(cf SCR Part 51, rule 35A)
(1) The Orange Book must contain--(a) the consolidated index or, if applicable, an index of its contents, and(b) the appellant's submissions and chronology in their final form with references that comply with rule 51.36(1)(b), and(c) the submissions and chronologies served on the appellant by other parties in their final form, and(d) any amended notice of appeal, notice of cross-appeal or notice of contention, in their final form, and(e) any statement required by rule 51.28(3)(b), and(f) any statement required by rule 51.29(5)(b), and(g) any notice of discontinuance filed in the proceedings, and(h) any submitting notice of appearance filed in the proceedings, and(i) any notice of motion the hearing of which has been adjourned to the hearing of the appeal, and(j) any notice of a constitutional matter filed under rule 1.22, and(k) any affidavit of service in relation to a respondent who has not filed a notice of appearance in the proceedings, and(l) any notice of objection to the contents of the Appeal Book under rule 51.31 to the extent that those contents are still in dispute.
(2) The pages of the Orange Book must be one-sided (that is, with writing on one side of the page).