This legislation has been repealed.
(1) For the purposes of section 58 (2) of the Act, a practitioner is to notify a person of the practitioner's pecuniary interest:(a) by a statement made by the practitioner, and(b) by written notification given by the practitioner, and(c) by a notice displayed at the private health facility, and(d) by a notice displayed in any office or other premises of the practitioner.
(2) The notification must identify the practitioner to which it relates and must specify the nature and extent of the pecuniary interest.
(3) A notice referred to in subclause (1) (c) or (d) must comply with the following requirements:(a) the notice must have a surface area of at least 2,500 square centimetres,(b) the information on the notice must be printed in plain, bold letters at least 1 centimetre high on a contrasting background,(c) in the case of a notice displayed at a private health facility, the notice must be displayed in a prominent place in the waiting room or in every room in which the practitioner to whom the notice relates attends to patients or other persons,(d) in the case of a notice displayed at an office or other premises, the notice must be displayed in a prominent place.