(1) If the regulator grants a high risk work licence, the regulator must issue to the applicant a licence document in the form determined by the regulator.
(2) The licence document must include the following--(a) the name of the licence holder,(b) a photograph of the licence holder,(c) the date of birth of the licence holder,(d) a copy of the signature of the licence holder or provision for the inclusion of a copy signature,(e) the class of high risk work licence and a description of the work within the scope of the licence,(f) the date on which the licence was granted,(g) the expiry date of the licence.
(3) For the purposes of subclause (2)(e), if the regulator grants more than 1 class of high risk work licence to a person, the licence document must contain a description of each class of licence and the work that is within the scope of each licence.
(4) If a licence holder holds more than 1 high risk work licence, the regulator may issue to the licence holder one licence document in relation to some or all those licences.
(5) Despite clause 92, if a licence document is issued under subclause (4), the licences to which that licence document related expire on the date that the first of those licences expires.