(1) If an appeal is made under this Part to a Full Bench of the Commission, the Commission constituted by the President (or by another member of the Commission nominated by the President) may do any one or more of the following for the purposes of, or in relation to, the appeal--(a) make any consent order in relation to the appeal,(b) grant leave to withdraw or discontinue the appeal,(c) give any directions in relation to the hearing of the appeal,(d) deal with any interlocutory application in the appeal.
(2) If the appeal is made to a Full Bench of the Commission in Court Session--(a) a non-judicial member must not constitute the Commission for this section, and(b) this section applies despite section 153(2).
(3) A member of the Commission who made a decision the subject of an appeal may not constitute the Commission for the purposes of this section.
(4) This section does not authorise--(a) the Commission constituted in accordance with this section to grant leave to appeal, or(b) the granting of a stay against the decision appealed against otherwise than under section 190.