This legislation has been repealed.
(Clause 3 (1))
Omit clause 2 (2). Insert instead:
(2) This plan does not apply to land to which the following instruments apply:Penrith Local Environmental Plan 2002 (Villages of Mulgoa and Wallacia)
Insert at the end of clause 5 (2):
Penrith Local Environmental Plan 2002 (Villages of Mulgoa and Wallacia)
Insert at the end of the clause:
Land to which Penrith Local Environmental Plan 2002 (Villages of Mulgoa and Wallacia) applies.
Insert "or to land to which Penrith Local Environmental Plan 2002 (Villages of Mulgoa and Wallacia) applies" after "matter" in clause 3 (2).
Insert at the end of the definition of "the map":
, as amended by the maps deposited in the office of the Council and marked as follows:Penrith Local Environmental Plan No 255--Exempt and Complying Development (Amendment No 1)