(cf SCR Part 52A, rule 26; DCR Part 39A, rule 5; Federal Court Rules , Order 15A, rules 4 and 11)
(1) On any application for an order under this Part, the court may make orders for the costs of the applicant, of the person against whom the order is made or sought and of any other party to the proceedings.
(2) The costs in respect of which such an order may be made include--(a) payment of conduct money, and(b) payments made on account of any expense or loss in relation to the proceedings, and(c) the costs of making and serving any list of documents, and(d) the costs of producing any documents for inspection, and(e) the costs of otherwise complying with the requirements of any order under Division 1 of Part 21, as applying to the discovery and inspection of documents the subject of an order for discovery under this Part.