This legislation has been repealed.
(1) This Plan aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in that part of Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional local government area to which this Plan applies (in this Plan referred to as
"Palerang" ) in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 3.20 of the Act.
(2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows--(a) to protect and improve the economic, environmental, social and cultural resources and prospects of the Palerang community,(b) to encourage development that supports the long-term economic sustainability of the local community, by ensuring that development does not unreasonably increase the demand for public services or public facilities,(c) to retain, protect and encourage sustainable primary industry and commerce,(d) to ensure the orderly, innovative and appropriate use of resources in Palerang through the effective application of the principles of ecologically sustainable development,(e) to retain and protect wetlands, watercourses and water quality and enhance biodiversity and habitat corridors by encouraging the linking of fragmented core habitat areas within Palerang,(f) to identify, protect and provide areas used for community health and recreational activities,(g) to ensure that innovative environmental design is encouraged in residential development.