This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Regardless of any other provision of this plan, premises shall not be erected or used for the purpose of a brothel where they are located:(a) on any land zoned residential or within 200 metres (measured from the boundary of the allotment upon which the brothel is proposed) of residences or any land zoned residential, or(b) near or within view from any church, hospital, school, community facility or public open space or from any other place regularly frequented by children for recreational or cultural activities, or(c) within 50 metres (measured from the boundary of the allotment upon which the brothel is proposed) of a public transport facility, being a railway station entrance, bus stop, taxi rank, ferry terminal or the like, or(d) in the following areas of the 4 Employment Zone, as shown marked with diagonal hatching on the zoning map:(i) Wellington Road, South Granville,(ii) Everley Road, South Granville,(iii) Factory Street, Clyde,(iv) Edgar Buggy Street, Guildford,(v) Ruby Street, Guildford,(vi) Cowper Street, Granville,(vii) Ferndell Street, South Granville.
(2) In determining an application to carry out development for the purpose of a brothel, the consent authority must consider the following matters:(a) whether the operation of the brothel will be likely to cause a disturbance in the neighbourhood because of its size, location, hours of operation, clients or the number of employees and other people working in it,(b) whether the operation of the brothel will be likely to interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood,(c) whether the operation of the brothel will be likely to cause a disturbance in the neighbourhood when taking into account other brothels operating in the neighbourhood involving similar hours of operation,(d) any other environmental planning instruments that the consent authority considers relevant,(e) whether any signage related to the premises will be of a size, shape and content that interferes with the amenity of the locality,(f) whether part of the brothel, other than an access corridor to the brothel, is visible from a public place or shopping centre.