(cf VR Act, s 8)
For the purpose of carrying out its functions under this Chapter,
Transport for NSW may, in accordance with the statutory rules--
(a) register or refuse to register a registrable vehicle, and
(b) renew or refuse to renew the registration of a registrable vehicle, and
(c) transfer or refuse to transfer the registration of a registrable vehicle from one person to another, and
(d) issue a permit or refuse to issue a permit for the use of an unregistered registrable vehicle, and
(e) impose conditions on the registration of a registrable vehicle or on a permit to use an unregistered registrable vehicle, and
(f) cancel or suspend the registration of a registrable vehicle, and
(g) collect registration and permit charges determined or imposed under Schedule 2 or this Chapter and taxes imposed by the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988 , and
(h) specify a GCM for a motor vehicle in the circumstances envisaged in paragraph (b) of the definition of
"GCM" in section 4(1), and
(i) specify a GVM for a motor vehicle or trailer in the circumstances envisaged in paragraph (b) of the definition of
"GVM" in section 4(1), and
(j) require proof of compliance with any applicable provisions of the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 , the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and the Duties Act 1997 , and
(k) exercise other powers conferred by the statutory rules in relation to vehicle registration.