The Assessment Committee has the following functions--
(a) to review the risk assessments of offenders and make recommendations to the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW for the taking of action by the State under this Act in respect of those offenders,
(b) to facilitate co-operation between and the co-ordination of relevant agencies in the exercise of their functions in connection with risk assessment and management of offenders who are subject to this Act (the
"high risk offender functions" of relevant agencies),
(c) to monitor and provide expert oversight of the exercise of the high risk offender functions of relevant agencies for the purpose of identifying opportunities for improved outcomes in individual cases and opportunities for systemic improvement and removal of inter-agency barriers to the effective exercise of high risk offender functions,
(d) to facilitate information sharing between relevant agencies in connection with the exercise of their high risk offender functions,
(e) to develop best practice standards and guidelines for the exercise by relevant agencies of their high risk offender functions,
(f) to identify gaps in resourcing, service provision and training that may impact on the proper and effective exercise of high risk offender functions,
(g) to conduct research into the effectiveness of this Act in ensuring the safety and protection of the community and to disseminate the results of that research,
(g1) to exercise the functions that are conferred or imposed on the Assessment Committee by or under the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017 ,
(h) such other functions in connection with the operation of this Act as the Minister may from time to time direct.