New South Wales Bills

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                                 New South Wales

Water (Commonwealth Powers)
Bill 2008


                   1   Name of Act                                                     2
                   2   Commencement                                                    2
                   3   Definitions                                                     2
                   4   Reference of matters                                            4
                   5   Termination of references                                       5
                   6   Effect of termination of amendment reference before initial
                       reference                                                       5
              7        Evidence                                                        6
              8        Amendment of Water Management Act 2000 No 92                    6
              9        Consequential amendment of other Acts                           6
             10        Repeal of Murray-Darling Basin Act 1992 No 65                   6
             11        River Murray Traffic Regulation 2005                            6
     Schedule 1        Amendment of Water Management Act 2000                          7
     Schedule 2        Consequential amendment of other Acts                          10

                             New South Wales

Water (Commonwealth Powers)
Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to refer certain matters relating to water management to the Commonwealth
Parliament; to amend the Water Management Act 2000 and other Acts; and to repeal
the Murray-Darling Basin Act 1992.

See also the Water Management Amendment Bill 2008.
Clause 1          Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                     1

 1    Name of Act                                                                              2

               This Act is the Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2008.                           3

 2    Commencement                                                                             4

         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent, except as provided by                 5
               subsection (2).                                                                 6

         (2)   Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11, and Schedules 1 and 2, commence on a day or           7
               days to be appointed by proclamation.                                           8

 3    Definitions                                                                              9

         (1)   In this Act:                                                                   10
               amendment reference means the reference under section 4 (1) (b).               11
               Basin water resources means water resources within or beneath that             12
               part of this State that comprises the Murray-Darling Basin (as defined         13
               in the terms, or substantially in the terms, set out in the initial referred   14
               provisions), but does not include ground water resources of the Great          15
               Artesian Basin.                                                                16
               Commonwealth Water Act means the Water Act 2007 of the                         17
               Commonwealth, as in force from time to time.                                   18
               Commonwealth Water Act instrument means any instrument (whether                19
               or not of a legislative character) that is made or issued under the            20
               Commonwealth Water Act.                                                        21
               critical human water needs means the needs for a minimum amount of             22
               water, that can only reasonably be provided from Basin water resources,        23
               required to meet:                                                              24
                (a) core human consumption requirements in urban and rural areas,             25
                       and                                                                    26
               (b) those non-human consumption requirements that a failure to                 27
                       meet would cause prohibitively high social, economic or national       28
                       security costs.                                                        29
               express amendment of the Commonwealth Water Act means the direct               30
               amendment of the text of Parts 1A, 2A, 4, 4A, 10A and 11A of that Act          31
               or of definitions of terms used in those Parts (whether by the insertion,      32
               omission, repeal, substitution or relocation of words or matter) by            33
               another Commonwealth Act or by an instrument under a                           34
               Commonwealth Act, but does not include the enactment by a                      35
               Commonwealth Act of a provision that has or will have substantive              36
               effect otherwise than as part of the text of those Parts or those              37
               definitions.                                                                   38
               initial reference means the reference under section 4 (1) (a).                 39

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Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008                                    Clause 3

            initial referred provisions means the text of Parts 1A, 2A, 4, 4A, 10A         1
            and 11A set out in the tabled text.                                            2
            Murray-Darling Basin Agreement means the Murray-Darling Basin                  3
            Agreement (a copy of which is set out in the tabled text), as amended          4
            from time to time by the parties to that Agreement in accordance with          5
            the procedure set out in that Agreement.                                       6
            reference means:                                                               7
             (a) the initial reference, or                                                 8
            (b) the amendment reference.                                                   9
            referred subject-matters means any of the following:                          10
             (a) the powers, functions and duties of Commonwealth agencies                11
                   that:                                                                  12
                     (i) relate to Basin water resources, and                             13
                    (ii) are conferred by or under the Murray-Darling Basin               14
                          Agreement,                                                      15
            (b) the management of Basin water resources to meet critical human            16
                   water needs,                                                           17
             (c) water charging in relation to Basin water resources (other than for      18
                   urban water supply after the removal of the water from a Basin         19
                   water resource),                                                       20
            (d) the transformation of entitlements to water from a Basin water            21
                   resource to enable trading in those water entitlements,                22
             (e) the application, in relation to water resources that are not Basin       23
                   water resources, of provisions of the Commonwealth Water Act           24
                   dealing with the subject-matters specified in paragraphs (c) and       25
                   (d) (being an application of a kind that is authorised by the law of   26
                   this State),                                                           27
             (f) the transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of the Murray-Darling     28
                   Basin Commission to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority                 29
                   established by the Commonwealth Water Act, and other                   30
                   transitional matters relating to the replacement of that               31
                   Commission.                                                            32
            tabled text means the text of the proposed Water Amendment Bill 2008          33
            for a Commonwealth Act as tabled by or on behalf of the Minister for          34
            the River Murray in the House of Assembly of South Australia on               35
            23 September 2008.                                                            36

      (2)   A reference in this Act to a Part of (or to be inserted in) the               37
            Commonwealth Water Act includes a reference to any Schedule to (or            38
            to be inserted in) that Act that contains provisions enacted for the          39
            purposes of that Part.                                                        40

                                                                              Page 3
Clause 4          Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

 4    Reference of matters                                                                    1
         (1)   The following matters are referred to the Parliament of the                    2
               Commonwealth:                                                                  3
               (a) the matters to which the initial referred provisions relate, but only      4
                    to the extent of the making of laws with respect to those matters         5
                    by including the initial referred provisions in the Commonwealth          6
                    Water Act in the terms, or substantially in the terms, set out in         7
                    Schedule 1 of the tabled text,                                            8
               (b) the referred subject-matters, but only to the extent of the making         9
                    of laws with respect to any such matter by making express                10
                    amendments of the Commonwealth Water Act.                                11

         (2)   The reference of a matter under subsection (1) has effect only:               12
               (a) if and to the extent that the matter is not included in the legislative   13
                     powers of the Parliament of the Commonwealth (otherwise than            14
                     by a reference for the purposes of section 51 (xxxvii) of the           15
                     Constitution of the Commonwealth), and                                  16
               (b) if and to the extent that the matter is included in the legislative       17
                     powers of the Parliament of this State.                                 18

         (3)   The operation of each paragraph of subsection (1) is not affected by the      19
               other paragraph.                                                              20

         (4)   For the avoidance of doubt, it is the intention of the Parliament of this     21
               State that:                                                                   22
               (a) the Commonwealth Water Act may be expressly amended, or                   23
                      have its operation otherwise affected, at any time after the           24
                      commencement of this Act by provisions of Commonwealth Acts            25
                      whose operation is based on legislative powers that the                26
                      Parliament of the Commonwealth has apart from under the                27
                      references under subsection (1), and                                   28
               (b) the Commonwealth Water Act may at any time have its operation             29
                      affected, otherwise than by express amendment, at any time by          30
                      provisions of Commonwealth Water Act instruments.                      31

         (5)   Despite any other provision of this section, a reference under this           32
               section has effect for a period:                                              33
               (a) beginning when this section commences, and                                34
               (b) ending at the end of the day fixed under section 5 as the day on          35
                     which the reference is to terminate,                                    36
               but no longer.                                                                37

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Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008                                 Clause 5

 5    Termination of references                                                         1
      (1)   The Governor may, at any time, by proclamation published in the             2
            Gazette, fix a day as the day on which:                                     3
            (a) the references terminate, or                                            4
            (b) the amendment reference terminates.                                     5

      (2)   The Governor may, by proclamation published in the Gazette, revoke a        6
            proclamation published under subsection (1), in which case the revoked      7
            proclamation is taken (for the purposes of section 4) never to have been    8
            published.                                                                  9

      (3)   A revoking proclamation has effect only if published before the day        10
            fixed under subsection (1).                                                11

      (4)   The revocation of a proclamation published under subsection (1) does       12
            not prevent publication of a further proclamation under that subsection.   13

      (5)   If the amendment reference has terminated, the expression the              14
            references in subsection (1) (a) refers to the initial reference only.     15

 6    Effect of termination of amendment reference before initial reference            16

      (1)   If the amendment reference terminates before the initial reference, the    17
            termination of the amendment reference does not affect:                    18
             (a) laws that were made under the amendment reference before that         19
                   termination (whether or not they have come into operation before    20
                   that termination), or                                               21
            (b) the continued operation in the State of the Commonwealth Water         22
                   Act as in operation immediately before that termination or as       23
                   subsequently amended or affected by:                                24
                    (i) laws referred to in paragraph (a) that come into operation     25
                          after that termination, or                                   26
                   (ii) provisions referred to in section 4 (4) (a) or (b).            27

      (2)   Accordingly, the amendment reference continues to have effect for the      28
            purposes of subsection (1) unless the initial reference is terminated.     29

      (3)   Subsection (1) does not apply to or in relation to an amendment of the     30
            Commonwealth Water Act that is excluded from the operation of this         31
            section by the proclamation that terminates the amendment reference.       32

      (4)   For the purposes of subsection (1):                                        33
            (a) the laws referred to in subsection (1) (a) include Commonwealth        34
                  Water Act instruments, and                                           35
            (b) the reference in subsection (1) (b) to the Commonwealth Water          36
                  Act as in operation immediately before the termination of the        37
                  amendment reference includes that legislation as affected by         38

                                                                            Page 5
Clause 7          Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

                     Commonwealth Water Act instruments that have come into                    1
                     operation before that time.                                               2

 7    Evidence                                                                                 3

         (1)   A certificate of the Clerk of the House of Assembly of South Australia          4
               certifying that a document is an accurate copy of the tabled text, or is an     5
               accurate copy of a particular part or of particular provisions of the tabled    6
               text, is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and is evidence:             7
                (a) of the matter certified, and                                               8
               (b) that the text of the proposed Commonwealth Bill was tabled in               9
                       the House of Assembly of South Australia as referred to in the         10
                       definition of tabled text in section 3.                                11

         (2)   Subsection (1) does not affect any other way in which the tabling or           12
               content of the tabled text, or the accuracy of a copy of the tabled text or    13
               of a part or provisions of the tabled text, may be established.                14

 8    Amendment of Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                            15

               The Water Management Act 2000 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.             16

 9    Consequential amendment of other Acts                                                   17

               The Acts specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out in that                18
               Schedule.                                                                      19

10    Repeal of Murray-Darling Basin Act 1992 No 65                                           20

               The Murray-Darling Basin Act 1992 is repealed.                                 21

11    River Murray Traffic Regulation 2005                                                    22

               The River Murray Traffic Regulation 2005 is taken to be a regulation           23
               made under the Water Management Act 2000.                                      24

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Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

Amendment of Water Management Act 2000                                    Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Water Management Act                                    1
                       2000                                                                 2

                                                                             (Section 8)    3

[1]   Sections 6, 16, 46, 87AA and 87AB                                                     4

      Insert "State" before "government policy" wherever occurring.                         5

[2]   Section 46 Making or amendment of management plan                                     6

      Insert "but not if that purpose is also the purpose referred to in paragraph (d),"    7
      after "inadequate," in section 46 (1) (b).                                            8

[3]   Section 46 (1) (d)                                                                    9

      Insert at the end of section 46 (1) (c):                                             10
                           , or                                                            11
                     (d) the purpose of the reduction to water allocations is to           12
                           enable the replacement plan or amended plan, as the case        13
                           may be, to be accredited under the Water Act 2007 of the        14
                           Commonwealth.                                                   15

[4]   Section 46 (2) (a)                                                                   16

      Omit "or (c)". Insert instead "or (b)".                                              17

[5]   Section 87AA Compensation payable in certain circumstances for                       18
      reductions in water allocations arising after initial period that                    19
      management plan is in force                                                          20

      Insert "(1) (c)" after "section 46" in section 87AA (5).                             21

[6]   Section 87AA (6)                                                                     22

      Insert "that is specified under section 46 (1) (b) by the Minister as being" after   23
      "water allocations".                                                                 24

[7]   Section 87AA (8) and (8A)                                                            25

      Omit section 87AA (8). Insert instead:                                               26

             (8)   This section has effect in relation to water sources that are Basin     27
                   water resources only while there is in force an agreement               28
                   between the State and the Commonwealth (separate from the               29
                   agreement referred to in subsection (8A)) for or with respect to        30
                   supplementing the payment of compensation under this section.           31

           (8A)    This section has effect in relation to water sources that are not       32
                   Basin water resources only while there is in force an agreement         33
                   between the State and the Commonwealth (separate from the               34

                                                                               Page 7
                 Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Water Management Act 2000

                       agreement referred to in subsection (8)) for or with respect to    1
                       supplementing the payment of compensation under this section.      2

[8]    Section 87AA (9)                                                                   3

       Omit "the agreement referred to in subsection (8)".                                4

       Insert instead "the agreements referred to in subsections (8) and (8A)".           5

[9]    Chapter 8 (Administration), Part 3A                                                6

       Insert after Part 3 of Chapter 8:                                                  7

       Part 3A Murray-Darling Basin                                                       8

      386A   Definitions                                                                  9

                       In this Part:                                                     10
                       Agreement means the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement set out        11
                       in Schedule 1 to the Water Act 2007 of the Commonwealth.          12
                       Basin Officials Committee means the committee of that name        13
                       established under the Agreement.                                  14

      386B    Appointments to Basin Officials Committee                                  15

              (1)      The Minister is authorised to appoint, under and in accordance    16
                       with the terms of the Agreement:                                  17
                       (a) a person as a member of the Basin Officials Committee         18
                              representing the State, and                                19
                       (b) a person to act as the member of the Basin Officials          20
                              Committee in place of the member appointed under           21
                              paragraph (a).                                             22

              (2)      The Minister may, at any time, terminate the appointment of any   23
                       such person.                                                      24

              (3)      The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the     25
                       appointment of, or the holding of office by, any such person.     26

      386C   Minister may act for Government of NSW                                      27

                       The Minister is authorised to act on behalf of the State as a     28
                       Contracting Government under the Agreement.                       29

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Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

Amendment of Water Management Act 2000                                     Schedule 1

       386D   Authorisation of works, operations and measures under the                      1
              Agreement                                                                      2

                     Subject to the law of this State and the Agreement:                     3
                     (a) the construction, maintenance, operation and control in the         4
                            State of any works under the Agreement, and                      5
                     (b) the carrying out of any of the operations referred to in the        6
                            Agreement, and                                                   7
                     (c) the implementation of any measures referred to in the               8
                            Agreement,                                                       9
                     are authorised.                                                        10

       386E   Constructing Authority for NSW                                                11

               (1)   The Ministerial Corporation, the State Water Corporation               12
                     constituted under the State Water Corporation Act 2004 and any         13
                     other public authority authorised by the Minister by notice            14
                     published in the Gazette are each Constructing Authorities for the     15
                     purposes of the Agreement and authorised to carry out the              16
                     functions of a Constructing Authority under the Agreement.             17

               (2)   The Minister may determine any dispute as to which authority           18
                     should act as the Constructing Authority for a particular work,        19
                     operation or measure.                                                  20

       386F   Certain documents to be tabled in Parliament                                  21

                     The Minister is to table or cause to be tabled in each House of        22
                     Parliament:                                                            23
                      (a) a copy of each annual report of the Murray-Darling Basin          24
                           Authority received by the Minister under the Water Act           25
                           2007 of the Commonwealth, and                                    26
                     (b) a copy of each amendment of the Agreement that takes               27
                           effect under the terms of the Agreement,                         28
                     within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is received or   29
                     the amendment takes effect (as the case requires).                     30

[10]    Dictionary                                                                          31

        Insert in alphabetical order:                                                       32

                     Basin water resources has the same meaning as it has in the            33
                     Water Act 2007 of the Commonwealth.                                    34

                     State government policy means policy of the Government of              35
                     New South Wales.                                                       36

                                                                                Page 9
               Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008

Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of other Acts

Schedule 2            Consequential amendment of other Acts                             1

                                                                         (Section 9)    2

2.1 Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997 No 99                                          3

      Section 27 Public consultation on review or variation of licence                  4

      Omit section 27 (3).                                                              5

2.2 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211                                    6

      Schedule 1 Employers                                                              7

      Omit the matter relating to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.                  8

2.3 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                                                       9

      Schedule 3 List of employers                                                     10

      Omit the matter relating to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.                 11

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