and section 34, a person who
                   is the holder of a licence or drivers certificate (the current
                   licence or drivers certificate) is taken to have applied for a
                   subsequent licence or drivers certificate if:
                   (a)    the TTA has, before the current licence or drivers
                          certificate is due to expire, given that person notice that
                          the current licence or drivers certificate is due to expire,
                   (b)    the person does not, within the time specified in the
                          notice, notify the TTA that the person does not intend to
                          apply for a subsequent licence or drivers certificate.

[14]   Section 34 TTA may require further information in relation to

       Omit "who is an applicant" from section 34 (1).
       Insert instead "who has applied".

[15]   Part 4, Divisions 1 and 2

       Omit the Divisions. Insert instead:

       Division 1          Job allocation scheme

         46   Establishment, administration and operation of job allocation
               (1) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the
                   establishment, administration and operation of a scheme for the
                   allocation of towing work.

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              Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 1    Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998

             (2) In particular, the regulations may, in relation to any such
                 (a)    identify activities that are taken to be towing work for
                        the purposes of this Part, and
                 (b)    specify the kinds of towing work to which the scheme
                        applies, and
                 (c)    confer powers on the TTA or any other person or body
                        with respect to the administration and operation of the
                        scheme, and
                 (d)    provide for the establishment and operation of a job
                        allocation centre for the purposes of the administration
                        of the scheme, and
                 (e)    provide for the operation of the scheme in any specified
                        area, and
                 (f)    provide that the scheme applies differently to different
                        specified areas, and
                 (g)    prescribe fees and charges that are payable to the TTA
                        (including fees that are payable in connection with
                        participation in the scheme, and providing for the time
                        at which such fees are to be paid), and
                 (h)    make provision for or with respect to any other matter
                        relating to the administration and operation of the
             (3) If towing work is allocated in accordance with a job allocation
                 scheme, the participant concerned does not, in any capacity, act
                 as agent for the TTA or for any other person or body that
                 allocates the work under the scheme. For the purposes of this
                 Part, a participant is a licensee who is approved for the time
                 being in accordance with the regulations to participate in a job
                 allocation scheme established under this Part.
             (4) A job allocation scheme applies despite any contract or other
                 arrangement under which any pre-arranged towing work is to
                 be carried out by a tow truck operator to whom the contract or
                 arrangement relates.

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998                                Schedule 1

               (5) For the purposes of subsection (4), pre-arranged towing work
                   means any towing work that is arranged before the need for the
                   actual towing work arises, and whether before or after the
                   commencement of this Division, by any person or body
                   (including any organisation representing the interests of the
                   owners of motor vehicles, or a roads authority).
               (6) The TTA, or any person or body acting on behalf of the TTA,
                   or the Crown, is not liable to compensate any person for any
                   loss suffered by the person as a result of the establishment,
                   administration or operation of a job allocation scheme under
                   this Division.

         47   Contravention of           job   allocation   scheme--towing        by
                    A licensee, or a certified driver or other person employed or
                    engaged by a licensee, must not carry out, or attempt to carry
                    out, any towing work to which a job allocation scheme applies
                    unless the licensee is a participant for the time being in the
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or imprisonment for 12
                    months, or both.

         48   Contravention of job allocation scheme--unallocated towing
                    A participant, or a certified driver or other person who is
                    employed or engaged by a participant to carry out any towing
                    work, must not carry out, or attempt to carry out, any towing
                    work to which a job allocation scheme applies unless the
                    towing work has been allocated to the participant in accordance
                    with the job allocation scheme.
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or imprisonment for
                    12 months, or both.

         49   Requirement to obtain towing authorisation
               (1) A participant, or a certified driver who is employed or engaged
                   by a participant, must not carry out, or attempt to carry out, any
                   towing work to which the job allocation scheme applies unless
                   a towing authorisation has been obtained for the towing work.
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.

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               Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 1     Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998

              (2) However, a person is not required to comply with subsection
                  (1) if the person is carrying out, or is attempting to carry out,
                  the towing work:
                  (a)     in accordance with any direction of a police officer or
                          an authorised officer (including a direction that is given
                          by telephone or other electronic transmission) to move
                          a motor vehicle that, in the opinion of the officer, is
                          causing an unreasonable obstruction to traffic, to the
                          nearest place where it no longer causes an obstruction to
                          traffic, or
                  (b)     in such circumstances as may be prescribed by the
              (3) A police officer or authorised officer may only give a direction
                  described in subsection (2) (a) if, in the opinion of the officer,
                  the motor vehicle cannot reasonably, in the circumstances, be
                  driven away.
              (4) The regulations may provide that a towing authorisation is
                  required in such other circumstances as may be prescribed
                  (whether or not those circumstances are associated with a job
                  allocation scheme).

         50   Restrictions on obtaining towing authorisations
              (1) A person must not obtain, or attempt to obtain, a towing
                  authorisation for the carrying out of towing work unless:
                  (a)    the person holds a drivers certificate, and
                  (b)    the person is the driver of a licensed tow truck, and
                  (c)    the tow truck is standing at or in the vicinity of the
                         motor vehicle that is required to be towed, and
                  (d)    the licensee who operates the tow truck is a participant
                         in a job allocation scheme to which the towing work
                         applies, and
                  (e)    the towing work has been allocated in accordance with
                         the job allocation scheme to that licensee, and
                  (f)    the towing work is to be carried out by the tow truck
                         referred to in paragraph (c).
                   Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.
              (2) A towing authorisation is to be in the approved form.

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998                               Schedule 1

         51   Towing in accordance with towing authorisation
               (1) A towing authorisation authorises the towing only of the motor
                   vehicle that is specified in the authorisation.
               (2) If a person has obtained a towing authorisation for the towing
                   of a motor vehicle, the person must tow the motor vehicle in
                   accordance with the particulars specified in the authorisation.
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.
               (3) Without limiting subsection (2), the person must tow the motor
                   vehicle concerned:
                   (a)    to the destination specified in the authorisation, or
                   (b)    if the specified destination is not accessible at the time
                          of the towing:
                          (i)     to the nearest holding yard specified in the
                                  licence under the authority of which the tow
                                  truck is operated, and
                          (ii)    to the specified destination as soon as is
                                  reasonably practicable after the specified
                                  destination becomes accessible, or
                   (c)    if a destination is not specified in the towing
                          (i)     to the nearest holding yard specified in the
                                  licence under the authority of which the tow
                                  truck is operated, or
                          (ii)    in accordance with the regulations.
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.
               (4) A person who is required to obtain a towing authorisation must
                   ensure that the towing authorisation is completed and dealt with
                   in accordance with the regulations.
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.

         52   Regulations relating to towing authorisations
                    The regulations may:
                    (a)   specify the persons who may give a towing
                          authorisation, and

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                Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 1      Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998

                    (b)    specify the particulars that must be specified in a towing
                           authorisation (including the destination to which a
                           motor vehicle is to be towed in accordance with the
                           authorisation), and
                    (c)    prescribe fees and charges payable to the TTA in
                           relation to towing authorisations, and
                    (d)    prescribe the procedures for dealing with towing
                           authorisations, and
                    (e)    make provision for the keeping of records in relation to
                           towing authorisations, and
                    (f)    prohibit a person from inducing another person to sign
                           a towing authorisation by knowingly making a false or
                           misleading statement, and
                    (g)    make provision for or with respect to any other matter
                           relating to towing authorisations.

          53   Alteration of completed towing authorisation prohibited
                    A person must not, without reasonable excuse, alter a towing
                    authorisation after it has been signed in accordance with the
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.

[16]   Section 62 Prohibition on obtaining authority to repair

       Insert "by a particular repairer" after "repair".

[17]   Section 62 (2) and (3)

       Insert at the end of the section:
               (2) If:
                   (a)     an authority for the repair of a motor vehicle is obtained
                           in contravention of subsection (1), and
                    (b)    within 48 hours after obtaining the authority the person
                           who gave the authority to repair (or the person's agent)
                           revokes the authority by written notice given to the
                           repairer in respect of whom the authority was given or
                           to an employee of that repairer,

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998                                        Schedule 1

                    the person revoking the authority is not liable for any costs or
                    damages arising as a result of giving the authority or revoking
                    the authority, or for the cost of any work performed on the
                    vehicle after it was towed to the place specified in the towing
               (3) In this section, repairer means a person who carries on the
                   business of repairing motor vehicles.

[18]   Section 66 Compliance with directions at scene of accident

       Omit section 66 (1). Insert instead:
               (1) If the driver of a tow truck is at the scene of a motor vehicle
                   accident, the driver must comply with any reasonable direction
                   given to the driver by an authorised officer, police officer or
                   emergency services officer who is present at the scene and who
                   is exercising his or her official duties as such an officer.
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.
                    Note. It is an offence under section 75 (3A) of the Road Transport (Safety
                    and Traffic Management) Act 1999 to fail to comply with any direction
                    given by an authorised officer or police officer in the exercise of the
                    officer's functions of removing an obstruction to traffic on a road or road
                    related area.

[19]   Section 91 Tow Truck Industry Fund

       Insert after section 91 (1) (a):
                    (a1)    all penalties for offences under this Act and the
                            regulations that are recovered in prosecutions brought
                            by, or penalty notices issued by, officers of the TTA,

[20]   Section 105 Regulations

       Omit "Division 2" from section 105 (2) (o). Insert instead "Division 1".

[21]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions

       Omit "this Act" from clause 1 (1). Insert instead:
                    the following Acts:
                    this Act
                    Tow Truck Industry Amendment Act 1999

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               Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 1     Amendment of Tow Truck Industry Act 1998

[22]   Schedule 2, clause 1 (2)

       Omit "this Act". Insert instead "the Act concerned".

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Road Transport (General) Act 1999                         Schedule 2

Schedule 2          Amendment of Road Transport (General)
                    Act 1999

                                                                          (Section 4)

 [1]   Section 15 Penalty notices for certain offences

       Omit section 15 (1) (i).

 [2]   Section 46 Certificate evidence and other evidentiary provisions

       Insert after section 46 (1) (d):
                    (e)    a matter that appears in a towing authorisation within
                           the meaning of the Tow Truck Industry Act 1998,
                    (f)    a matter that appears in any record, kept by or on behalf
                           of the Tow Truck Authority, relating to the operation of
                           a job allocation scheme established under Part 4 of the
                           Tow Truck Industry Act 1998.

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                Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 3      Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

Schedule 3          Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and
                    Traffic Management) Act 1999

                                                                         (Section 5)

 [1]   Section 75 Removal of dangers and obstructions to traffic

       Insert after section 75 (1):
             (1A) If a danger or obstruction to traffic on a road or road related
                  area is caused by a vehicle that has been involved in an
                  accident or has broken down, the Tow Truck Authority may
                  cause the vehicle to be removed in accordance with a job
                  allocation scheme established under Part 4 of the Tow Truck
                  Industry Act 1998.
             (1B) If a vehicle referred to in subsection (1A) is authorised to be
                  removed by the Tow Truck Authority in accordance with such
                  a job allocation scheme, the vehicle is, for the purposes of
                  subsections (2) and (3), taken to have been removed by the
                  appropriate roads authority.

 [2]   Section 75 (3A)

       Insert after section 75 (3):
             (3A) A person who, without reasonable excuse:
                  (a)   fails to comply with any direction given to the person
                        by an authorised officer in exercising a function under
                        subsection (1), or
                  (b)   fails to comply with any direction given to the person
                        by the Tow Truck Authority in relation to the removal
                        of a vehicle under subsection (1A), or
                  (c)   obstructs a person who is authorised to remove a
                        vehicle in accordance with this section,
                    is guilty of an offence.
                    Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.

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Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act       Schedule 3

 [3]   Section 76 Removal of unattended motor vehicles or trailers from
       certain places

       Insert "or the Tow Truck Authority" after "officer" wherever occurring in
       section 76 (1).

 [4]   Section 76 (3) (b)

       Omit the paragraph.

 [5]   Section 76 (4)

       Omit the subsection.

 [6]   Section 76 (7)

       Omit "2 penalty units". Insert instead "10 penalty units".

 [7]   Section 76 (8A)

       Insert after section 76 (8):
             (8A) For the purposes of subsection (6) (a), the responsible person
                  cannot rely on any police report stating that the vehicle was
                  stolen or illegally taken or used at the relevant time unless the
                  report indicates the time and date that it was made.

 [8]   Section 76 (9), definition of "prescribed place"

       Insert at the end of paragraph (b) of the definition:
                            , or
                    (c)     any road or road-related area that is within a special
                            tow-away area referred to in subsection (10).

 [9]   Section 76 (10)-(12)

       Insert after section 76 (9):
             (10) The Authority may establish special tow-away areas for the
                  purposes of this section.
             (11) Any such area may be established by order published in the
                  Gazette, or by the erection of signs in or about the area
                  concerned, or both.

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                Tow Truck Industry Amendment Bill 1999

Schedule 3      Amendment of Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

             (12) If the Authority establishes a special tow-away area, it is to
                  cause a notice to be published in at least 2 newspapers
                  circulating in the area to which the special tow-away area
                  relates. The notice must describe or identify the special tow-
                  away area, and specify the period for which the area concerned
                  is to operate as a special tow-away area.

[10]   Section 76A

       Insert after section 76:

       76A    Removal of vehicles--incidental provisions relating to towing
              (1) If a motor vehicle or trailer is removed in accordance with
                  section 75 or 76 by a tow truck, the person operating or driving
                  the tow truck may take such action as is reasonable or
                  necessary to facilitate the towing of the vehicle or trailer in a
                  manner that does the least damage to the vehicle or trailer. In
                  taking any such action, the person is not liable for any damage
                  to the vehicle or trailer that the person causes.
                    Note. For example, a tow truck driver may need to break into an
                    unattended motor vehicle that is causing an obstruction in order to release
                    the hand brake and avoid doing serious damage to the vehicle's
              (2) If a motor vehicle or trailer is removed in accordance with
                  section 75 or 76 by a tow truck, the person or body that
                  authorised or caused the removal is not vicariously liable for
                  any damage caused to the vehicle or trailer by the person
                  operating or driving the tow truck.

[11]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    Tow Truck Industry Amendment Act 1999

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