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Workers Compensation Legislation
Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend workers compensation legislation with respect to the awarding of
costs in claims for workers compensation.
Clause 1      Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                       1

 1    Name of Act                                                                2

           This Act is the Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs)    3
           Act 2012.                                                             4

 2    Commencement                                                               5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                 6

 3    Amendment of Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2012           7
      No 53                                                                      8
           Schedule 11 Miscellaneous amendments                                  9

           Omit Schedule 11 [11].                                               10

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Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012

Amendment of Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation       Schedule 1
Act 1998 No 86

Schedule 1             Amendment of Workplace Injury                                      1
                       Management and Workers                                             2
                       Compensation Act 1998 No 86                                        3

      Chapter 7, Part 8                                                                   4

      Omit Division 3. Insert instead:                                                    5

      Division 3          Special provisions for costs in compensation                    6
                          and damages assessment matters                                  7

      340    Application of Division                                                      8

                   This Division applies to costs payable by a party, or by a party's     9
                   insurer, in or in relation to a claim for compensation.               10

      341    Costs to be determined by Commission                                        11

             (1)   Costs to which this Division applies are in the discretion of the     12
                   Commission.                                                           13

             (2)   The Commission has full power to determine by whom, to whom           14
                   and to what extent costs are to be paid.                              15

             (3)   The Commission may order costs to be assessed on the basis set        16
                   out in Division 11 of Part 3.2 of the Legal Profession Act 2004       17
                   (or in relevant regulations under Division 4 of this Part) or on an   18
                   indemnity basis.                                                      19

             (4)   Subject to this Division, if the Commission makes any order as to     20
                   costs, the Commission is to order that the costs follow the event     21
                   unless it appears to the Commission that some other order should      22
                   be made as to the whole or any part of the costs, or as the           23
                   regulations otherwise provide.                                        24

             (5)   Despite subsection (4), the Commission may only order the             25
                   payment of costs by a claimant if the Commission is satisfied that    26
                   the claimant's claim was without any arguable merit.                  27

             (6)   Any party to a claim may apply to the Commission for an award         28
                   of costs.                                                             29

      342    Costs unreasonably incurred                                                 30

             (1)   If the Commission is satisfied that any party's costs on a claim      31
                   have been unreasonably incurred, the Commission is to order that      32
                   those costs are not to be paid by any other party to the claim.       33

                                                                             Page 3
               Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012

Schedule 1     Amendment of Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation
               Act 1998 No 86

             (2)   A costs agreement within the meaning of Part 3.2 of the Legal            1
                   Profession Act 2004 is of no effect to the extent to which it relates    2
                   to costs the subject of an order in force under subsection (1).          3

             (3)   Costs incurred by a party to a claim are considered to have been         4
                   unreasonably incurred for the purposes of this section only if they      5
                   were incurred by the party:                                              6
                   (a) after a reasonable offer of settlement of the claim was              7
                         made to the party, or                                              8
                   (b) after the party has failed without reasonable excuse to              9
                         comply with a written request from another party to the           10
                         claim to provide that other party with particulars                11
                         (including any necessary medical report) sufficient to            12
                         enable that other party to properly consider the claim for        13
                         the purpose of making an offer of settlement, or                  14
                   (c) after the party has unreasonably failed to participate in           15
                         conciliation of a dispute with which the claim is concerned       16
                         and the Commission is of the opinion that the failure has         17
                         resulted in unnecessary litigation, or                            18
                   (d) in connection with an unsuccessful application by the party         19
                         to admit further evidence in respect of matters of which a        20
                         medical assessment certificate of an approved medical             21
                         specialist that has been admitted in evidence in                  22
                         proceedings is evidence (whether or not conclusive                23
                         evidence) and the Commission is of the opinion that the           24
                         application was frivolous or vexatious, or                        25
                   (e) in connection with any issue raised in relation to a claim in       26
                         respect of which there were, when the issue was raised, no        27
                         grounds for a reasonable belief that the issue would be           28
                         determined in favour of the party by whom it was raised.          29

             (4)   A legal practitioner representing a party to proceedings before the     30
                   Commission, or providing legal services to the party's insurer, is      31
                   not entitled to recover from the party or insurer, as the case may      32
                   be, any costs that the Commission has ordered are to be treated as      33
                   unreasonably incurred.                                                  34

             (5)   The Commission may by order exempt any costs or a proportion            35
                   of any costs from the operation of this section if of the opinion       36
                   that it would be unjust not to do so because the legal practitioner     37
                   concerned made all reasonable efforts to avoid unnecessary              38
                   litigation in the proceedings or for any other reason should not be     39
                   held responsible for the incurring of the costs concerned.              40

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Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012

Amendment of Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation        Schedule 1
Act 1998 No 86

      343    Restrictions on recovery of solicitor/client costs                            1
             (1)   The legal representative or agent of a person in respect of a claim     2
                   made or to be made by the person:                                       3
                   (a) is not entitled to recover from the person any costs in             4
                         respect of the claim unless those costs are awarded by the        5
                         Commission, and                                                   6
                   (b) is not entitled to claim a lien in respect of those costs on,       7
                         or deduct those costs from, the sum awarded, ordered or           8
                         agreed as compensation unless those costs are awarded by          9
                         the Commission.                                                  10

             (2)   Any such award of costs may be made on the application either          11
                   of the person or of the legal representative or agent concerned.       12

             (3)   This section prevails to the extent of any inconsistency with          13
                   Part 3.2 of the Legal Profession Act 2004.                             14

             (4)   A person must not:                                                     15
                   (a) claim a lien that the person is not entitled to claim because      16
                         of this section, or                                              17
                   (b) deduct costs from a sum awarded, ordered or agreed as              18
                         compensation that the person is not entitled to deduct           19
                         because of this section.                                         20
                   Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                     21

             (5)   A person who has paid an amount in respect of costs to another         22
                   person that the other person was not entitled to recover because       23
                   of this section is entitled to recover the amount paid as a debt in    24
                   a court of competent jurisdiction.                                     25

      344    Liability of legal practitioner for client's costs in certain cases          26

             (1)   The Commission may, at any stage of a matter, make one or more         27
                   of the following orders in respect of a legal practitioner whose       28
                   serious neglect, serious incompetence or serious misconduct            29
                   delays, or contributes to delaying, the matter:                        30
                   (a) an order disallowing the whole or any part of the costs            31
                          between the legal practitioner and his or her client,           32
                   (b) an order directing the legal practitioner to repay to his or       33
                          her client the whole or any part of the costs that the client   34
                          has been ordered to pay to any other party,                     35
                   (c) an order directing the legal practitioner to indemnify any         36
                          party other than his or her client against the whole or any     37
                          part of the costs payable by the party indemnified.             38

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               Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012

Schedule 1     Amendment of Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation
               Act 1998 No 86

             (2)   The Commission may refer a matter to a costs assessor for                  1
                   inquiry and report before making such an order.                            2

             (3)   The Commission may order that notice of such an order against a            3
                   legal practitioner is to be given to the legal practitioner's client in    4
                   a specified manner.                                                        5

             (4)   A legal practitioner is not entitled to demand, recover or accept          6
                   from his or her client any part of the amount for which the legal          7
                   practitioner is directed by the Commission to indemnify a party            8
                   pursuant to such an order.                                                 9

             (5)   This section does not limit any other provision of this Part.             10

     345     Costs penalties where appeal is unsuccessful                                    11

             (1)   On an appeal from the Commission constituted by an Arbitrator             12
                   to the Commission constituted by a Presidential member:                   13
                    (a) if the appellant is unsuccessful on the appeal, the                  14
                          Commission is to order that the appellant's costs on the           15
                          appeal are not to be paid by any other party to the appeal,        16
                          and                                                                17
                   (b) if the appellant is an insurer (other than a licensed insurer         18
                          that maintains a statutory fund under the 1987 Act) and is         19
                          unsuccessful on the appeal, the Commission may order the           20
                          insurer to pay to the Authority for payment into the               21
                          WorkCover Authority Fund an administration fee of                  22
                          $1,000 or such other amount as may be prescribed by the            23
                          regulations.                                                       24

             (2)   A costs agreement within the meaning of Part 3.2 of the Legal             25
                   Profession Act 2004 is of no effect to the extent to which it relates     26
                   to costs the subject of an order in force under subsection (1) (a).       27

             (3)   If an appeal concerns lump sum compensation, weekly payments              28
                   of compensation or medical expenses compensation, the                     29
                   appellant is considered to be unsuccessful on the appeal unless           30
                   the decision on appeal results in a change in favour of the               31
                   appellant in the amount awarded or ordered to be paid in the              32
                   decision appealed against of at least $5,000 (or such other amount        33
                   as may be prescribed by the regulations) and at least 20% of the          34
                   amount awarded or ordered to be paid.                                     35

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Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012

Amendment of Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation      Schedule 1
Act 1998 No 86

             (4)   An administration fee that an insurer is ordered to pay is           1
                   recoverable as a debt due to the Authority.                          2

             (5)   The Registrar is to notify the Authority of an order to an insurer   3
                   under this section to pay an administration fee.                     4

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