This legislation has been repealed.
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that all development has adequate water, sewerage and drainage services, and public amenities and services.
(2) Water Despite any other provision of this plan, consent must not be granted to development of any kind that will require provision of a water supply unless the consent authority is satisfied, by written evidence, that the development will be connected to a reticulated water supply.
(3) Sewerage Despite any other provision of this plan, consent must not be granted to development of any kind that will require removal or disposal of sewage unless the consent authority is satisfied, by written evidence, that the development will have adequate facilities for the removal or disposal of sewage.
(4) Despite any other provision of this plan, consent must not be granted to development for the purpose of aged persons housing unless the development will be connected to a reticulated sewerage system.
(5) Despite any other provision of this plan, consent may be granted to development that involves on-site disposal of sewage only if:(a) the site has an area of at least 1 hectare, unless the development is dual occupancy located on a site that complies with clause 11, and(b) the consent authority is satisfied the disposal of sewage will comply with any policy relating to on-site disposal of sewage adopted by the Council.
(6) Drainage Consent must not be granted to development of any kind unless the consent authority has considered facilities proposed for the drainage of the land, having regard to any strategy or plan relating to stormwater and waste water management adopted by the Council.
(7) Consent must not be granted to development unless the consent authority is satisfied that:(a) run-off from the site will be of an equal or higher quality than run-off from the site prior to the development occurring, and(b) the quantity of run-off will not alter downstream natural hydrology.
(8) Public amenities and services Consent must not be granted to development for any purpose unless, in the opinion of the consent authority or a relevant service authority, the development proposal demonstrates that the need for public amenities or public services has been or will be met.