(1) A merit reviewer may include in the certificate as to the determination of a merit review an assessment of the claimant's costs in the matter, including costs for legal services and fees for medico-legal services.
(2) The costs specified in the assessment are payable by the insurer.
(3) In making an assessment under this section, a merit reviewer must--(a) give effect to the requirements of the regulations under Part 8 (Costs and fees) as to costs that may be included in an assessment or fixing maximum fees and costs, and(b) have regard to the principles and matters referred to in the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) , section 200.
(4) A claimant or an insurer, or an Australian legal practitioner acting for a claimant or an insurer in relation to the relevant claim, has the same right of appeal against an assessment made under this section as the claimant, insurer or legal practitioner would have under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 , section 89 if the assessment were a decision of a costs assessor under that Act, Part 7 in relation to a bill of costs.