New South Wales Consolidated Acts

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- As at 21 November 2024
- Act 92 of 2000


           Long Title


   1.      Name of Act
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Objects
   4.      Interpretation
   4A.     Meaning of "overland flow water"



           Division 1 - Water management principles

   5.      Water management principles

           Division 2 - State Water Management Outcomes Plan and water source classification

   6.      State Water Management Outcomes Plan
   7.      Classification of water sources
   8.      Environmental water
   8A.     Planned environmental water
   8B.     Adaptive environmental water through dedication of existing water entitlements
   8C.     Adaptive environmental water through system improvements
   8D.     Adaptive environmental water conditions after surrender of licences
   8E.     General provisions relating to access licences with adaptive environmental water conditions
   8F.     Auditing of compliance with extraction limits

           Division 3 - General

   9.      Act to be administered in accordance with water management principles and State Water Management Outcomes Plan
   10.     Review of work and activities of Department


   11.     Constitution of water management areas
   12.     Establishment of management committees
   13.     Membership of committee
   14.     Functions of management committees


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   15.     Preparation of draft management plan
   16.     Management plans to be consistent with other instruments
   17.     Provisions applicable to all management plans
   18.     Matters for consideration

           Division 2 - Water sharing

   19.     Application of Division
   20.     Core provisions
   21.     Additional provisions

           Division 3 - Water use

   22.     Application of Division
   23.     Core provisions
   24.     Additional provisions

           Division 4 - Drainage management

   25.     Application of Division
   26.     Core provisions
   27.     Additional provisions

           Division 5 - Floodplain management

   28.     Application of Division
   29.     Core provisions
   30.     Additional provisions

           Division 6 - Controlled activities and aquifer interference activities

   31.     Application of Division
   32.     Core provisions
   33.     Additional provisions

           Division 7 - Environmental protection

   34.     Environmental protection provisions

           Division 8 - Procedures for making management plans

   35.     Format of management plan
   36.     Notification of certain persons and bodies
   37.     Reference of draft management plan to Minister
   38.     Public exhibition of draft management plan
   39.     Submissions on draft management plan
   40.     Resubmission of draft management plan to Minister
   41.     Making of management plan
   42.     Amendment of management plans
   43.     Duration of management plans
   43A.    Extension of duration of management plan dealing with water sharing
   44.     Periodic auditing of management plans

           Division 9 - Amendment of management plans by Minister

   45.     Minister may amend or repeal management plan
   45A.    Consolidation of management plans

           Division 10 - (Repealed)

           Division 11 - Miscellaneous

   46.     Making or amendment of management plan
   47.     Validity of management plans and exercise of plan-making functions
   48.     Effect of management plans on exercise of Minister's functions
   49.     Consideration of management plans by public authorities
   49A.    Suspension of management plans during severe water shortages
   49B.    Suspension of Basin management plans during extreme events


   50.     Minister's plan


   51.     Implementation programs



           Division 1 - Domestic and stock rights

   52.     Domestic and stock rights

           Division 2 - Harvestable rights

   53.     Harvestable rights
   54.     Harvestable rights orders

           Division 3 - Native title rights

   55.     Native title rights


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   55A.    Application of Part
   56.     Access licences
   57.     Categories of licence
   57A.    Special provisions relating to floodplain harvesting access licences
   58.     Priorities between different categories of licence
   59.     Available water determinations
   60.     Rules of distribution applicable to making of available water determinations

           Division 1A - Offences

   60A.    Taking water without, or otherwise than authorised by, an access licence
   60B.    Contravention of terms and conditions of access licence
   60C.    Taking water for which there is no, or insufficient, water allocation
   60D.    Taking water otherwise than by or from water supply work or extraction point nominated in access licence
   60E.    Liability of occupier of premises for certain offences
   60F.    General defence
   60G.    Minister may charge for water illegally taken
   60H.    Application of Division in relation to interstate licences
   60I.    Access licence required for water used in mining activities

           Division 2 - Granting of access licences

   61.     Applications for granting of access licences
   62.     Objections to granting of access licences
   63.     Determination of applications
   63A.    Commonwealth and other access licences arising from arrangements
   63B.    Licences arising out of State arrangements or agreements
   64.     Notice of decision
   65.     Controlled allocation of access licences

           Division 3 - Conditions, duration and amendment of access licences

   66.     Conditions of access licence generally
   66A.    Imposition of conditions on granting of access licence
   67.     Imposition of conditions after access licence is granted
   68.     Revocation of conditions
   68A.    Amendment of share or extraction components of access licences and other actions by Minister
   68B.    Increase of share components of Commonwealth and other access licences arising from arrangements
   69.     Duration of access licence
   70.     Special provisions with respect to supplementary water

           Division 3A - Water Access Licence Register

              Subdivision 1 - Keeping of the Access Register

   71.     Water Access Licence Register
   71A.    Dealings and other matters that must be recorded in the Access Register
   71B.    When matters required to be recorded in General Division of Access Register have effect
   71C.    Provisions with respect to registration of dealings, security interests, caveats and other matters in the Access Register

              Subdivision 2 - Registration of security interests

   71D.    Creation of registered security interests by recording in Access Register

              Subdivision 3 - Registration of caveats

   71E.    Minister may register caveats
   71F.    Effect of a caveat

              Subdivision 4 - Miscellaneous

   71G.    Minister may require production or surrender of access licence certificate before recording matters in Access Register
   71H.    Searches of the Access Register
   71I.    Correction and amendment of Access Register
   71J.    Access to the Access Register
   71K.    Minister to supply reasons for certain decisions in relation to Access Register

           Division 4 - Dealings with access licences

   71L.    How does a dealing take effect?
   71M.    Transfer of access licences
   71N.    Term transfers of entitlements under access licences
   71O.    Conversion of access licence to new category
   71P.    Subdivision and consolidation of access licences
   71Q.    Assignment of rights under access licence
   71QA.   Assignment of individual daily extraction component
   71R.    Amendment of share component of access licence
   71S.    Amendment of extraction component of access licence
   71T.    Assignment of water allocations between access licences
   71U.    Interstate transfer of access licences
   71V.    Interstate assignment of water allocations
   71W.    Access licence may nominate water supply works and extraction points
   71X.    Dealings on default
   71Y.    General
   71Z.    Access licence dealing principles
   71ZA.   (Repealed)

           Division 4A - Devolution of, and tenancy arrangements and other matters relating to, access licences

   72.     Devolution of access licences
   72A.    Special provisions relating to co-holdings in access licences
   73.     Changes in co-holder's tenancy arrangements
   74.     Exit from co-held access licence

           Division 5 - Water return flows

   75.     Water return flow rules
   76.     Water allocations may be credited

           Division 6 - Surrender, suspension, cancellation and compulsory acquisition of access licences

   77.     Surrender of access licences
   77A.    Cancellation of access licences that can no longer be used or are no longer required
   78.     Suspension and cancellation of access licences
   78A.    Notification of intention to suspend, cancel or require payment of penalty
   79.     Compulsory acquisition of access licences
           Divisions 7, 8 - (Repealed)

           Division 8A - Register of available water determinations and accounting for water

   84.     Register of available water determinations
   85.     Keeping of water allocation accounts
   85AA.   Daily extraction accounts
   85A.    Authorisation to take water from uncontrolled flows
   85B.    (Repealed)

           Division 9 - Compensation relating to access licences

   86.     Definitions
   87.     Compensation payable in certain circumstances for reductions in water allocations arising during initial period for which management plan is in force
   87AA.   Compensation payable in certain circumstances for reductions in water allocations arising after initial period that management plan is in force
   87AB.   Compensation is not payable in relation to certain conduct
   87AC.   No compensation payable for reductions in water allocations under certain replacement management plans
   87A.    No compensation payable in relation to access licence

           Division 10 - Miscellaneous

   87B.    Access licence certificate
   87C.    Offences with respect to the Access Register
   88.     Regulations
   88AA.   Conditions of exemptions from access licences


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   88A.    Application and objects of Part
   89.     Water use approvals
   90.     Water management work approvals
   91.     Activity approvals
   91AA.   Consultation with Dams Safety NSW in relation to approvals for dams and flood retarding basins

           Division 1A - Offences

   91A.    Using water without, or otherwise than as authorised by, a water use approval
   91B.    Constructing or using water supply work without, or otherwise than as authorised by, a water supply work approval
   91C.    Constructing or using drainage work without, or otherwise than as authorised by, a drainage work approval
   91D.    Constructing or using flood work without, or otherwise than as authorised by, a flood work approval
   91E.    Carrying out controlled activity without, or otherwise than as authorised by, a controlled activity approval
   91F.    Carrying out aquifer interference activity without, or otherwise than as authorised by, an aquifer interference approval
   91G.    Contravention of terms and conditions of approval
   91H.    Failure to install, use or maintain metering equipment
   91I.    Taking water when metering equipment not working
   91IA.   Failure to report metering equipment not working
   91J.    Metering records
   91K.    Meter tampering
   91L.    Liability of occupier of premises for certain offences
   91M.    General defence
   91N.    Corporations not required to hold approvals

           Division 2 - Applications for and granting of approvals

   92.     Applications for approvals
   93.     Objections to applications for approvals
   94.     Determination of applications affected by reviews by Planning Assessment Commission
   95.     Determination of applications
   96.     Matters affecting consideration of applications
   97.     Grounds of refusal of certain applications
   98.     Notice of decision
   99.     Procedures in relation to integrated development
   99A.    Granting of combined approvals

           Division 3 - Conditions and duration of approvals

   100.    Conditions of approvals generally
   100A.   Imposition of conditions on granting of approval
   101.    Conditions of approval for joint schemes
   101A.   Metering equipment condition
   102.    Imposition or change of conditions after approval is granted
   103.    Revocation of conditions
   104.    Duration of approval
   105.    Extension of approvals
   106.    Land benefited by approval

           Division 4 - Amendment, surrender, suspension and cancellation of approvals

   107.    Amendment of approvals
   108.    Surrender of approvals
   109.    Suspension and cancellation of approvals

           Division 5 - Embargoes on applications for approvals

   110.    Temporary embargo
   111.    Permanent embargo
   112.    Operation of embargo

           Division 6 - Registers

   113.    Register of approvals

           Division 7 - Exemptions from approvals

   113A.   Application of division
   113B.   Minister may exempt public authorities for drought
   113C.   Conditions imposed by regulations and Minister for emergencies and other circumstances
   113D.   Conditions imposed by Minister for exempt controlled activities


   114.    Minister may impose fees and charges


   115.    Regulations may impose mandatory conditions
   115A.   Regulations relating to mandatory and other licence conditions


   115B.   Metering equipment



           Division 1 - Preliminary

   116.    Application of Part
   117.    Definitions
   118.    Requirements for access licences and approvals

           Division 2 - Irrigation corporations

   119.    Assets of irrigation corporations
   120.    Entry on to land
   121.    Ceasing to be an irrigation corporation

           Division 3 - Operating licences

   122.    Authority conferred by operating licence
   123.    Terms and conditions of operating licence
   124.    Term of operating licence
   125.    Contravention of operating licence
   126.    Cancellation of operating licence
   127.    Irrigation corporation may make arrangements with subsidiaries

           Division 4 - Inclusion of land within irrigation corporation's area of operations

   128.    Applications to include land within area of operations
   129.    Objections to inclusion of land within area of operations
   130.    Inclusion of land in area of operations
   131.    (Repealed)

           Division 5 - Exclusion of land from irrigation corporation's area of operations

   132.    Applications to exclude land from area of operations
   133.    Objections to exclusion of land from area of operations
   134.    Exclusion of land from area of operations
   135.    (Repealed)

           Division 6 - Miscellaneous

   136.    Successor in title liable for unpaid contract charges
   137.    Indemnities
   138.    Register of licences, audits and management programs


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   139.    Definitions
   140.    Requirements for access licences and approvals

           Division 2 - Constitution and management of private water corporations

   141.    Application for establishment of private water corporations
   142.    Determination of application and constitution of corporation
   143.    Functions of private water corporations
   144.    Boards of private water corporations
   145.    Rules of private water corporations
   146.    Corporation must provide copy of rules to Minister
   147.    Delegation by corporations and boards

           Division 3 - Operational functions

   148.    Corporation works and other works
   149.    Members may be required to provide distribution works
   149A.   (Repealed)
   150.    Discontinuation of water supply by corporation
   151.    Supply of services to other persons
   152.    Powers of entry and inspection
   153.    Works plans

           Division 4 - Sale and transformation of water entitlements

   154.    Water entitlements of members
   155.    Sale or transfer of group entitlement
   156.    Sale or transfer of members' water entitlements
   157.    Transformation of member's water entitlement

           Division 5 - Changes to private water corporations

   158.    Changes in membership requiring works plan changes
   159.    Application for amalgamation of private water corporations
   160.    Determination of application for amalgamation
   161.    Effect of sale of land
   162.    Effect of subdivision

           Division 6 - Rates and charges

   163.    Fixing of rates and charges
   164.    Recovery of unpaid rates and charges
   165.    Abandonment of rates and charges

           Division 7 - Finance

   166.    Financial records
   167.    Auditor's right to access to information
   168.    Presentation of audited financial statements
   169.    Borrowing and investment by corporations

           Division 8 - Enforcement powers

   170.    Charges for water illegally taken and damage to works
   171.    Entry and investigation powers
   172.    Ministerial directions about rules

           Division 9 - Winding up of private water corporations

   173.    Appointment of an administrator
   174.    Functions of administrator
   175.    Removed board members not eligible for re-election
   176.    Effect of administration on existing contracts
   177.    Winding up of corporations

           Division 10 - Miscellaneous

   178.    Liability for water source and other changes
   179.    Amendment of Schedule 13 to insert, change, omit name of corporation
           180-190. (Repealed)
           Divisions 10A, 11 - (Repealed)

   PART 3 - (Repealed)


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   220.    Application of Part
   221.    Definitions
   222.    Requirements for access licences and approvals

           Division 2 - Management of private water trusts

   223.    Trustees of private water trusts
   224.    Water supply and other functions of trusts
   225.    Rules of private water trusts
   226.    Trustees must provide copy of rules
   227.    Delegation

           Division 3 - Operational functions

   228.    Trust works and other works
   229.    Members may be required to provide distribution works
   230.    Discontinuation of water supply by trust
   231.    Supply of services to other persons
   232.    Powers of entry and inspection
   233.    Works plans

           Division 4 - Sale and transformation of water entitlements

   234.    Water entitlements of members
   235.    Sale or transfer of group entitlement
   236.    Sale or transfer of members' water entitlements
   237.    Transformation of member's water entitlements

           Division 5A - (Repealed)

           Division 5 - Changes to private water trusts

   238.    Changes in membership requiring works plan changes
   238A.   (Repealed)
   239.    Application for amalgamation of private water trusts
   239A.   Determination of application for amalgamation
   239B.   Effect of sale of land
   239C.   Effect of subdivision
   239D.   Conversion of private water trust to private water corporation

           Division 6 - Rates and charges

   239E.   Fixing of rates and charges
   239F.   Recovery of unpaid rates and charges
   239G.   Abandonment of rates and charges

           Division 7 - Finance

   239H.   Financial records
   239I.   Auditor's right to access to information
   239J.   Presentation of audited financial statements
   239K.   Borrowing by private water trusts

           Division 8 - Winding up of private water trusts

   239L.   Appointment of an administrator
   239M.   Functions of administrator
   239N.   Removed trustees not eligible for re-election
   239O.   Effect of administration on existing contracts
   239P.   Winding up of private water trusts

           Division 9 - Miscellaneous

   239Q.   Liability for water source and other changes
   239R.   Ministerial directions about rules
   239S.   Name changes
   239T.   Private trusts not NSW government agencies


   PART 1 - (Repealed)


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   253.    Application of Part
   254.    Definitions

           Division 2 - Powers of Minister

   255.    Restriction on use of lands adjacent to levee banks
   256.    Construction of fences, structures and flood works

           Division 3 - Finance

   257.    Accounts to be kept in Special Deposits Account
   258.    Allocation of money
   259.    Cost of works generally
   260.    Cost of works to protect towns and villages
   261.    Cost of protective works
   262.    Annual contribution to works program by Local Land Services
   263.    Consultation with Local Land Services as to works program
   264.    Consultation with local council as to works program
   265.    Payment of contribution towards maintenance by a local council
   266.    Consultation with local council as to maintenance program
   267.    Urgent maintenance works
   268.    Payments to be duly made

           Division 4 - Miscellaneous

   269.    Works to protect public and local government works to be approved by Minister
   270.    Major floodgates to be maintained and operated by local councils
   271.    Maintenance of minor floodgates
   272.    Application of Public Works Act 1912
   273.    Evidence of cost of works

   PART 3 - (Repealed)



   281.    Major utilities
   282.    Review of activities of major utilities


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   283.    Definitions
   284.    Requirements for access licences and approvals

           Division 2 - Water supply authorities

   285.    Water supply authorities
   286.    Constitution of water supply authorities
   287.    Statutory body may be water supply authority
   288.    Provisions relating to constitution and procedure of water supply authorities
   289.    Area of operations
   290.    Staff
   291.    Delegation

           Division 3 - Functions of water supply authorities

   292.    Functions of water supply authority
   293.    Exercise of functions by a water supply authority
   294.    Commercial operations
   295.    Assistance to statutory body
   296.    Entry on land to read meters or carry out works
   297.    Entry on land for inspections
   298.    Power to break up roads
   299.    Altering position of conduits
   300.    Obstruction of works
   300A.   Discharges into sewerage and drainage systems
   301.    Finding source of pollution of water supply
   301A.   Power to give directions
   301B.   Regulations for protection of water supply
   301C.   Regulations for measurement of supply of water
   301D.   Regulations for drainage areas
   301E.   Regulations for firefighting water supply services and fire hydrants

           Division 4 - Special areas

   302.    Special areas
   303.    Crown land in special areas
   304.    Exercise of certain functions in special areas
   304A.   Regulations

           Division 5 - Developer contributions to the construction of works

   305.    Application for certificate of compliance
   306.    Authority may impose certain requirements before granting certificate of compliance
   307.    Granting of certificates of compliance

           Division 6 - Finance

   308.    Orders for purpose of service charges
   309.    Connections
   310.    Authority may levy service charges and impose fees and other charges
   311.    Land in respect of which a water supply authority may levy service charges
   312.    Certain land exempt from service charges
   313.    Classification of lands
   314.    Basis of levying service charges
   315.    Determinations by water supply authority
   316.    Assessment of service charges
   317.    Re-assessment of service charges

           Division 7 - Miscellaneous

   318.    Acquisition and divesting of land
   318A.   Exposure of underground pipes
   318B.   Plumbing works
   319.    Compensation for interference or damage
   320.    Efficiency review
   321.    Appointment of administrator
   322.    Regulations



           Division 1 - Preliminary

   323.    Definitions

           Division 2 - Conservation of water, metering and audits

   324.    Temporary water restrictions
   325.    Directions concerning waste of water
   326.    Directions to install, replace, use and maintain metering equipment
   326A.   Compliance audits
   326B.   Use of information

           Division 3 - Unlawful works and activities

   327.    Stop work order regarding unlawful construction or use of water management work
   328.    Stop work order regarding unlawful controlled activity or aquifer interference activity
   329.    Removal of unlawful water management works

           Division 4 - Temporary stop work orders

   330.    Temporary stop work order to protect public interest

           Division 5 - Protection of public health, public safety and the environment

   331.    Directions to holders of basic landholder rights
   332.    Directions concerning damage caused by straying stock
   333.    Directions to protect water sources
   334.    Directions to prepare reports

           Division 6 - Enforcement by Land and Environment Court

   335.    Land and Environment Court may grant injunctions
   336.    Restraint of breaches of this Act

           Division 7 - General

   336A.   Remedial measures may be taken by Minister
   336B.   Mandatory guidelines
   336C.   Contravention of certain directions
   336D.   Prior notice of direction not required

           Division 8 - Enforceable undertakings

   336E.   Enforcement of undertakings
   336F.   Notice of decision and reasons for decision


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   337.    Purposes for which powers under Part may be exercised
   337A.   Effect on other functions
   337B.   Extended meaning of "occupier"

           Division 2 - Powers to require information or records

   338.    Application of Division
   338A.   Powers of authorised officers to require information and records
   338B.   Power of authorised officers to require answers
   338C.   Recording of evidence
   338D.   Power of authorised officers to demand name and address

           Division 3 - Powers of entry and search of premises

   339.    Powers of authorised officers to enter premises
   339A.   Entry into residential premises only with permission or warrant
   339B.   Powers of authorised officers to do things at premises
   339C.   Search warrants
   339D.   Authorised officers may request assistance
   339E.   Assistance to be given to authorised officers
   339F.   Care to be taken
   339G.   Compensation

           Division 4 - General

   340.    Identification
   340A.   Offences
   340B.   Provisions relating to requirements to furnish records, information or answer questions
   340C.   Revocation or variation
   340D.   Extraterritorial application


   341.    (Repealed)
   342.    Destruction, damage and interference with certain works
   343.    Taking water from public or private works
   344.    False or misleading information
   345.    Harm to aquifers and waterfront land
   346.    Unlicensed bore drilling
   347.    Ancillary offences
           347A-352. (Repealed)


   353.    Operation of Part
   353A.   Orders generally
   353B.   Orders for restoration and prevention
   353C.   Orders for costs, expenses and compensation at time offence proved
   353D.   Recovery of costs, expenses and compensation after offence proved
   353E.   Orders regarding costs and expenses of investigation
   353F.   Orders regarding monetary benefits
   353G.   Additional orders
   353H.   Offence


           Division 1 - Recovery of rates, charges and other amounts by charging authorities

   354.    Definition
   355.    Certain rates and charges to be a charge on land
   356.    Interest on rates and charges
   357.    Recovery of rates, charges and other money
   358.    Joint owners
   359.    Sale of land for unpaid rates and charges
   360.    Certificate as to amount due
   361.    Liability where an estate or interest is transferred
   362.    Liability where a person becomes entitled to an estate or interest

           Division 2 - Provisions relating to access licences

   362A.   Joint owners
   362B.   Certificate as to charges outstanding in relation to access licences
   362C.   Unpaid fees, charges and civil penalties


           Division 1 - Legal proceedings

   363.    Offences by corporations
   363A.   Offences by joint holders of access licence or approval
   363B.   Penalties
   364.    Proceedings for offences
   364A.   Matters to be considered in imposing penalty
   365.    Penalty notices
   365A.   Continuing offences
   366.    Legal proceedings do not affect, and are unaffected by, other action under this Act
   367.    Evidentiary certificates
   367A.   Evidence of analysts
   367B.   Rebuttable presumptions

           Division 2 - Appeals

   368.    Appeals to Land and Environment Court


   PART 1 - (Repealed)


   371.    Constitution of Water Administration Ministerial Corporation
   372.    Functions of Ministerial Corporation
   372A.   Metering equipment functions
   372B.   Interests and rights in metering equipment
   373.    Commercial operations
   374.    Application of Public Works Act 1912
   375.    Acquisition of land
   376.    Staff of Ministerial Corporation
   377.    Delegation of functions


   378.    Definitions
   379.    Constitution of Trust
   380.    Objects of Trust
   381.    Functions of Trust
   382.    Staff of Trust
   383.    Delegation
   384.    Water Investment Trust Fund
   385.    Investments
   386.    Investment levies on water users


   386A.   Definitions
   386B.   Appointments to Basin Officials Committee
   386C.   Minister may act for Government of NSW
   386D.   Authorisation of works, operations and measures under the Agreement
   386E.   Constructing Authority for NSW
   386F.   Certain documents to be tabled in Parliament


   387.    Expert advisory panels
   387A.   Water Innovation Council
   388.    Committees
   389.    Delegation
   389A.   Conferral of water management functions on public authorities
   389B.   Gas and other petroleum activities--enforcement by EPA
   390.    Authorised officers and analysts
   391.    Resolution of disputes between public authorities
   391A.   Interstate arrangements in relation to access licences and approvals


   392.    State's water rights
   393.    Abolition of common law riparian rights
   394.    Service of documents
   395.    Publication of notices, orders and proclamations in authorised manner
   395A.   Continuing effect of directions and conditions
   396.    Act binds Crown
   397.    Exclusion of personal liability
   398.    Exclusion of Crown liability
   399.    Annual reporting information for Department
   400.    Regulations
   400A.   Excluded matters
   400B.   Displacement of Commonwealth water legislation
   401.    Repeals
   402.    Amendment of other Acts
   402A.   Uncommenced amendments to Act transferred to Act
   403.    Savings, transitional and other provisions
   404.    Review of Act
           SCHEDULE 1A
           SCHEDULE 1B
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6
           SCHEDULE 7
           SCHEDULE 8
           SCHEDULE 9
           SCHEDULE 9A
           SCHEDULE 10
           SCHEDULE 11
           SCHEDULE 12
           SCHEDULE 13
           SCHEDULE 13A

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