New South Wales Bills

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                               New South Wales

Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019

Part 1   Preliminary
          1   Name of Act                                                         2
          2   Commencement                                                        2
          3   Definitions                                                         2
          4   Application of Act                                                  2

Part 2   Declaration of critical town or locality water supply
          5   Critical water supplies declared by Act                             3

Part 3   Authorisation of critical town or locality water supply
          6   Meaning of development control legislation                          4
          7   Approval requirements under other Acts                              4
          8   Authorisation of Minister to carry out water supply development     4
          9   Application of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979       6
         10   Notification of exemptions and authorisations                       6

Part 4   Application of Water Management Act 2000
         11   Regulations may disapply or modify Water Management Act 2000        7
Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]


Part 5       Co-ordination and co-operation of public authorities
              12    Obligations of public authorities                                        8
              13    Powers of public authorities                                             8
              14    Minister may direct public authorities to co-operate                     8
              15    Dispute resolution                                                       8

Part 6       Miscellaneous
              16    Delegation                                                              10
              17    Compensation not payable in respect of critical water supply-related
                    matters                                                                 10
              18    No liability in nuisance                                                10
              19    Personal liability                                                      11
              20    Regulations                                                             11
              21    Expiry of provisions of Act                                             11
Schedule 1          Critical town or locality water supplies                                12
Schedule 2          Declared water supply development                                       13
Schedule 3          Declaration of certain dam-related development as critical State
                    significant infrastructure                                              14
Schedule 4          Savings, transitional and other provisions                              16

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I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                  Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                  Legislative Assembly,
                                                  Sydney,                                    , 2019

                                     New South Wales

Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019

Act No         , 2019

An Act to facilitate the delivery of emergency water supplies to certain towns and localities; to
declare certain development relating to dams to be critical State significant infrastructure; and for
related purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                  Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 1 Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts--

Part 1         Preliminary
  1   Name of Act
               This Act is the Water Supply (Critical Needs) Act 2019.
  2   Commencement
               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.
  3   Definitions
         (1)   In this Act--
               critical town or locality water supply--see section 5.
               development and the carrying out of development have the same meanings as they
               have in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
               function includes a power, authority or duty, and exercise a function includes
               perform a duty.
               modification includes addition, exception, omission or substitution.
               Planning Secretary has the same meaning as in the Environmental Planning and
               Assessment Act 1979.
               public authority has the same meaning as in the Environmental Planning and
               Assessment Act 1979.
               Note. The Interpretation Act 1987 contains definitions and other provisions that affect the
               interpretation and application of this Act.
         (2)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.
  4   Application of Act
         (1)   This Act does not apply to the following--
               (a) land within a special area within the Sydney catchment area within the
                     meaning of the Water NSW Act 2014,
               (b) land within the Sydney metropolitan area.
         (2)   In this section--
               Sydney metropolitan area means the area constituted by the local government areas
               of Bayside, City of Blacktown, Burwood, Camden, City of Campbelltown, Canada
               Bay, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, City of Fairfield, Georges River,
               Hornsby, Hunter's Hill, Inner West, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, City of Liverpool,
               Mosman, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, City of Parramatta, City of Penrith, City
               of Randwick, City of Ryde, Strathfield, Sutherland Shire, City of Sydney, The Hills
               Shire, Waverley, City of Willoughby and Woollahra.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 2 Declaration of critical town or locality water supply

Part 2         Declaration of critical town or locality water supply
  5    Critical water supplies declared by Act
         (1)   The following are declared to be critical town or locality water supplies--
               (a) the water supply for the following towns or localities--
                       (i) the locality that includes Dubbo, Wellington, Warren, Nyngan and
                      (ii) the locality that includes Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal,
                     (iii) the locality that includes Orange, Spring Hill, Lucknow and Molong
                           and the area serviced by the Central Tablelands Water County Council
                           water supply system,
                     (iv) the locality that includes Cobar and Nyngan,
                      (v) the locality that includes Walgett,
                     (vi) the locality that includes Bourke,
                    (vii) the locality that includes Bourke and the Darling River between Bourke
                           and its junction with the Murray River,
                   (viii) the locality that includes Warren,
               (b) any water supply for a town or locality described in Schedule 1.
         (2)   The regulations may amend Schedule 1 to insert, alter or omit a description of a town
               or locality.
         (3)   Before making a recommendation to the Governor for the making of a regulation of
               a kind referred to in subsection (2), the Minister is required to obtain the concurrence
               of the Minister administering the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 3 Authorisation of critical town or locality water supply development

Part 3         Authorisation of critical town or locality water supply
  6    Meaning of development control legislation
         (1)   For the purposes of this Part, development control legislation--
               (a) means provisions of or made under the Environmental Planning and
                     Assessment Act 1979 or any other Act (other than the Water Management Act
                     2000) that prohibit the carrying out of development or that require the
                     approval of any person or body before development is carried out, and
               (b) extends to the provisions of other Acts (other than the Water Management Act
                     2000) referred to in section 5.23 of the Environmental Planning and
                     Assessment Act 1979 (Approvals etc legislation that does not apply) relating to
                     requirements for authorisations or to the making or giving of orders or notices.
         (2)   In subsection (1)--
               approval includes permit, licence, consent or other authority (however described).
               prohibit includes prohibit temporarily or in part, or authorise a person or body to
  7    Approval requirements under other Acts
         (1)   Development described in Schedule 2 carried out by or on behalf of a public
               authority is exempt from development control legislation if the carrying out of the
               development is the subject of an authorisation of the Minister under this Part.
         (2)   The regulations may amend Schedule 2 to insert, alter or omit a description of
               development for the purposes of a critical town or locality water supply.
         (3)   Before making a recommendation to the Governor for the making of a regulation of
               a kind referred to in subsection (2), the Minister is required to--
               (a) consult with the following Ministers--
                       (i) the Minister administering the Environmental Planning and Assessment
                            Act 1979,
                      (ii) the Minister administering the Fisheries Management Act 1994,
                     (iii) the Minister administering the Heritage Act 1977, and
               (b) obtain the concurrence of the Minister administering the Biodiversity
                      Conservation Act 2016.
         (4)   A regulation of a kind referred to in subsection (2) may not amend Schedule 2 to
               insert or alter a description of development that relates to the following--
                (a) the construction of a new dam or new weir (other than a temporary weir),
               (b) the increase in storage capacity of an existing dam.
         (5)   The repeal of a regulation made under this section does not affect the continuation of
               anything validly done before that repeal.
  8    Authorisation of Minister to carry out water supply development
         (1)   This section applies to the carrying out of development described in Schedule 2.
         (2)   The public authority proposing to carry out the development (or a person on behalf
               of the authority) may apply to the Planning Secretary for an authorisation to carry out
               the development.
         (3)   The application must be in writing and include the following information--
               (a) a description of the proposed development,

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 3 Authorisation of critical town or locality water supply development

               (b)   a description of the land on which the proposed development is to be carried
               (c)   the date when any construction for the proposed development is to be
                     commenced and the anticipated date of completion of the construction,
               (d)   the measures proposed to be taken to avoid, minimise or offset the
                     environmental or other impacts of the proposed development,
               (e)   any other information relating to the proposed development that the
                     regulations, or the Planning Secretary, requires to be included.
         (4)   The Planning Secretary is to--
               (a) consult with other relevant public authorities regarding the proposed
                     authorisation, and
               (b) have regard to any issues raised by those authorities in those consultations, and
               (c) forward the application, and a report on those consultations, to the Minister.
         (5)   The Minister may authorise a specified public authority to carry out the development
               subject to any conditions set out or referred to in the authorisation.
         (6)   Before giving an authorisation under this section, the Minister is required to obtain
               the concurrence of the Minister administering the Biodiversity Conservation Act
         (7)   The Minister may, by notice in writing to the public authority carrying out the
               development, amend or revoke the conditions of an authorisation before the
               development has been carried out.
         (8)   The conditions of an authorisation to carry out development may (without limitation)
               include conditions relating to any of the following--
                (a) the time within which the development must be completed by,
               (b) requiring specified environmental assessment to be undertaken before the
                     development is permitted to be carried out,
                (c) hours and other conditions of operation of the carrying out of the development,
               (d) reporting requirements,
                (e) public notification requirements in relation to the carrying out of the
         (9)   An authorisation to carry out development for the purposes of a critical town or
               locality water supply is taken to be a State significant infrastructure approval under
               Division 5.2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (or an
               amendment to a State significant infrastructure approval) for the purposes of--
                (a) Part 2 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 with respect to threatened
                      species, and
               (b) Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, and
                (c) the Local Land Services Act 2013, and
               (d) any other Act (or provision of any other Act) prescribed by the regulations for
                      the purposes of this subsection.
      (10)     The Minister may, if the Minister is of the opinion that a public authority is failing to
               comply with the conditions of an authorisation, direct the authority to comply with
               those conditions.
      (11)     Before giving a direction under subsection (10), the Minister is required to obtain the
               concurrence of the Minister responsible for the public authority concerned.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 3 Authorisation of critical town or locality water supply development

  9    Application of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
         (1)   The object of this section is to clarify the operation of the Environmental Planning
               and Assessment Act 1979 in relation to development that is the subject of an
               authorisation of the Minister under this Part (subject to the terms of the
         (2)   An environmental planning instrument under that Act cannot prohibit, require
               development consent for or otherwise restrict the carrying out of the development.
               Note. The exclusion of the need for development consent also excludes any requirement for
               the payment of development contributions under that Act.
         (3)   Division 5.1 of that Act does not apply in respect of the carrying out of the
         (4)   A development control order does not have effect to the extent that it prevents or
               interferes with the carrying out of the development.
         (5)   Subsection (2) applies to an environmental planning instrument made before or after
               the commencement of this section.
               Note. See section 20 (Regulations), which authorises regulations to restore the operation of
               the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in relation to development carried out
               under this Act.

10     Notification of exemptions and authorisations
         (1)   The Minister may provide a copy of an authorisation under this Part to the local
               council of the local government area in which any development to which the
               authorisation relates is to be carried out.
         (2)   In that case, a planning certificate under section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning
               and Assessment Act 1979 in relation to any land concerned is to include advice about
               the authorisation.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 4 Application of Water Management Act 2000

Part 4         Application of Water Management Act 2000
11    Regulations may disapply or modify Water Management Act 2000
         (1)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the disapplication or
               modification of the provisions of the Water Management Act 2000, or the regulations
               or any instrument made under that Act, in relation to critical town or locality water
         (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations under this section modifying the
               operation of provisions of the Water Management Act 2000 may provide that--
               (a) the Minister administering that Act has a function of directing a specified
                     public authority in relation to critical town or locality water supplies, and
               (b) a specified public authority must comply with that direction.
         (3)   The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation under this section
               (a) if the Minister is not the Minister administering the Biodiversity Conservation
                     Act 2016--the Minister certifies that the regulation is made with the
                     concurrence of that Minister, and
               (b) if the Minister is not the Minister administering the Water Management Act
                     2000--the Minister certifies that the regulation is made with the concurrence
                     of that Minister.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 5 Co-ordination and co-operation of public authorities

Part 5         Co-ordination and co-operation of public authorities
12     Obligations of public authorities
               A public authority has the following obligations in respect of development for the
               purposes of a critical town or locality water supply--
               (a) to co-operate with the public authority responsible for the development for the
                     purposes of a critical town or locality water supply (responsible authority) in
                     the exercise of the public authority's functions, including complying with any
                     reasonable request of the responsible authority for information to enable the
                     responsible authority to exercise its functions,
               (b) to notify the responsible authority of any proposed exercise of the public
                     authority's functions that may impact adversely on the exercise of the
                     responsible authority's functions.
13     Powers of public authorities
               Despite the provisions of any other Act or law, a public authority is--
               (a) authorised to exercise any of its functions in order to comply with a request,
                     direction or decision of a public authority made or given under this Act, and
               (b) authorised and empowered to enter into agreements for the purposes of this
                     Act with a public authority and may do or suffer anything necessary or
                     expedient for carrying any such agreement into effect.
14     Minister may direct public authorities to co-operate
         (1)   The Minister may, by notice in writing given to a prescribed public authority, direct
               the authority to comply with a request, direction or decision of a public authority
               responsible for development for the purposes of a critical town or locality water
               supply that is made or given under this Act.
         (2)   Before giving a direction under this section, the Minister is required to obtain the
               concurrence of the Minister responsible for the prescribed public authority
         (3)   In this section--
               prescribed public authority means a public authority prescribed by the regulations
               for the purposes of this section.
15     Dispute resolution
         (1)   If there is a dispute between the public authority responsible for development for the
               purposes of a critical town or locality water supply and a public authority concerning
               the operation of any provision of this Act and the parties have after reasonable efforts
               been unable to resolve the dispute themselves, either party may request a review of
               the matter by the responsible Ministers (namely, the Minister responsible for the
               authority and the Minister responsible for the public authority concerned).
         (2)   If the same Minister is responsible for both the authority and the public authority
               concerned, the review is to be by that Minister.
         (3)   If the dispute is not resolved by the responsible Ministers or Minister, the dispute is
               to be referred to the Premier.
         (4)   The authority and the public authority concerned are to give effect to any decision of
               the responsible Ministers, Minister or the Premier in resolution of the dispute.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 5 Co-ordination and co-operation of public authorities

         (5)   A reference in this section to the Minister responsible for a public authority is, in the
               case of a public authority that is a local council, a reference to the Minister
               administering the Local Government Act 1993.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 6 Miscellaneous

Part 6       Miscellaneous
16    Delegation
       (1)   The Minister or Planning Secretary may delegate the exercise of any function of the
             Minister or Planning Secretary under this Act (other than this power of delegation)
              (a) any person employed in the Department of Planning, Industry and
                   Environment, or
             (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes of this section
                   by the regulations.
       (2)   The Planning Secretary may subdelegate any function delegated to the Planning
             Secretary by the Minister if authorised to do so by the Minister by instrument in
17    Compensation not payable in respect of critical water supply-related matters
       (1)   Compensation is not payable by or on behalf of--
              (a) the State, or
             (b) a public authority, or
              (c) a local council, or
             (d) an officer, employee or agent of the State, a public authority or a local council,
             for an act or omission that is a critical water supply-related matter or that arises
             (directly or indirectly) from a critical water supply-related matter.
       (2)   Subsection (1)--
             (a) applies only in respect of acts done or omitted to be done in good faith, and
             (b) does not apply to acts or omissions that cause personal injury to a person or the
                  death of a person.
       (3)   In this section--
             compensation includes damages and any other form of monetary compensation.
             critical water supply-related matter means the following--
              (a) development carried out, works conducted or other things done under an
                    authorisation given under this Act or the regulations,
             (b) the administration or purported administration of this Act,
              (c) the exercise or purported exercise of functions under this Act.
             this Act includes provisions of the Water Management Act 2000, or of any
             regulations or other instruments under that Act, that apply to a matter, with or without
             modification, by operation of Part 4.
       (4)   This section has effect despite anything in the Water Management Act 2000.
18    No liability in nuisance
       (1)   Anything done or omitted to be done by any person--
             (a) in the exercise of functions under this Act or the regulations, or
             (b) pursuant to any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations,
             does not constitute a nuisance.
       (2)   In this section, this Act includes provisions of the Water Management Act 2000, or
             of any regulations or other instruments under that Act, that apply to a matter, with or
             without modification, by operation of Part 4.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Part 6 Miscellaneous

19    Personal liability
       (1)   A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by a person acting under the direction
             of the Minister or Planning Secretary does not, if the matter or thing was done or
             omitted to be done in good faith for the purpose of exercising a function under this
             Act, subject the person so acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.
       (2)   However, any such liability attaches instead to the Crown.
20    Regulations
       (1)   The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with
             respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or that
             is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this
       (2)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to restoring the operation of
             the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and any other Act in relation
             to development that would otherwise be exempted from those Acts by this Act and,
             in particular, for or with respect to--
              (a) declaring an authorisation of development by the Minister to be a development
                    consent or other approval under the Environmental Planning and Assessment
                    Act 1979 and applying the provisions of that Act (with any specified
                    modifications) to any such consent or approval, and
             (b) the operation of provisions relating to existing uses and the continuance of
                    lawful uses in relation to development for the purposes of critical town or
                    locality water supply.
21    Expiry of provisions of Act
       (1)   Parts 2-5 of, and Schedules 1-3 to, this Act expire on the date that is 2 years after the
             date of assent to this Act.
       (2)   The regulations may, from time to time, before an expiry under this section takes
             effect, postpone by one year the date on which those Parts of, and Schedules to, this
             Act expire.
       (3)   The Minister must not recommend the making of a regulation under this section
             unless the Minister is satisfied that risks to the critical town or locality water supplies
             continue or new risks exist.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Critical town or locality water supplies

Schedule 1               Critical town or locality water supplies

Note. At the enactment of this Act this Schedule was empty.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Declared water supply development

Schedule 2             Declared water supply development

Development                                         Critical town or locality water supply
Burrendong Dam access point relocation project      the locality that includes Dubbo, Wellington,
                                                    Warren, Nyngan and Cobar
Chaffey Dam to Dungowan Village pipeline            the locality that includes Tamworth, Moonbi and
Macquarie River to Orange pipeline                  the locality that includes Orange, Spring Hill,
                                                    Lucknow and Molong and the area serviced by the
                                                    Central Tablelands Water County Council water
                                                    supply system
Works to connect the Cobar and Nyngan town water the locality that includes Cobar and Nyngan
supplies to alternative available groundwater
Walgett weir and Walgett water treatment plant      the locality that includes Walgett
Bourke weir, bore water supply and water treatment the locality that includes Bourke
Re-establishment of natural rock weirs on the      the locality that includes Bourke and the Darling
Darling River between Bourke and its junction with River between Bourke and its junction with the
the Murray River                                   Murray River
Works for the Warren town water supply, including the locality that includes Warren
bores, connecting piping and associated
infrastructure for the Warren bore field

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Declaration of certain dam-related development as critical State significant infrastructure

Schedule 3               Declaration of certain dam-related development
                         as critical State significant infrastructure

Part 1        Declaration of development
  1    Critical State significant infrastructure
       (1)    The development described in Part 2 of this Schedule--
              (a) is taken for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
                    1979 to be State significant infrastructure and critical State significant
                    infrastructure, and
              (b) may be carried out without development consent under Part 4 of that Act.
       (2)    The regulations may amend Part 2 of this Schedule as follows--
              (a) to insert or alter a description of development that relates to the construction
                    of a new dam or the increase in storage capacity of an existing dam,
              (b) to omit a description of development.
       (3)    Before making a recommendation to the Governor for the making of a regulation of
              a kind referred to in subclause (2)(a), the Minister is required to obtain the
              concurrence of the Minister administering the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

Part 2        Description of development
  2    Wyangala Dam wall raising project
       (1)    Development for the purposes of raising the Wyangala Dam in the Cowra local
              government area, including--
              (a) raising the embankment and appurtenant structures to increase the storage
                    capacity of the dam, and
              (b) relocating and reinstalling services and structures such as access bridges, and
              (c) storing water using the new dam structures.
       (2)    Development that is ancillary to other development in this clause (including the
              upgrading or construction of access roads, utilities infrastructure, construction
              accommodation and construction compounds).
  3    Mole River Dam
       (1)    Development for the purposes of a new dam located at Mole River in the Tenterfield
              local government area.
       (2)    Development that is ancillary to other development in this clause (including the
              upgrading or construction of access roads, utilities infrastructure, construction
              accommodation and construction compounds).
  4    Dungowan Dam
       (1)    Development for the purposes of a new dam located at Ogunbil in the Tamworth
              Regional local government area, including--
              (a) the construction of a bulk water pipeline from the new dam to the Tamworth
                   Water Treatment Plant, and
              (b) decommissioning the existing Dungowan Dam and related infrastructure and
                   services, and
              (c) rehabilitating the storage area of the existing Dungowan Dam.

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Declaration of certain dam-related development as critical State significant infrastructure

       (2)    Development that is ancillary to other development in this clause (including the
              upgrading or construction of access roads, utilities infrastructure, construction
              accommodation and construction compounds).
  5    Western Weirs program
       (1)    Development for the purposes of regulating the flows of water in the Barwon-Darling
              unregulated river system from the Queensland border to Menindee Lakes, and the
              Lower Darling regulated river system from downstream of the Menindee Lakes to
              the junction with the Murray River at Wentworth, including the following--
               (a) the construction of new regulating structures,
              (b) the removal or decommissioning of existing weirs,
               (c) the construction of structures to enable the passage of fish.
       (2)    Development that is ancillary to other development in this clause (including the
              upgrading or construction of access roads, utilities infrastructure, construction
              accommodation and construction compounds).

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Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 [NSW]
Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 4              Savings, transitional and other provisions

Part 1       General
  1   Regulations
       (1)   The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent
             (a) the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends this Act, or
             (b) the expiry of any Part of, or Schedule to, this Act.
       (2)   Before making a recommendation to the Governor for the making of a regulation of
             a kind referred to in subclause (1), the Minister is required to obtain the concurrence
             of the Minister administering the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
       (3)   Any such provision--
             (a) may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of assent to the Act
                  concerned or a later date, and
             (b) has effect despite anything to the contrary in this Schedule.
       (4)   To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than
             the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website, the provision does not
             operate so as--
              (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an
                   authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its
                   publication, or
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the
                   State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its
       (5)   Without limiting subclauses (1) and (2), regulations made for the purposes of this
             clause may amend this Schedule to provide for additional or different savings and
             transitional provisions instead of including the provisions in the regulations.

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