This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 - As at 1 September 2019 - Reg 565 of 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 4. Application of Regulation PART 2 - COMMISSIONING AND DECOMMISSIONING OF STORAGE SYSTEMS Division 1 - Installation of new storage systems 5. New system not to be commissioned unless properly designed 6. New system not to be commissioned unless properly installed 7. New system not to be commissioned unless properly equipped 8. Equipment integrity test to be performed Division 2 - Modification of storage systems 9. Modified system not to be commissioned unless properly designed 10. Modified system not to be commissioned unless properly installed 11. Modified system not to be commissioned unless properly equipped 12. Equipment integrity test to be performed 13. Report to be prepared after tank removed or replaced Division 3 - Repair of storage systems 14. Equipment integrity test to be performed Division 4 - Decommissioning of storage systems 15. Report to be prepared after system decommissioned PART 3 - SECONDARY LEAK DETECTION SYSTEMS 16. Storage system to have secondary leak detection system 17. Secondary leak detection system not to be installed unless properly designed 18. Storage system not to be used unless secondary leak detection system properly installed PART 4 - USE OF STORAGE SYSTEMS 19. Storage system not to be used unless environment protection plan documentation in place 20. Storage system not to be used unless measuring instruments checked and data recorded 21. Secondary leak detection 22. Loss detection procedures PART 5 - RECORD-KEEPING 23. Record of significant modifications 24. Incident log 25. Documents to be kept for 7 years from date of creation 26. Documents to be kept for 7 years from date of decommissioning 27. Delivery of records on change of responsibility PART 6 - MISCELLANEOUS 28. Exemptions 29. EPA guidelines 30. Savings Schedule 1 (Repealed)