(1) A species impact statement for the purposes of this Part must be in writing signed by the principal author of the statement and by the applicant for development consent or the proponent of the activity proposed to be carried out (as the case requires).
(2) A species impact statement must include a full description of the proposed development or activity and the information as to matters relating to the impact on threatened species or ecological communities as is required by the regulations.
(3) A species impact statement must include details of the qualifications and experience in threatened species conservation of the person preparing the statement and of any other person who has conducted research or investigations relied on in preparing the statement.
(4) The requirements of this section in relation to information concerning the State-wide conservation status of any species or ecological community are taken to be satisfied by the information in that regard supplied to the principal author of the species impact statement by the Environment Agency Head.
(5) The regulations may make further provision for or with respect to the form and content of species impact statements.