(1) The Authority shall establish, administer and control a fund, to be called the "Sporting Injuries Fund".
(2) The Fund comprises the following--(a) all money paid to the Authority under section 5A or Part 4,(b) all other assets of the Authority, including gifts made to it and investments made by it under section 12 with respect to money forming part of the Fund.
(3) There shall be paid from the Fund--(a) the costs of administering this Act in so far as those costs relate to registered participants and sporting organisations, including the cost of meeting any claims made by or with respect to registered participants for benefits under this Act,(a1) to the Minister administering the District Court Act 1973 , such of the costs of operation of the District Court relating to the determination of applications under section 29, being costs incurred after 30 June 2005, as the Minister administering the District Court Act 1973 and the Minister administering this Act agree are to be paid from the Fund,(a2) all payments required to meet expenditure incurred by or on behalf of a NSW Government agency in providing services (including staff and facilities) for or in connection with the insurance scheme established under this Act,(a3) all payments (approved by the Minister administering Part 3 of the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 ) required to meet expenditure incurred by the State Insurance Regulatory Authority in exercising functions in connection with the insurance scheme established under this Act,(b) any money required to repay any borrowing by the Authority under this Act for the purposes of the Fund,(c) such grants for clinical and research work and other activities associated with the prevention and treatment of injuries that result from sporting or athletic activities as the Authority, with the approval of the Minister, may make, and