This legislation has been repealed.
(Clause 49 (c))
Delta Electricity (in respect of such funds of or under the control of Delta Electricity as are determined by the Treasurer) and any subsidiary of Delta Electricity (in respect of such funds of or under the control of the subsidiary as are determined by the Treasurer)
Ausgrid, in respect of such funds of or under the control of Ausgrid as are determined by the Treasurer
Liability Management Ministerial Corporation, in respect of money in the General Government Liability Management Fund that is not immediately required for the purposes of the Fund
Lifetime Care and Support Authority of New South Wales, in respect of any funds for which an approved funds manager is engaged by the Authority as referred to in section 25 of the Act to act in relation to the management of those funds
Macquarie Generation (in respect of such funds of or under the control of Macquarie Generation as are determined by the Treasurer) and any subsidiary of Macquarie Generation (in respect of such funds of or under the control of the subsidiary as are determined by the Treasurer)
NSW Self Insurance Corporation
SAS Trustee Corporation
Sydney Water Corporation, in respect of such funds of or under the control of Sydney Water Corporation as are determined by the Treasurer
The Minister administering the Jobs for NSW Act 2015 , in respect of money in the Jobs for NSW Fund
The Treasurer, in respect of any funds for which an approved funds manager is engaged by the Treasurer as referred to in section 25 of the Act to act in relation to the management of those funds
Treasury Corporation
Trustees of the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Fund, in respect of any funds for which an approved funds manager is engaged by the authority as referred to in section 25 of the Act to act in relation to the management of those funds
WorkCover Authority
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Board