(1) The Commission may make such order as to the costs (including expenses of witnesses) of proceedings before the Commission in relation to an inquiry under this Division as the Commission considers just, and the Commission may assess the amount of such costs.
(2) If, on any such inquiry, the Commission finds that an irregularity has occurred, the Minister may, if the Minister considers the circumstances justify so doing, authorise the grant by the State to the person who applied for the inquiry of financial assistance in relation to the whole or a part of the costs (including expenses of witnesses) that the applicant has paid, has become liable to pay or may become liable to pay in relation to the inquiry.
(3) If, on any such inquiry, the Commission does not find that any irregularity has occurred, but certifies that the person who applied for the inquiry acted reasonably in so applying, the Minister may authorise the grant by the State to that person of financial assistance in relation to the whole or a part of the costs of the applicant as specified in subsection (2).
(4) If the Minister is satisfied that, having regard to the findings of the Commission on any such inquiry, it is not just that a person (not being the person who applied for the inquiry) should be required to bear, or to bear in full, any costs that the person has paid, has become liable to pay or may become liable to pay in relation to the inquiry (including expenses of witnesses), the Minister may authorise the grant by the State to that person of financial assistance in relation to the whole or a part of those costs.
(5) If the Commission orders--(a) a new election to be held, or(b) any step in relation to an election to be taken again, or(c) any other step (including modification of the rules of the organisation) incidental or supplementary to, or consequential on, any other order made in the inquiry, to be taken,the Minister may, if the Minister is satisfied that the nature of the irregularity found by the Commission to have occurred is such that it would be unreasonable for the organisation to be required to bear, or to bear in full, the expenses involved in compliance with the order of the Commission, authorise payment by the State of the whole or a part of those expenses.