(1) The objective of this clause is to protect and enhance sun access to key public open spaces.
(2) This clause applies to land in the Blacktown central business district identified on the Key Sites Map .
(3) Despite clause 4.3, development consent must not be granted to development on land to which this clause applies if the development will result in--(a) less than 50% of Northern Landing Reserve or Civic Plaza receiving direct sunlight between 12 pm and 2 pm on 21 June, or(b) less than 65% of Main Street Reserve, Alpha Park or Balmoral Street Reserve receiving direct sunlight between 12 am and 2 pm on 21 June.
(4) In this clause--
"Alpha Park" means the land identified as "Alpha Park" on the Sun Access Protection Map .
"Balmoral Street Reserve" means the land identified as "Balmoral Street Reserve" on the Sun Access Protection Map .
"Civic Plaza" means the land identified as "Civic Plaza" on the Sun Access Protection Map .
"Main Street Reserve" means the land identified as "Main Street Reserve" on the Sun Access Protection Map .
"Northern Landing Reserve" means the land identified as "Northern Landing Reserve" on the Sun Access Protection Map .