This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 25 February 2015 - Reg 191 of 2009 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY Note 1.1. Name of Plan 1.2. Aims of Plan 1.3. Land to which Plan applies 1.4. Definitions 1.5. Notes 1.6. Consent authority 1.7. Maps 1.8. Repeal of other local planning instruments applying to land 1.8A. Savings provisions relating to development applications 1.9. Application of SEPPs and REPs 1.9A. Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments PART 2 - PERMITTED OR PROHIBITED DEVELOPMENT 2.1. Land use zones 2.2. Zoning of land to which Plan applies 2.3. Zone objectives and land use table 2.4. Unzoned land 2.5. Additional permitted uses for particular land 2.6. Subdivision--consent requirements 2.6A. Demolition requires consent 2.6B. Temporary use of land Land Use Table Zone R1. General Residential Zone R3. Medium Density Residential Zone IN2. Light Industrial Zone SP2. Infrastructure Zone RE1. Public Recreation Zone E2. Environmental Conservation PART 3 - EXEMPT AND COMPLYING DEVELOPMENT 3.1. Exempt development 3.2. Complying development 3.3. Environmentally sensitive areas excluded PART 4 - PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.1. Minimum subdivision lot size 4.3. Height of buildings 4.6. Exceptions to development standards PART 5 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 5.1. Relevant acquisition authority 5.2. Classification and reclassification of public land 5.3. Development near zone boundaries 5.4. Controls relating to miscellaneous permissible uses 5.8. Conversion of fire alarms 5.9. Preservation of trees or vegetation 5.10. Heritage conservation 5.11. Bush fire hazard reduction 5.12. Infrastructure development and use of existing buildings of the Crown PART 6 - URBAN RELEASE AREAS 6.1. Arrangements for designated State public infrastructure 6.2. Public utility infrastructure 6.3. Relationship between Part and remainder of Plan PART 7 - ADDITIONAL LOCAL PROVISIONS 7.1. Sustainable development 7.2. Flood planning land SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 99 Dictionary