(1) A person who is, or within the preceding period of 12 months has been, a member of a State organisation and who claims that there has been an irregularity in relation to an election for an office in the organisation may make an application for an inquiry by the Commission into the matter.
(2) An irregularity in relation to an election for an office includes a breach of the rules of a State organisation and any act, omission or other thing that prevents or hinders or attempts to prevent or hinder--(a) the full and free recording of votes by all persons entitled to record votes and by no other persons, or(b) a correct ascertainment or declaration of the results of the voting,or otherwise adversely and unfairly affects the result of the election.
(3) An application under this section must--(a) be in a form approved by the Industrial Registrar, and(b) be lodged with the Industrial Registrar before the completion of the election or within 6 months after the completion of the election, and(c) specify the alleged irregularity and the facts relied on to support the allegation (verified by a statutory declaration of the applicant).