This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 3 July 2020 - Reg 540 of 2011 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1.1. Name of Plan 1.1AA. Commencement 1.2. Aims of Plan 1.3. Land to which Plan applies 1.4. Definitions 1.5. Notes 1.6. Consent authority 1.7. Maps 1.8. Repeal of planning instruments applying to land 1.8A. Savings provision relating to development applications 1.9. Application of SEPPs 1.9A. Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments PART 2 - PERMITTED OR PROHIBITED DEVELOPMENT 2.1. Land use zones 2.2. Zoning of land to which Plan applies 2.3. Zone objectives and Land Use Table 2.4. Unzoned land 2.5. Additional permitted uses for particular land 2.6. Subdivision--consent requirements 2.7. Demolition requires development consent 2.8. Temporary use of land Land Use Table Note Zone R1. General Residential Zone R2. Low Density Residential Zone R3. Medium Density Residential Zone R4. High Density Residential Zone B1. Neighbourhood Centre Zone B2. Local Centre Zone B3. Commercial Core Zone B4. Mixed Use Zone B5. Business Development Zone B6. Enterprise Corridor Zone IN1. General Industrial Zone IN2. Light Industrial Zone IN3. Heavy Industrial Zone SP1. Special Activities Zone SP2. Infrastructure Zone RE1. Public Recreation Zone RE2. Private Recreation Zone E2. Environmental Conservation Zone E3. Environmental Management Zone W1. Natural Waterways Zone W2. Recreational Waterways PART 3 - EXEMPT AND COMPLYING DEVELOPMENT 3.1. Exempt development 3.2. Complying development 3.3. Environmentally sensitive areas excluded PART 4 - PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.1. Minimum subdivision lot size 4.1AA. Minimum subdivision lot size for community title schemes 4.1A. (Repealed) 4.2. Rural subdivision 4.3. Height of buildings 4.4. Floor space ratio 4.5. Calculation of floor space ratio and site area 4.6. Exceptions to development standards PART 5 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 5.1. Relevant acquisition authority 5.1A. Development on land intended to be acquired for public purposes 5.2. Classification and reclassification of public land 5.3. Development near zone boundaries 5.4. Controls relating to miscellaneous permissible uses 5.5. (Repealed) 5.6. Architectural roof features 5.7. Development below mean high water mark 5.8. Conversion of fire alarms 5.9. 5.9AA. (Repealed) 5.10. Heritage conservation 5.11. Bush fire hazard reduction 5.12. Infrastructure development and use of existing buildings of the Crown 5.13. Eco-tourist facilities 5.14. Siding Spring Observatory--maintaining dark sky 5.15. Defence communications facility 5.16. Subdivision of, or dwellings on, land in certain rural, residential or environment protection zones 5.17. Artificial waterbodies in environmentally sensitive areas in areas of operation of irrigation corporations 5.18. Intensive livestock agriculture 5.19. Pond-based, tank-based and oyster aquaculture PART 6 - ADDITIONAL LOCAL PROVISIONS--GENERALLY 6.1. Acid sulfate soils 6.2. Earthworks 6.3. Flood planning 6.4. Biodiversity protection 6.5. Water protection 6.6. Development on landslide risk land 6.7. Foreshore building line 6.8. Restricted premises 6.9. Location of sex services premises 6.10. Development on certain land at Westmead 6.10A. Development on 24-26 Railway Parade, Westmead 6.11. Dual occupancies on land in Zones R2, R3 and R4 6.12. Design excellence 6.13. Design excellence--generally 6.14. Development on certain land at Granville 6.15. Particular dual occupancy subdivisions must not be approved 6.16. Height of buildings for certain land in Telopea Precinct 6.17. Floor space ratio for certain land in Telopea Precinct 6.18. Development requiring the preparation of a development control plan 6.19. Floor space ratio for certain land at Granville 6.20. Development of land at 38, 40 and 42 East Street, Granville 6.21. Development of land at 244, 246, 248, 256 and 258 Woodville Road, Merrylands PART 7 - ADDITIONAL LOCAL PROVISIONS--PARRAMATTA CITY CENTRE 7.1. Land to which this Part applies 7.2. Floor space ratio 7.3. Car parking 7.4. Sun access 7.5. Serviced apartments 7.6. Airspace operations 7.7. Development on land at Church and Early Streets, Parramatta 7.8. Development on land at 160-182 Church Street, Parramatta 7.9. Development on land at 189 Macquarie Street, Parramatta 7.9A. Development of land at 7 Charles Street and 116 Macquarie Street, Parramatta 7.10. Design Excellence--Parramatta City Centre 7.11. Development on land at 153 Macquarie Street and part of 1A Civic Place, Parramatta 7.12. Development on land at 180 George Street, Parramatta 7.13. Development on land at 2-10 Phillip Street, Parramatta 7.14. Car parking for certain land in Parramatta City Centre 7.15. Development on land at 2-6 Hassall Street, Parramatta 7.16. Development on land at 12A Parkes Street, Harris Park 7.17. Development on land at 10 Valentine Avenue, Parramatta 7.18. Development on land at 14-20 Parkes Street, Harris Park PART 8 - INTENSIVE URBAN DEVELOPMENT AREAS 8.1. Arrangements for designated State public infrastructure 8.1A. Arrangements for designated State public infrastructure for certain land at Granville 8.2. Public utility infrastructure 8.3. Relationship between Part and remainder of Plan SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 6 SCHEDULE 99 Dictionary