New South Wales Consolidated Regulations

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SCHEDULE 9 – Imposition of road conditions in relation to a class 2 heavy vehicle

section 44

Kind of road condition Circumstances for imposing the kind of road condition
requirements about the types of loads that a heavy vehicle may carry if an area or route is not suitable for access by all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles but access is needed for vehicles that service an industry local to the area or route to carry specified loads, such as grain or sugar cane
restrictions on turning in a given direction if the road alignment or geometry is not conducive to all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles making a turn in a given direction safely or without undue risk to road infrastructure
requirements about the permissible mass of a heavy vehicle (including its equipment) or a component or load of a heavy vehicle, including for specified axles or axle groups or axle spacings, including requirements about maximum or minimum mass limits or for the vehicle to be unladen or for the stated category of class 2 heavy vehicle to not be able to be used at higher mass limits on a stated area or route if it is necessary to protect road infrastructure from excessive rates of wear and damage caused by excessive mass
if it is necessary to protect road infrastructure from mass that is insufficient to ensure that drive axles maintain traction with the road pavement
if specifying vehicle load distribution is necessary to protect road infrastructure from excessive rates of wear or damage by ensuring adequate drive axle traction on steep inclines
conditions about which lane or lanes a heavy vehicle may or may not be used on if there is a demonstrated and significant elevated risk of wear or damage to road infrastructure relative to travelling in another lane or lanes in a specified area or route
if a significant benefit to road infrastructure will result from imposing the condition, such as travelling through roundabouts or helping to prevent collision with roadside furniture, poles and signs
if a reduction in traffic congestion will result from imposing the condition
if a specified section of road has been assessed as unsafe for all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles to overtake other vehicles and it is necessary to restrict such vehicles to operating in specified lanes
requirements about minimum spacing between all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles when travelling on a specified area or route if there is a demonstrated and significant elevated risk of wear or damage to road infrastructure arising from all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles travelling in close proximity to other class 2 heavy vehicles
if road conditions make attempts by other motorists to overtake all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles more likely (such as on inclines where the heavy vehicles may be unable to keep pace with general traffic), but where travelling in close proximity to other heavy vehicles would make such overtaking attempts more difficult or less safe
restrictions on proceeding past a nominated point on a road until the driver has ascertained that it is safe to do so if there are sections of road with limited forward visibility and insufficient width for more than one vehicle to pass safely, including narrow stretches of road and single lane bridges
conditions about the maximum speed at which all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles may be driven in or on a stated area, road or route, being lower than the speed limit applying to other traffic in that area if there are sections of road in an area that is built up or within town limits with high pedestrian or vehicle traffic and the use of all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles at the speed limit applying to other traffic in that area is a greater safety risk than for other vehicle categories
if it is necessary to minimise wear and damage to unsealed road surfaces when wet or dusty or in other poor weather conditions
if there is an elevated risk of loss of vehicle control, including from steep or winding descents
if there is an elevated risk to road safety generally
if a route is a school bus route
requirements to yield to other vehicles, being in addition to requirements under the Road Rules if it is necessary to manage traffic flow to minimise traffic congestion, such as in ferry boarding and unloading areas where priority loading or parking is required
if it is necessary to manage traffic flow on narrow roads to allow another vehicle to pass or at intersections where all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles may need to use opposing traffic lanes to negotiate a corner
if road infrastructure or traffic conditions make overtaking all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles unsafe or where it would contribute to increased traffic congestion, such as where the heavy vehicle was unable to keep pace with general traffic (for example, on steep inclines)
restrictions on travelling during stated periods or stated weather conditions during the wet season when roads in an area or route are in such condition that it would be unsafe for all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles to be used on those roads or where such use would contribute to unacceptable damage to road infrastructure
if there are specified weather conditions and it would be unsafe for all or stated categories of class 2 heavy vehicles to be used on roads in an area or route or where such use would contribute to unacceptable damage to road infrastructure

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