(1) An application under section 51 of the Adoption Act 2000 for a review of an adoption plan is to be made by notice of motion in the proceedings in which the relevant adoption order was made.
(2) Evidence in support of an application for a review of an adoption plan must include--(a) a verified copy of the executed adoption plan (unless it has previously been registered), and(b) the proposed changes to the adoption plan, and(c) the grounds on which the application is made, and(d) the facts, matters and circumstances relied on to show that it is in the best interests of the child and proper in the circumstances to change the adoption plan.
(3) Unless the Supreme Court orders otherwise, the notice of motion must be served on--(a) each party to the adoption who has agreed to the adoption plan, and(b) any other person (including a non-consenting birth parent who has not agreed to the adoption plan) who has a sufficient interest in the adoption plan.