(1) Schedule 4 Savings and transitional provisions Omit clause 12 (2) (a). Insert instead:(a) the application is to be determined under the old legislation and a practising certificate granted as a result of the application is taken to be an Australian practising certificate granted in this jurisdiction under this Law as applied in this jurisdiction; and
(2) Schedule 4, clause 12A Insert after clause 12:12A Existing actions that may affect practising certificates(1) The old legislation continues to apply for the purposes of the following matters, if those matters were not completed before 1 July 2015:(a) the determination of whether to take action against the holder of a local practising certificate if a notice was given by the appropriate Council under the Legal Profession Act 2004 to the holder proposing the amendment, suspension or cancellation of the practising certificate and the taking of any such action,(b) an investigation and the taking of any other action in relation to a show cause event under Division 7 of Part 2.4 of Chapter 2 of the Legal Profession Act 2004 .(2) Any action taken under this clause in relation to a practising certificate is taken to have been done under this Law.
(3) Schedule 4, clause 13 (2) (a) Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:(a) the application is to be determined under the old legislation and a registration certificate granted as a result of the application is taken to be an Australian registration certificate granted in this jurisdiction under this Law as applied in this jurisdiction; and
(4) Schedule 4, clause 23 (6) Insert after clause 23 (5):(6) In this clause, a reference to a claim under the fidelity cover provisions of the old legislation includes a reference to a claim under clause 146 of the Legal Profession Regulation 2005 .