(1) The NSW Admission Board is to consist of 11 members, being--(a) the Chief Justice of New South Wales, and(b) 3 Judges of the Supreme Court for the time being nominated by the Chief Justice of New South Wales, and(c) the Attorney General or a person for the time being nominated by the Attorney General, and(d) 2 persons for the time being nominated by the Council of Australian Law Deans, being members from New South Wales, and(e) 2 barristers for the time being nominated by the Bar Council, and(f) 2 solicitors for the time being nominated by the Law Society Council.
(2) A member of the NSW Admission Board who holds office on the nomination of a person or body ceases to hold office if the person or body by whom the member was nominated withdraws the nomination.
(3) A reference in this clause to a Judge of the Supreme Court includes a reference to the following--(a) an acting Judge appointed under section 37 of the Supreme Court Act 1970 ,(b) a retired Judge (within the meaning of the Judges' Pensions Act 1953 ) of the Supreme Court.
(1) For each member of the Admission Board, one or more reserve members may be nominated to act in the office of the member during the member's illness or absence, and the reserve member, while so acting, has and may exercise all the functions of the member and is taken to be a member of the Admission Board.
(2) For a member who is the Attorney General or a nominee of the Attorney General, the reserve member or members may be nominated by the Attorney General.
(3) For any other member, the reserve member or members are to be nominated by the person or body that nominated the member and must be qualified for nomination in the same way as the member.
(4) A person may be removed, by the nominating person or body, from any office for which the person was nominated under this clause.
The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Admission Board and for conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act, to be as determined by the Board.
The quorum for a meeting of the Admission Board is 6 members including the member presiding at the meeting.
The Chief Justice of New South Wales may from time to time nominate one of the judicial members of the Admission Board to be the presiding member of the Board and another of the judicial members of the Board to be the deputy presiding member of the Board.
(1) The Chief Justice of New South Wales is to preside at a meeting of the Admission Board if electing to be present and electing to preside.
(2) Otherwise--(a) the presiding member, or(b) in the absence of the presiding member--the deputy presiding member, or(c) in the absence of both--a member elected by and from the members present and voting,is to preside at the meeting.
(3) The member presiding at a meeting of the Admission Board has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Admission Board at which a quorum is present is the decision of the Board.
The Admission Board is to cause full and accurate minutes to be kept of the proceedings of each meeting of the Board.
The local regulations may make provision for or with respect to the custody and use of the seal of the Admission Board.