(1) A police officer must, at the time of exercising a power to require finger-prints or palm-prints, or both, to be taken under section 138A or 138B, provide the person subject to the exercise of the power with the following--(a) evidence that the police officer is a police officer (unless the police officer is in uniform),(b) the name of the police officer and his or her place of duty,(c) the reason for the exercise of the power,(d) a warning that, if the person fails to comply with the requirement, the person may be arrested for the offence concerned and that, while in custody, the person's finger-prints and palm-prints may be taken without the person's consent.
(2) If 2 or more police officers are exercising a power, only one officer present is required to comply with this section.
(3) However, if a person asks another police officer present for information as to the name of the police officer and his or her place of duty, the police officer must give to the person the information requested.