Sections 12, 15- 18 and 96
(1) In this clause--
"plan" means the following--(a) a scheme plan,(b) a scheme plan of subdivision,(c) a scheme plan of consolidation,(d) a boundary adjustment plan,(e) an additional sheet of a detail plan or a replacement sheet for an association plan required by this Act,(f) any other prescribed plan.
(2) A plan must be--(a) a formal land survey plan within the meaning of the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002 , and(b) otherwise prepared in the approved form and in compliance with any requirements imposed by the regulations or by or under another Act.
(3) A plan must be accompanied by--(a) an administration sheet, and(b) the written consent of each person who, on the basis of a recording in the Register affecting the land, is--(i) a lessee, or(ii) a judgment creditor under a writ, or(iii) a caveator.
(4) The administration sheet must--(a) be signed by each person who, on the basis of a recording in the Register affecting the land, is--(i) a registered owner, or(ii) a mortgagee, chargee or covenant chargee, and(b) include a certificate, in the form prescribed under the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002 , endorsed--(i) by a surveyor registered under that Act, and(ii) in accordance with the regulations under this Act, and(c) for a plan of subdivision other than a boundary adjustment plan--include the relevant subdivision certificate issued by the planning authority, and(d) for a boundary adjustment plan--include the consent of the local council given in the approved form.
(5) The Registrar-General may wholly or partly waive compliance with subclauses (2)(a), (3)(b) or (4)(a) or (b).
(1) A scheme plan or a scheme plan of subdivision must define any land in the plan to be dedicated as a public road, a public reserve or a drainage reserve.
(2) On registration of a plan dedicating association property, the dedicated land ceases to be association property.