(1) The Authority may collect, use and disclose data relating to any of the following--(a) third-party policies,(b) claims for statutory benefits or for damages,(c) the functions, activities and performance of insurers,(d) the provision of health, legal and other services to injured persons.
(2) For that purpose, the Authority may obtain data from insurers, from relevant insurance or compensation authorities, from hospitals, from government agencies and from any other source.
(3) Data concerning third-party policies, claims and other related matters under this Act and policies, claims and other related matters under other insurance or compensation schemes is authorised to be exchanged between different parts of the Authority.
(4) The Authority, the Lifetime Care and Support Authority and licensed insurers are authorised to exchange data concerning third-party policies, claims and other related matters under this Act.
(5) The Authority and relevant insurance or compensation authorities are authorised to exchange data concerning third-party policies, claims and other related matters under this Act and policies, claims and other related matters under other insurance or compensation schemes administered by those authorities.
(6) This section applies in respect of data that is personal information or health information about an individual despite anything to the contrary in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 or the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 .