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Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.
Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to establish a price disclosure and comparison scheme in
relation to the supply of electricity and gas to small retail customers.
Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be
appointed by proclamation.Schedule 1 Amendments
Schedule 1.1 [1] amends the Electricity Supply Act 1995 to require a retail supplier
of electricity to provide its pricing information in relation to the supply of electricity
to and by small retail customers, on its website, to any person on request and to the
Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (the Tribunal). The retail supplier
must provide its pricing information free of charge and in accordance with any
guidelines that are issued by the Minister for Energy. The Tribunal is to publish the
Explanatory note page 2
Electricity and Gas Supply Legislation Amendment (Retail Price Disclosures and
Comparisons) Bill 2010
Explanatory note
pricing information on its website in a form that enables small retail customers to
meaningfully compare the tariffs and charges of different retail suppliers of
electricity. A retail supplier of electricity is required to ensure that its pricing
information is accurate and up to date and is also required to include a link on its
website to the Tribunal's website. The Minister for Energy is to review the scheme
as soon as possible after 1 July 2013 and a report on the outcome of the review is to
be tabled in each House of Parliament before 1 July 2014. Schedule 1.2 [1] amends
the Gas Supply Act 1996 to impose similar requirements in relation to the disclosure
of pricing information that relates to the supply of natural gas to small retail
customers.Schedule 1.1 [2] and Schedule 1.2 [2] enable regulations to be made under the
Electricity Supply Act 1995 and the Gas Supply Act 1996 containing provisions of a
savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act.
Note: If this Bill is not modified, these Explanatory Notes would reflect the Bill as passed in the House. If the Bill has been amended by Committee, these Explanatory Notes may not necessarily reflect the Bill as passed.