New South Wales Consolidated Acts

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(Section 4)

Note : The Interpretation Act 1987 contains definitions and other provisions that affect the interpretation and application of this Act.

"accredited service provider" --see section 31A.

"AEMO" has the same meaning as it has in Part 8A.

"approved energy ombudsman scheme" means a scheme approved under section 96B.

"authorised electrician" has the same meaning as it has in the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2017 .

"authorised officer" (except in Part 7A) means an authorised officer appointed under section 94.

"complying generator" --see section 15A (2).

"connection point" , in relation to the premises of a customer or a class of customers, means the point of connection to an electrical installation supplying electricity to the premises as determined in accordance with the Service and Installation Rules of New South Wales , as in force from time to time, published by the Department of Planning and Environment.

"corrosion protection system" means any appliances, wires, fittings or other apparatus designed, intended or used for the protection, by means of electrical currents, of metallic structures in contact with land, including water, from external corrosion and includes cathodic protection systems, drainage bonds, boosted drainage bonds and cross bonds.

"council" means the council of a local government area.

"customer" includes the following--

(a) a retail customer,
(b) a regulated SAPS customer,
(c) a wholesale customer.

"customer consultative group" means a customer consultative group referred to in section 89.

"cyber security direction" --see section 94BA.

"cyber security incident" means acts, events or circumstances involving, or likely to involve, 1 or more of the following--
(a) unauthorised access to computer data or a computer program,
(b) unauthorised modification of computer data or a computer program,
(c) unauthorised impairment of electronic communication to or from a computer,
(d) unauthorised impairment of the availability, reliability, security or operation of a computer, computer data or a computer program.

"Department" means the Department of Planning and Environment.

"distribution district" of a distributor specified in Schedule 3 means the distribution district described in that Schedule in relation to the distributor.

"distribution system" --see section 12A.

"distributor" means a person who owns, controls or operates a distribution system.

"distributor's licence" means a licence referred to in section 14.

"electrical installation" means the electrical wiring and electrical equipment used to convey and control the conveyance of electricity within premises to which electricity is supplied from a distribution system, but does not include anything connected to and extending or situated beyond an electrical outlet socket.

"electrical wiring work" has the same meaning as it has in the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2017 .

"electricity delivery equipment" means any machinery, apparatus, appliances, material or other equipment used or intended to be used by any network operator for or in connection with the generation, transmission or distribution of electricity.

"electricity generator" means a person who owns or controls a generating system.

"electricity network services" means transmission services, and distribution services, within the meaning of the National Electricity Rules .

"electricity structure" means any structure (other than a building) that is used to carry overhead lines or associated equipment, and includes any structure that is used for the purposes of street lighting.

"electricity works" means any electricity power lines or associated equipment or electricity structures that form part of a transmission or distribution system.

"exercise" a function includes perform a duty.

"financial year" means a period of 12 months commencing on 1 July.

"function" includes a power, authority or duty.

"generating system" means the electrical equipment and associated electricity structures that are used to generate electricity for supply to a transmission or distribution system but, subject to the regulations, does not include a complying generator.

"inspector" means any person appointed under section 63M by the Tribunal as an inspector for the purposes of the provision in which the expression is used.

"interstate wholesale market agreement" means any arrangement, agreement or understanding entered into or agreed between the Market and System Operator and an interstate wholesale market operator for the operation of a wholesale market for electricity within New South Wales and some other State or Territory.

"interstate wholesale market operator" means an interstate body that operates a wholesale market for electricity in some other State or Territory.

"licence" means a distributor's licence or a transmission operator's licence.

"National Electricity (NSW) Law" means the provisions applying because of section 6 of the National Electricity (New South Wales) Act 1997 , and includes the National Electricity Rules .

"National Electricity Rules" has the same meaning as it has in the National Electricity (NSW) Law .

"network controller" means a person who controls a distribution system or transmission system.

"network operator" means a transmission operator or distributor.

"network owner" means a person who owns a distribution system or transmission system or any part of a distribution system or transmission system.

"premises" includes any building or part of a building, any structure or part of a structure, any land (whether built on or not) and any river, lake or other waters.

"public authority" means a public or local authority constituted by or under an Act or a statutory body representing the Crown, and includes a Minister and a statutory State owned corporation and its subsidiaries.

"public reserve" has the same meaning as it has in the Local Government Act 1993 .

"public road" has the same meaning as it has in the Roads Act 1993 .

"registered health practitioner" has the same meaning as it has in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) .

"regulated SAPS customer" means a person to whose premises a distributor conveys electricity from a regulated stand-alone power system.

"regulated stand-alone power system" has the same meaning as in the National Electricity (NSW) Law .

"roads authority" has the same meaning as it has in the Roads Act 1993 .

"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department.

"serious electricity works accident" means an accident--
(a) in which electricity works are involved, and
(b) as a consequence of which a person dies or suffers permanent disability, is hospitalised, receives treatment from a registered health practitioner or is unable to attend work for any period of time.

"stray current source" means any appliance, equipment, fitting or other apparatus--
(a) that operates on direct electrical current or is designed or used to generate or transmit direct electrical current, and
(b) that is attached, whether directly or indirectly, to a metallic structure in contact with land, including water.

"supply" , in relation to electricity, means the supply of electricity by means of a transmission or distribution system.

"traffic route" has the same meaning as it has in section 45E of the Transport Administration Act 1988 .

"transmission operator" means a person who owns, controls or operates a transmission system.

"transmission operator's licence" means a licence granted under section 93A.

"transmission system" means any electricity power lines and associated equipment and electricity structures that are a transmission system by virtue of an order in force under section 93.

"Tribunal" means the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal established under the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act 1992 .

"unincorporated area" means such part of the land within the Western Division of the State as is not within a local government area.

"wholesale customer" means a person to whose premises electricity is supplied under a wholesale supply arrangement.

"wholesale market access regime" means a regime established under the National Electricity (NSW) Law for the granting of access to a transmission system or distribution system.

"wholesale supply arrangement" means an arrangement (other than a customer retail contract) for the supply of electricity, and includes any such arrangement entered into (or taken to have been entered into) under the National Electricity (NSW) Law .

"wholesale trader" means a person--
(a) who enters into wholesale supply arrangements, or
(b) who buys, sells or otherwise deals in rights to the supply of electricity arising under wholesale supply arrangements.

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