New South Wales Consolidated Acts
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- As at 7 March 2025
- Act 63 of 2016
Long Title
1.1. Name of Act
1.2. Commencement
1.3. Purpose of Act
1.4. Application of Act to terrestrial environment
1.5. Biodiversity and biodiversity values for purposes of Act
1.6. Definitions
Division 1 - Offences
2.1. Harming animals
2.2. Picking plants
2.3. Damaging declared areas of outstanding biodiversity value
2.4. Damaging habitat of threatened species or ecological community
2.5. Dealing in animals or plants
2.6. Liberating animals
2.7. Protection of marine mammals
Division 2 - Defences
2.8. Acts authorised under other legislation etc
2.9. Acts authorised by regulations (including codes of practice)
2.10. Acts authorised by biodiversity conservation licence
Division 3 - Biodiversity conservation licences
2.11. Licences to do acts that would otherwise constitute offence
2.12. Applications for licences
2.13. Grant or refusal and variation of licence
2.14. Conditions of licences
2.15. Cancellation or suspension of licences
2.16. Reasons for, and appeals against, licensing decisions
2.17. Regulations relating to licences
Division 4 - Miscellaneous provisions
2.18. Protected animals (unless excluded) to be property of the Crown
2.19. Regulations for the purposes of this Part
3.1. Declaration of areas of outstanding biodiversity value
3.2. Areas eligible to be declared
3.3. Procedural requirements before areas declared
3.4. Requirements following declaration of area
3.5. Amendment or revocation of declaration
3.6. Regulations with respect to declared areas
Division 1 - Preliminary
4.1. Definition of "listing" species, ecological communities or threatening processes
Division 2 - Listing of species and ecological communities
4.2. Lists of species and ecological communities
4.3. General eligibility for listing
4.4. Specific eligibility criteria for listing threatened species
4.5. Specific eligibility criteria for listing threatened ecological communities
4.6. Specific eligibility criteria for listing extinct species, species extinct in the wild and collapsed ecological communities
4.7. Regulations prescribing eligibility criteria for listing
Division 3 - Procedure for listing (other than provisional listing)
4.8. Operation of Division
4.9. Scientific Committee responsible for listing
4.10. Who may initiate listing
4.11. Priority assessment of nominations or other proposals for listing
4.12. Nominations for listing
4.13. Scientific Committee's preliminary determination (except for proposals by other jurisdictions under common assessment method)
4.14. Proposed assessments by jurisdictions under common assessment method
4.15. Scientific Committee's final determination
4.16. Publication of final determination
4.17. Revision of Schedule on publication of final determination
4.18. Lists to be kept under review
4.19. Minor amendments to Schedules
4.20. Restriction on releasing certain information relating to listing etc
Division 4 - Procedure for provisional listing of endangered or critically endangered species on emergency basis
4.21. Operation of Division
4.22. Scientific Committee responsible for provisional listing
4.23. Eligibility for provisional listing
4.24. Who may initiate provisional listing
4.25. Making nomination for provisional listing
4.26. Consideration of nomination for provisional listing by Scientific Committee
4.27. Publication of determination for provisional listing
4.28. Effect of publication of determination for provisional listing
4.29. Scientific Committee to review status of provisionally listed species
4.30. Termination of provisional listing
Division 5 - Key threatening processes
4.31. List of key threatening processes
4.32. Processes eligible for listing as key threatening processes
4.33. Procedure for listing key threatening processes
4.34. Referral of nomination to Fisheries Scientific Committee
Division 6 - Biodiversity Conservation Program for threatened species and threatened ecological communities
4.35. Establishment of Program
4.36. Content of Program
4.37. Review of Program
Division 7 - Threatened Species Scientific Committee
4.38. Establishment of Scientific Committee
4.39. Scientific Committee not subject to Ministerial control
4.40. Functions of Scientific Committee
4.41. Members of Scientific Committee
Division 1 - Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy
5.1. Making of Strategy
5.2. Mapping of existing public and private biodiversity protected areas
5.3. Content of Strategy
5.4. Review and amendment of Strategy
Division 2 - Biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.5. Minister and land owners may enter into biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.6. Content of biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.7. Land eligible to be designated as biodiversity stewardship site
5.8. Applications to enter into biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.9. Requirements relating to entering into biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.10. Duration of biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.11. Variation of biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.12. Registration of biodiversity stewardship agreements
5.13. Agreements to run with land and re-issue etc of agreements in certain cases
5.14. Application of Planning Act
5.15. Agreement does not prevent creation of national parks and other reservations
5.16. Proposals by public authorities affecting biodiversity stewardship sites
5.17. Resolution of certain disputes
5.18. Prospecting and mining on biodiversity stewardship sites
5.19. Activities authorised by mining or petroleum authorities not affected by biodiversity stewardship agreement
Division 3 - Conservation agreements
5.20. Biodiversity Conservation Trust may enter into conservation agreements
5.21. General provisions relating to conservation agreements
5.22. Content of conservation agreements
5.23. Duration and variation of conservation agreements
5.24. Conservation agreements may be registered and run with land
5.25. Proposals by public authorities affecting land subject to conservation agreements
5.26. Activities authorised by mining or petroleum authorities not affected by conservation agreement
Division 4 - Wildlife refuge agreements
5.27. Biodiversity Conservation Trust may enter into wildlife refuge agreements
5.28. General provisions relating to wildlife refuge agreements
5.29. Content of wildlife refuge agreements
5.30. Duration and variation of wildlife refuge agreements
5.31. Wildlife refuge agreements may be registered and run with land
5.32. Proposals by public authorities affecting land subject to wildlife refuge agreements
5.33. Activities authorised by mining or petroleum authorities not affected by wildlife refuge agreement
Division 1 - General scheme provisions
6.1. Definitions: Part 6
6.2. Biodiversity offsets scheme
6.2A. Transition of the biodiversity offsets scheme to net positive
6.3. Impacts on biodiversity values to which biodiversity offsets scheme applies
6.3A. Avoid, minimise and offset hierarchy
6.4. Biodiversity conservation offsets under scheme
6.5. Serious and irreversible impacts on biodiversity values
6.6. Miscellaneous provisions relating to biodiversity offsets scheme
Division 2 - Biodiversity assessment method
6.7. Minister may establish biodiversity assessment method
6.8. Matters to be dealt with by the biodiversity assessment method
6.9. Review of biodiversity assessment method
6.10. Scheme for accreditation of persons who apply method
Division 3 - Biodiversity assessment reports
6.11. Biodiversity stewardship site assessment report
6.12. Biodiversity development assessment report
6.13. Biodiversity certification assessment report
6.14. Modification or withdrawal of biodiversity assessment report
6.15. Certification of biodiversity assessment reports
6.16. Miscellaneous provisions applying to biodiversity assessment reports
Division 4 - Creation, transfer etc of biodiversity credits
6.17. Creation of biodiversity credits
6.18. Duration of biodiversity credit
6.19. Transfers of biodiversity credits
6.20. Registration of transfer of biodiversity credit
6.21. Payment to Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund on first transfer of biodiversity credit or on retirement without first transfer
6.22. Other transactions relating to biodiversity credits
6.23. Grounds for cancellation of biodiversity credit
6.24. General provisions relating to cancellation of biodiversity credits
6.25. Suspension of biodiversity credit
6.26. Appeals to Land and Environment Court
Division 5 - Retirement of biodiversity credits
6.27. Retirement of biodiversity credits
6.28. Deferred credit retirement arrangements
6.29. Minister may require retirement of credits if not retired in accordance with credit retirement requirement
Division 5A - Prescribed biodiversity conservation measures as alternative to retirement of biodiversity credits
6.29A. Prescribed biodiversity conservation measures as alternative to retirement of biodiversity credits
Division 6 - Payment into Biodiversity Conservation Fund as alternative to retirement of biodiversity credits
6.30. Payment as alternative to retirement of biodiversity credits
6.31. Corresponding obligation to secure required biodiversity offsets
6.32. Calculation of amount payable as alternative to retiring credits
6.33. Trust may verify payment
Division 7 - Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund
6.34. Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund
6.35. Fund Manager
6.36. Management and control of Fund
6.37. Reporting and other obligations of Fund Manager
Division 8 - Biodiversity offsets scheme administration costs
6.38. Scheme administration cost recovery
6.39. Biodiversity Stewardship Operations Account
Division 1 - Preliminary
7.1. Definitions: Part 7
7.2. Development or activity "likely to significantly affect threatened species"
7.3. Test for determining whether proposed development or activity likely to significantly affect threatened species or ecological communities, or their habitats
7.4. Exceeding biodiversity offsets scheme threshold
7.5. Relationship with Planning Act
7.6. Part does not apply to biodiversity certified land
Division 2 - Biodiversity assessment requirements
7.7. Biodiversity assessment for Part 4 development (other than State significant development or complying development)
7.8. Biodiversity assessment for Part 5 activity
7.9. Biodiversity assessment for State significant development or infrastructure
7.10. Regulations relating to amendments of lists of threatened species or ecological communities
Division 3 - Consultation and concurrence
7.11. Consultation with Minister administering this Act if a Minister is consent authority under Part 4 or determining authority under Part 5
7.12. Concurrence of Environment Agency Head if a Minister is not consent authority under Part 4 or determining authority under Part 5
Division 4 - Biodiversity assessment and offsets
7.13. Development other than State significant development or infrastructure
7.14. State significant development or infrastructure
7.15. Part 5 activity
7.16. Proposed development or activity that has serious and irreversible impacts on biodiversity values
7.17. Modifications of planning approvals or activities
7.18. Planning agreements--biodiversity offsets
7.19. Other environmental contributions not affected
Division 5 - Preparation of species impact statements
7.20. Form and content of species impact statement
7.21. Environment Agency Head's requirements for species impact statements
Division 1 - Preliminary
8.1. Definitions: Part 8
Division 2 - Conferral of biodiversity certification of land
8.2. Biodiversity certification
8.3. Approved conservation measures under biodiversity certification
8.4. Effect of biodiversity certification
8.5. Application for biodiversity certification
8.6. Consultation and public notification requirements in relation to biodiversity certification application
8.7. Minister may confer biodiversity certification
8.8. Biodiversity certification where serious and irreversible impacts
8.9. Parties to biodiversity certification
Division 3 - Duration, extension and review of biodiversity certification
8.10. Duration of biodiversity certification
8.11. Extension of biodiversity certification
8.12. Review of biodiversity certification
Division 4 - Enforcement of approved conservation and other measures
8.13. Compliance with approved conservation and other measures
8.14. Equivalent conservation measures
8.15. Appeals
Division 5 - Biodiversity certification agreements
8.16. Biodiversity certification agreements
8.17. Registered agreements run with land
8.18. Minister may order party to rectify contravention of agreement
8.19. Court cannot extinguish obligations
8.20. Regulations--biodiversity certification agreements
Division 6 - Suspension, revocation and modification of certification
8.21. Suspension and revocation of certification
8.22. Modification of certification
8.23. Appeals
Division 7 - General provisions relating to certification
8.24. Notification of certification and changes to certification
8.25. Intra-government dispute resolution arrangements
8.26. General provisions relating to biodiversity certification
Division 1 - Public consultation
9.1. Public consultation required on documents under this Act to which Division applies
9.2. Minimum public exhibition period for proposed public consultation documents
9.3. Submissions about proposed public consultation documents
9.4. Amendment of public consultation documents
9.5. Validity of public consultation documents
9.6. Regulations relating to public consultation
Division 2 - Public registers
9.7. Registers to which Division applies
9.8. Registers to be available on government website
9.9. Providing other access to registers
9.10. Restriction of access to certain information in registers
9.11. Regulations relating to public registers
Division 1 - Establishment, functions and operation of Trust
10.1. Establishment of Trust
10.2. Status of Trust
10.3. Trust Board
10.4. Object of Trust
10.5. Functions of Trust
10.6. Powers of Trust
10.7. Trust to conduct activities in accordance with approved business plan
10.8. Acquisition of property by gift
10.9. Dealings with certain property acquired by gift, devise or bequest
10.10. Staff of Trust
10.11. Delegation by Biodiversity Conservation Trust
10.12. Annual reporting information for Trust
10.13. Exemption from certain State taxes
10.14. Recovery of money by Trust
10.15. Saving provision relating to existing Trust
Division 2 - Biodiversity Conservation Fund
10.16. Biodiversity Conservation Fund
10.17. Management and control of Biodiversity Conservation Fund
Division 3 - Biodiversity Conservation Trust Public Fund
10.18. Biodiversity Conservation Trust Public Fund
10.19. Distribution of outstanding property of Public Fund on dissolution of Trust
Division 1 - Preliminary
11.1. Definitions: Part 11
11.2. Purposes for which powers may be exercised under this Part
Division 2 - Stop work orders
11.3. Environment Agency Head may make stop work order
11.4. Taking effect and extension of stop work order
11.5. Offence--contravention of stop work order
11.6. Appeal against stop work order
11.7. Consultation about modification or licensing of proposed detrimental action
Division 3 - Interim protection orders
11.8. Recommendation for making of interim protection order
11.9. Making of interim protection orders
11.10. Taking effect and duration of interim protection order
11.11. Notice of making of interim protection order
11.12. Offence--contravention of interim protection order
11.13. Appeal against interim protection order
Division 4 - Remediation orders
11.14. Definition of "damage"
11.15. Orders for remediation work relating to damage to land, habitat and plants and animals
11.16. Remediation work required by order
11.17. Persons to whom remediation orders may be given
11.18. Other person may carry out remediation work if failure to comply with order
11.19. Development consent not required to carry out remediation work
11.20. Entry to land to carry out remediation work
11.21. Recovery by person given remediation order
11.22. Offence of contravening remediation order or obstructing remediation work
11.23. Appeals under this Division
Division 5 - Biodiversity offsets enforcement order
11.24. Definitions
11.25. Order requiring biodiversity stewardship site owner to retire biodiversity credits
11.26. Order requiring owner to rectify breach of biodiversity stewardship agreement
11.27. Offence--contravention of biodiversity offsets enforcement order
11.28. Appeals under this Division
Division 6 - Directions relating to protected animals and threatened species of animals
11.29. Definition of "protected animals"
11.30. Authorised officer who may give directions
11.31. Directions to stop activity distressing protected animals
11.32. Directions for welfare of protected animals in confinement
11.33. Taking effect and duration of animal protection direction
11.34. Appeals to Minister against animal protection direction
11.35. Directions by Minister
11.36. Offence--contravention of animal protection direction
Division 1 - Preliminary
12.1. Definitions: Part 12
12.2. Purposes for which powers under this Part may be exercised
12.3. Effect on other functions
Division 2 - Authorised officers
12.4. Appointment of authorised officers
12.5. Scope of authority
12.6. Identification
Division 3 - Powers to require information and records
12.7. Application of Part
12.8. Requirement to provide information and records
12.9. Manner, time etc for compliance
12.10. Provisions relating to records
Division 4 - Powers of entry and search of premises
12.11. Powers of authorised officers to enter premises
12.12. Entry into residential premises only with permission or warrant
12.13. Powers of authorised officers to do things at premises
12.14. Search warrants
12.15. Authorised officers may request assistance
12.16. Assistance to be given to authorised officers
12.17. Care to be taken and compensation
12.18. Disposal of things seized
Division 5 - Powers to question and to identify persons
12.19. Power of authorised officers to require answers
12.20. Recording of evidence
12.21. Power of authorised officers to demand name and address
Division 6 - General
12.22. Offences
12.23. Provisions relating to requirements to furnish records or information or answer questions
12.24. Revocation or variation
12.25. Extraterritorial application
12.26. Extraterritorial exercise of functions
Division 7 - Special provisions relating to native vegetation clearing enforcement
12.27. Application of Division
12.28. Entry into premises requires approval of Environment Agency Head
12.29. Notice to attend to answer questions requires approval of Environment Agency Head
12.30. Authorised officers cannot arrest person for failing to give name and address
12.31. Incriminating information or answer not admissible whether or not objection made
Division 1 - Criminal proceedings
13.1. Maximum monetary penalty--Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 or Tier 5
13.2. Proceedings for offences
13.3. Authority to take proceedings
13.4. Time within which proceedings may be commenced
13.5. Penalty notices for certain offences
13.6. Liability of directors etc for offences by corporation--offences attracting executive liability
13.7. Liability of directors etc for offences by corporation--accessory to the commission of the offences
13.8. Evidence as to state of mind of corporation
13.9. Ancillary offences
13.10. Offence--false or misleading information
13.11. Continuing offences
13.12. Sentencing for offence--matters to be considered
Division 2 - Civil proceedings
13.13. Definition of "breach"
13.14. Civil proceedings to remedy or restrain breaches of this Act or regulations (or Part 5A or 5B of the Local Land Services Act 2013)
13.14A. Civil proceedings to remedy or restrain breaches of Part 5B of Forestry Act 2012
13.15. Civil proceedings for enforcement of private land conservation agreements
13.16. Civil proceedings for enforcement of biodiversity certification agreements
13.17. Provisions relating to proceedings under this Division
Division 3 - Ancillary court orders
13.18. Operation of Division
13.19. Orders generally
13.20. Orders for restoration and prevention
13.21. Orders for costs, expenses and compensation at time offence proved
13.22. Recovery of costs, expenses and compensation after offence proved
13.23. Orders regarding costs and expenses of investigation
13.24. Orders regarding monetary benefits
13.25. Additional orders
13.26. Offence of failing to comply with court order
Division 4 - Enforceable undertakings
13.27. Enforcement of undertakings
Division 5 - Evidentiary provisions
13.28. Onus of proof of reasonable excuse
13.29. Responsibility of landholder for activities carried out on the land
13.30. Documentary evidence generally
13.31. Certificate evidence of certain matters
13.32. Evidence from photographs and other images of land
13.33. Proof of certain appointments not required
14.1. Act to bind Crown
14.2. Biodiversity Conservation Advisory Panel
14.3. Biodiversity information programs
14.4. Delegation of functions by Minister or Environment Agency Head
14.5. Exclusion of personal liability
14.6. Fees and other charges recoverable by Environment Agency Head
14.7. Relationship between this Act and the Fisheries Management Act 1994
14.7A. Provisions relating to regulation or enforcement of native vegetation legislation
14.8. Native title rights and interests
14.9. Service of documents
14.10. Regulations
14.11. Review of Act
Schedule 11 (Repealed)
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