(cf SCR Part 72, rule 8)
(1) The court may give directions with respect to the conduct of proceedings under the reference.
(2) Subject to any direction under subrule (1)--(a) the referee may conduct the proceedings under the reference in such manner as the referee thinks fit, and(b) in conducting proceedings under the reference, the referee is not bound by the rules of evidence but may inform himself or herself in relation to any matter in such manner as the referee thinks fit.
(3) Evidence before the referee--(a) may be given orally or in writing, and(b) if the referee so requires, must, be given on oath or by affidavit.
(4) A referee may take the examination of any person.
(5) Each party must, within a time fixed by the referee but in any event before the conclusion of evidence on the inquiry, give to the referee and each other party a brief statement of the findings of fact and law for which the party contends.
(6) The parties must at all times do all things which the referee requires to enable a just opinion to be reached and no party may wilfully do or cause to be done any act to delay or prevent an opinion being reached.