This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 15 December 2008 - Reg 137 of 2002 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1. Name of plan 2. Land covered by this plan 3. Relationship to other environmental planning instruments 4. Interpretation 5. Consent authority 6. Suspension of certain covenants etc PART 2 - AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 7. Aims and objectives of this plan PART 3 - LAND USE ZONES 8. Zones indicated on the map 9. Zone objectives and development control table PART 4 - DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS 10. General matters for consideration in determining development applications 11. Dual occupancy 12. Subdivision 13. Tourist establishments 14. Preservation of vegetation PART 5 - MISCELLANEOUS 15. Tree preservation 16. Provision of services 17. Flood liable land 18. Traffic safety 19. Aboriginal cultural heritage 20. Bush fire prone land 21. Development near a noise source 22. Temporary use of land 23. Activities unaffected by this plan 24. Development for additional purposes SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4