The Regulatory Authority has the following functions under this Law in relation to this jurisdiction--
(a) to administer the National Quality Framework;
(b) to assess approved education and care services against the National Quality Standard and the national regulations and determine the ratings of those services;
(c) to monitor and enforce compliance with this Law;
(d) to receive and investigate complaints arising under this Law;
(e) in conjunction with the National Authority and the relevant Commonwealth Department, to educate and inform education and care services and the community in relation to the National Quality Framework;
(f) to work in collaboration with the National Authority to support and promote continuous quality improvements in education and care services;
(g) to undertake information collection, review and reporting for the purposes of--(i) the regulation of education and care services; and(ii) reporting on the administration of the National Quality Framework; and(iii) the sharing of information under this Law;
(h) any other functions conferred on the Regulatory Authority under this Law.