This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 25 February 2015 - Reg 25 of 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Plan 2. Aims of Plan 3. Land to which Plan applies 4. Definitions 5. Notes 6. Consent authority 7. Maps 8. Repeal of other local planning instruments applying to land 9. Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments 10. Application of SEPPs and REPs PART 2 - PERMITTED OR PROHIBITED DEVELOPMENT 11. Land use zones 12. Zoning of land to which Plan applies 13. Zone objectives and land use table 14. Unzoned land 15. Additional permitted uses for particular land 16. Subdivision--consent requirements 17. Temporary use of land Land Use Table Zone R4. High Density Residential Zone B3. Commercial Core Zone B4. Mixed Use Zone SP2. Infrastructure Zone SP3. Tourist Zone RE1. Public Recreation PART 3 - EXEMPT AND COMPLYING DEVELOPMENT 18. Exempt development 19. Complying development 20. Environmentally sensitive areas excluded PART 4 - PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 21. Height of buildings 22. Architectural roof features 23. Sun access 24. Floor space ratio 25. Minimum building street frontage 26. Design excellence 27. Car parking 28. Ground floor development within Zones B3 and B4 29. Building separation 30. Ecologically sustainable development 31. Serviced apartments 32. Exceptions to development standards PART 5 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 33. Land acquisition within certain zones 34. Development on proposed classified road 35. Classification and reclassification of public land 36. Community use of educational establishments 37. Classified roads 38. Development in proximity to a rail corridor 39. Preservation of trees or vegetation 40. Heritage conservation 41. Bush fire hazard reduction 42. Development for group homes 43. Crown development and public utilities PART 6 - LOCAL PROVISIONS 44. Location of sex services premises and restricted premises PART 7 - NORTH PENRITH SITE Division 1 - Preliminary 45. Application of Part 46. Interpretation 47. Certain planning instruments cease to apply to land 48. Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments Division 2 - Permitted or prohibited development 49. Land use zones 50. Zone objectives and land use table Land Use Table Division 3 - Miscellaneous provisions 51. Height of buildings 52. Development near zone boundaries 53. Architectural roof features 54. Heritage conservation 55. Earthworks 56. Savings provision relating to pending applications SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 99 Dictionary