(1) The number of trustees of a private water trust is to be the number when section 220 commenced.
(2) The trustees of a trust are to be elected.
(3) The trustees must elect one of the trustees as chairperson of the trust.
(4) The trustees have the following functions--(a) to direct, control and manage the affairs of the trust, in accordance with this Act, the regulations and the rules,(b) any other functions conferred on the trustees by or under this Act.
(5) The trustees are to act for and on behalf of the trust.
(6) A trustee holds office for the term prescribed by the rules.
(7) The regulations may prescribe the circumstances in which a trustee ceases to be a trustee.
(8) For the purposes of this Act and the regulations, a trust is taken to be the holder of any access licence or approval that is held by any former or other current trustees on behalf of the trust.
(9) A trustee must, as soon as practicable after ceasing to be a trustee, take all necessary action to transfer any interest in property held by the former trustee on behalf of the trust to the trustees of the trust or the trust.