Note : Some protected plants specified in this Schedule may also be a threatened species or a part of a threatened ecological community. Provisions of this Act relating to the protection of protected plants generally also apply to plants that are a threatened species or a part of a threatened ecological community.
Scientific Name | Common Name(s) | |
Group 1 | ||
Group 2 | ||
Adiantum spp. | Maidenhair Fern | |
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana | Bangalow Palm (foliage only) | |
Baeckea linifolia | Weeping Baeckea | |
Baeckea virgata | Twiggy Heath Myrtle, Tall Baeckea | |
Banksia spinulosa | Hairpin Banksia | |
Cassinia aureonitens | Yellow Cassinia | |
Caustis spp., native to NSW | Curly Sedges, Old Man's Whiskers | |
Cordyline stricta | Narrow-leaved Palm Lily | |
Crowea exalata | Crowea | |
Crowea saligna | Crowea | |
Davallia pyxidata | Hare's Foot Fern | |
Dodonaea lobulata | Lobed-leaved Hop Bush | |
Eriostemon spp. native to NSW | ||
Gahnia sieberiana | Red-fruited Saw Sedge | |
Isopogon spp., native to NSW | Drumsticks, Cone Bushes | |
Kunzea ambigua | Tick Bush | |
Kunzea capitata | Pink Kunzea | |
Leptospermum lanigerum | Woolly Tea-tree | |
Leptospermum rotundifolium | Round-leaf Tea-tree | |
Livistona australis (foliage only) | Cabbage Tree Palm, Fan Palm | |
Lomatia silaifolia | Crinkle Bush | |
Persoonia spp., native to NSW (except P. pinifolia) | Geebungs | |
Petrophile spp., native to NSW | Conesticks | |
Phebalium squamulosum | Scaly Phebalium | |
Philotheca spp., native to NSW (except P. obovalis) | Philotheca | |
Ptilotus exaltatus | Tall Mulla Mulla | |
Ptilotus obovatus | Smoke Bush, Cotton Bush | |
Pycnosorus spp., native to NSW | Billy-buttons | |
Restio tetraphyllus | Tassel-rush | |
Sprengelia incarnata | Pink Swamp Heath | |
Sticherus flabellatus | Shiny Fan-fern, Umbrella Fern | |
Swainsona formosa | Sturt's Desert Pea | |
Tmesipteris spp., native to NSW | Ferns | |
Xanthorrhoea spp. (foliage only) | Grass Trees | |
Xylomelum spp., native to NSW | Woody Pear | |
Zamiaceae, native to NSW | Cycads | |
Group 3 | ||
Actinotus spp., native to NSW (except A. minor) | Flannel Flower | |
Boronia spp., native to NSW | Boronias | |
Doryanthes excelsa (foliage only) | Giant Lilies | |
Eriostemon australasius | Wax Flower | |
Lycopodium spp., native to NSW | Mountain Moss | |
Persoonia pinifolia | Pine-leaved Geebung | |
Philotheca obovalis | Wax Flower | |
Group 4 | ||
Blandfordia spp. | Christmas Bells | |
Doryanthes excelsa (flowers only) | Giant Lily | |
Xanthorrhoea spp. (flowers only) | Grass Tree | |
Group 5 | ||
Boronia deanei | Dean's Boronia | |
Boronia umbellata | Boronia | |
Craspedia spp., native to NSW | Billy Buttons | |
Dicranopteris linearis | ||
Doryanthes palmeri | Spear Lily | |
Grevillea longifolia | Fern-leaf Grevillea | |
Isopogon fletcheri | ||
Leptospermum spectabile | ||
Macrozamia johnsonii | Cycad | |
Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi ssp. flexuosa | Cycad | |
Persoonia spp. | Geebung | |
Phebalium bifidum | ||
Phebalium glandulosum ssp. eglandulosum | ||
Philotheca ericifolia | ||
Philotheca obovatifolia | Native Daphne, Long-leaf Wax Flower | |
Telopea spp., native to NSW | Waratah |
Scientific Name | Common Name(s) | |
Group 1 | ||
Asplenium australasicum | Bird's Nest Fern | |
Asplenium polyodon | Sickle Spleenwort, Mare's Tail Fern | |
Asplenium harmanii | Fern | |
Cyathea spp. | Tree Ferns | |
Dicksonia spp. | Tree Ferns | |
Platycerium spp., native to NSW | Elkhorn and Staghorn Ferns | |
Group 2 | ||
Dendrobium aemulum | Ironbark Orchid, White Feather Orchid | |
Dendrobium gracilicaule | ||
Dendrobium linguiforme | Tongue Orchid | |
Dendrobium speciosum var. hillii | King Orchid, Rock Lily, Tar-beri | |
Xanthorrhoea spp. | Grass Trees | |
Zamiaceae, native to NSW | Cycads | |
Group 3 | ||
Arecaceae, native to NSW | Palms | |
Cymbidium suave | Snake Orchid | |
Oberonia complanata | ||
Oberonia titania | ||
Pandanus spp., native to NSW | Pandanus | |
Taeniophyllum muelleri | ||
Todea barbara | King Fern | |
Group 4 | ||
Orchidaceae, native to NSW | Orchids | |
Group 5 | ||
Wollemia nobilis | Wollemi Pine |