This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Private Health Facilities Act 2007 - As at 1 September 2017 - Reg 64 of 2010 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 3A. Definition of "private health facility": prescribed services or treatments PART 2 - LICENSING OF PRIVATE HEALTH FACILITIES Division 1 - Classes of private health facilities 4. Licensing standards 5. Classes of private health facilities Division 2 - Licensing application fees and other fees 6. Applications for licence for private health facility 7. Request for extension of approval in principle 8. Annual licence fees 9. Transfer of licence 10. Alterations or extensions to private health facility 11. Amendment of licence 12. Application for review of Director-General's decision PART 3 - CONDUCT OF PRIVATE HEALTH FACILITIES 13. Qualifications for director of nursing of facility 14. Register of patients PART 4 - MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 15. Membership of medical advisory committee PART 5 - ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS TEAMS 16. Reportable incident 17. Disclosure of information PART 6 - DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS 18. Definitions 19. Manner in which pecuniary interest to be notified PART 7 - MISCELLANEOUS 20. Display of licence 21. Notification of Council orders 22. Information to be provided by licensees 23. Transitional provision for rapid opioid detoxification facilities 24. Transitional provision for existing facilities 25. Transitional provision for cosmetic surgery class facilities SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3