(1) In assessing what is a fair and reasonable amount of costs, the Commission may have regard to any or all of the following matters--(a) whether the law practice or agent complied with any relevant regulation, Legal Practice Rules or Legal Profession Conduct Rules,(b) in the case of a law practice--whether the law practice disclosed the basis of the costs or an estimate of the costs under Division 3 of Part 4.3 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) and any disclosures made,(c) any relevant costs agreement (subject to clause 113),(d) the skill, labour and responsibility displayed on the part of the law practice or agent responsible for the matter,(e) the instructions and whether the work done was within the scope of the instructions,(f) the complexity, novelty or difficulty of the matter,(g) the quality of the work done,(h) the place where and circumstances in which the legal services were provided,(i) the time within which the work was required to be done.
(2) In this clause,
"Legal Practice Rules" and
"Legal Profession Conduct Rules" have the same meaning as in the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) .