New South Wales Consolidated Acts
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- As at 3 February 2025
- Act 66 of 2002
Long Title
1. Name of Act
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
3A. Real estate agent functions
3B. Strata managing agents
4. Regulations may exempt persons and activities from Act
5. Exemptions
6. (Repealed)
Division 1 - Requirement for licence or certificate of registration
7. (Repealed)
8. Agents required to be licensed
9. Corporations require corporation licence
10. Assistant agents require certificate of registration
10A. Functions that can be exercised by holders of licences and certificates of registration
11. Assistant agents must be employed and supervised by licensee
11A. Person carrying on business of agent to ensure staff exercising regulated functions hold licence or certificate
12. Production of licence or certificate of registration
13. Transfer or lending of licence or certificate of registration prohibited
Division 2 - Eligibility, qualifications and disqualification
14. Eligibility for a licence or certificate of registration
15. Qualifications for licence or certificate of registration
16. Disqualified persons
Division 3 - Application and issue procedure
17. Application of Licensing and Registration (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002
17A. Application fees and Compensation Fund contributions
18. (Repealed)
19. Certain applications to be refused
20. Conditions--general
21. Special condition requiring auctioneers to be accredited
22. Special condition requiring professional indemnity insurance
23, 24. (Repealed)
25. Duration of licence
25A. Time period for restoration of licence
26. Effect of applying for restoration of expired licence
26A. Duration of certificate of registration
26AA. Exceptional circumstances for extending or restoring certificates of registration beyond 4 years
26B. Time period for application for further certificate of registration
27. Administrative review by NCAT
Division 1 - Place and name of business
28. Registered office and address
29. Display of name at registered office
30. Business names
Division 2 - Business practices and supervision
31. Holder of class 1 licence to be in charge of business
32. Duty of licensee and person in charge to properly supervise business
33. Licensee not to share commission with certain persons
34. Non-commercial subagency agreements to be in writing
35. Franchising agreements
36. Review of commission and fees
37. Rules of conduct for licensee's business
38. (Repealed)
39. Duty of licensee to notify defalcation
40. Industry association to report defalcation
Division 3 - Employees and others
40A. Interpretation--persons engaged by licensees
41. Liability of licensee for acts of employees
42. Licensee to keep records of persons employed as assistant agents
43. Duty of licensee not to engage certain persons
44. Duty of licensee to notify disqualification of employees and others
45. Employees and others required to notify disqualification
Division 4 - Conflicts of interest
46. Financial and investment advice by real estate agents
47. Duty of disclosure to client and prospective buyer of land
48. Duty not to act for both buyer and seller of land
49. Restrictions on licensee obtaining beneficial interest in property
Division 5 - Advertisements and representations
50. Advertisements to include information about licensee
51. (Repealed)
52. Misrepresentation by licensee or registered person
53. Damages for misrepresentation or concealment
Division 6 - (Repealed)
Division 7 - Gifts
53F. Licensees and certificate holders not to receive certain gifts or benefits
Division 1 - Requirements for agency agreements
54. Definitions
55. No entitlement to commission or expenses without agency agreement
55A. Relief from disentitlement to commission and expenses
56. Approved guide to be provided before agency agreement for residential property signed
57. Agency agreement must disclose rebates, discounts and commissions
58. Prohibition against listing residential or rural land subject to sole or exclusive agency
Division 2 - Cooling-off period for residential or rural agency agreements
59. Cooling-off period for residential or rural agency agreements
60. Agency agreement can be rescinded during cooling-off period
61. Effect of rescission
62. No contracting out
Division 1 - Contract for sale of residential property
63. Proposed contract for sale of residential property
64. Contracts for sale of residential property
65. Procedure following rescission
Division 2 - Bidding at auction of residential property or rural land
66. Prevention of dummy bidding
66A. Offences by auctioneers
67. Bids may only be taken from registered bidders
68. Bidders Record
69. Details to be established by proof of identity
70. Confidentiality of Bidders Record
71. Approved consumer education guide for bidders at auctions
Division 3 - Representations as to selling price
72. Definitions
72A. Estimated selling price in agency agreement for sale of residential property
73. Underquoting in advertisements for residential property
73A. Underquoting in representations by real estate agents
73B. Real estate agents to keep records of quotes
74. Requirement to substantiate selling price estimates--residential property
75, 76. (Repealed)
76A. Marketing statements about vendor bids when property passed in
77. Prescribed auction conditions
78. Collusive practices at auction sales
79. False entry in auction record
80. Misrepresentation as to quality etc
81. Restrictions on bidding by or on behalf of seller or auctioneer of livestock
82. Contracting out of prescribed terms and conditions of auction sales
83. Successful bidder at auction to supply information
84. Livestock auctions--"comeback" prohibited
Division 1 - Preliminary
85. Interpretation
Division 2 - Payment of trust money into trust account
86. Trust money to be paid into trust account
87. Approval of authorised deposit-taking institutions
88. Trust money not available to pay licensee's debts
89. Licensee to notify trust account becoming overdrawn
90. Interest earned on trust accounts to be paid to Statutory Interest Account
Division 3 - Responsibilities of authorised deposit-taking financial institutions
91. Monthly returns by authorised deposit-taking institutions
92. Overdrawn trust accounts
93. Dishonoured cheques
94. Annual certification by auditor
95. Protection of authorised deposit-taking institutions from liability
Division 4 - (Repealed)
Division 5 - Information about trust accounts or transactions
100. Secretary may require information
101. Person concerned in transaction may request itemised account
102. Offence
Division 1 - Keeping and inspection of records
103. Licensee's records
104. Licensee to make and keep certain records
105. Inspection of licensee's records
106. Inspection of records of financial institutions
107. Power to require production of licensee's records
108. Power to take possession of records to be used as evidence
109. Additional requirements for strata managing agents
110. Offence
Division 2 - Audit of licensee's records
111. Requirement for audit
112. Audit period
112A. Random audits
113. (Repealed)
114. Audit obligations of partners
115. Qualifications of auditors
116. Duties of auditors
116A. Secretary must make audit reports available to other auditors
Division 3 - Freezing of accounts
117. Definitions
118. Secretary may freeze licensee's accounts in particular cases
119. Financial institution must comply with direction
120. Account not to be operated unless Secretary allows
121. Secretary may operate account
122. Withdrawal of direction
Division 1 - Preliminary
123. Definitions
124. Associates of a licensee
125. Failure to account
Division 2 - Management
126. Appointment of manager
127. Qualifications for appointment as manager
128. Powers of manager
129. Management continues under receivership
130. Acts of manager taken to be acts of licensee
131. Manager may be reimbursed for damages
132. Payment of expenses of management
133. Manager to report to Secretary
134. Trust money
135. Office accounts
136. Termination of management
137. Obstruction of managers
Division 3 - Receivership
138. Supreme Court may appoint receiver
139. Receivership may extend to property of licensee's associate
140. Court to be closed
141. Order to be served
142. Receiver may take possession of property
143. Information about receivable property
144. Stop order on account
145. Improper dealing with property
146. Recovery of compensation for disposal of receivable property
147. Receiver may give certificate
148. Receiver taken to be beneficially entitled to property
149. Receiver may deal with property
150. Other powers of receiver
151. Notice to claim receivable property
152. Lien on receivable property
153. Examination by receiver
154. Property not dealt with by receiver
155. Investment of money by receiver
156. Receiver may be reimbursed for damages
157. Payment of expenses of receivership
158. Supreme Court may review expenses of receivership
159. Receivable property not to be attached
160. Applications for directions by receiver, licensee etc
161. Supreme Court may give general directions to receiver
162. Receiver to report to Supreme Court and Secretary
163. Termination of appointment of receiver
164. Obstruction of receivers
Division 1 - Establishment and management
165. Compensation Fund
166. Money payable to Compensation Fund
167. Application of money in Compensation Fund
Division 2 - Contributions and levies
168. Contributions
169. Levies
Division 3 - Claims
170. Definitions
171. Meaning of "failure to account"
172. Division applies when person reasonably believed to be a licensee
173. Claims against Compensation Fund
174. Legal proceedings
175. Limits on amounts recoverable
176. Advertisements
177. Subrogation
178. Recovery of payments from directors
179. Production of documents
180. Satisfaction of claims and judgments
Division 4 - Examination of accounts of licensees and former licensees
181. Definitions
182. Appointment of accounts examiner to examine licensee's accounts
183. Accounts examiner to report on accounts
184. Powers of accounts examiner
185. Confidentiality
186. Former licensees
187. Statutory Interest Account
188. Money payable to Statutory Interest Account
189. Application of money in Statutory Interest Account
190. Application of money for purposes of certain Acts
191. Grounds for disciplinary action
192. Disciplinary action
193. Decision to take no further action
194. Complaints
195. Show cause notice
196. Power to suspend licence or certificate of registration when show cause notice served
197. Inquiries and investigation
198. Taking of disciplinary action
199. Recovery of monetary penalty
200. Administrative review of disciplinary action by NCAT
201. Warning notices
202. Failure to comply with disqualification from involvement in business
203. Return of suspended or cancelled licence
204. Authorised officers
205. Powers of entry, inspection etc
206. Power of authorised officer to obtain information, records and evidence
207. Obstruction etc of authorised officers
208. Taking possession of records to be used as evidence
209. Search warrants
210. Injunctions
210A. Enforcement of undertakings
Division 1 - Offences
211. Fraudulent conversion and false accounts of money received by licensee or registered person
212. Fraudulent accounts for expenses, commission and other charges
213. Offences by persons other than principal offenders
214. Operation of Crimes Act not affected
Division 2 - Proceedings
215. Proceedings for offences
216. Penalty notices
217. Time for laying information
218. Liability of directors etc for offences by corporation--accessory to the commission of the offences
219. Disclosure of information
220. Register
221. Certificate evidence
222. Delegation
223. Fair Trading Act not affected
224. Exclusion of personal liability
225. Service of notices
226. Repeals
227. Savings and transitional provisions
228. (Repealed)
229. Displacement of Corporations legislation
230. Regulations
231. Review of Act
232. Use of Property Services Compensation Fund to assist residential landlords and tenants suffering hardship
Schedule 2 (Repealed)
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