This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 - As at 30 June 2009 - Reg 720 of 1998 TABLE OF PROVISIONS CHAPTER 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 4. Notes CHAPTER 2 - LICENSING PART 2.1 - LICENCE FEES Division 1 - Preliminary 5. Definitions 6. Fee units 7. Licence fee period 7A. Changes in licence fee period Division 2 - Licence fees generally 8. Types of licence fees 9. Initial basis for determining licence fees 10. The main elements of licence fees 11. Licence fees prescribed for purposes of Act Division 3 - Administrative fees 12. Administrative fees generally 13. Licences relating to more than one activity 14. Refunds--application fees 15. Refunds and waivers--annual licence fees Division 4 - Load-based fees 16. Object of this Division 17. Factors relevant to determination of load-based fee 17A. Calculation of load-based fees in relation to nitrogen oxides and VOCs discharged from premises in Sydney basin area in summer 18. Determination of assessable loads of assessable pollutants 19. Determination of load-based fee where insufficient information provided by licensee 20. Pollutant weightings 21. Pollutant critical zone weightings 22. Calculation of fee rate thresholds for assessable pollutants 23. Calculation of load-based fee 24. Refunds--errors in calculations Division 5 - Load reduction agreements and fee reductions 24A. Definitions 25. Load reduction agreements and fee reductions 25A. Effect of transfer of licences on load reduction agreements 26. Content of load reduction agreements 27. Calculation of reduction 28. Termination of agreement 28A. Liability of licensee on expiration of agreement 28B. Amounts payable on termination or expiration 28C. When amounts must be paid Division 6 - Time for payment of licence fees and penalties for late payment 29. Administrative fee--time for payment 30. Penalty for late payment of administrative fee 31. Load-based fee--time for payment 32. Penalty for late payment of load-based fee Division 7 - Change in activity classification or scale during licence fee period 33. Application of this Division 34. Adjustment of administrative fee 35. Adjustment of load-based fee Division 8 - Economic measures with respect to licence fees 36. Application 37. Aggregation of licences for purpose of payment of licence fees--"bubble licence arrangements" Division 9 - Additional fee for special licences for transitional period 38. Application and definition 39. Additional fee payable PART 2.2 - LOAD-BASED LICENSING TECHNICAL REVIEW PANEL 40. Constitution of Review Panel 41. Members of Review Panel 42. Functions of Review Panel 43. Membership and procedure of Review Panel PART 2.3 - MISCELLANEOUS LICENSING PROVISIONS 43A. Additional matters included in definition of "scheduled development work" for which licence required 44. Commencement of licensing requirement for existing activities not previously required to be licensed: sec 52 (1) 45. Exclusion of Part 5 of EPA Act: sec 52 (2) 46. Matters to be set out in statement of reasons for grant or refusal of licence applications: secs 61 (2) (b), 80 (2A) (b) 47. Offence of providing false information 48. Transfer of licences 49. Refusal of certain licence applications 49A. Other relevant legislation: sec 83 49B. Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Licensing Fees) Regulation 2007--transitional provisions 50. Application of payments 51. Preservation of records CHAPTER 3 - WATER POLLUTION 52. Prescribed matter for the definition of "water pollution" in Dictionary 53. Methodology for testing for matter in waters 54. Exemption from water pollution offence for pollutants discharged from Victorian premises into River Murray 55. Exemption from water pollution offence for pollutants discharged into sewer 55A. Exemption from water pollution offence in relation to certified on-board sewage treatment systems 56. Exemption from water pollution offence for pollutants arising from operation of engines propelling vessels 56A. Exemption from water pollution offence in relation to cold water releases 57. Emergency prohibition or regulation of aquatic activities--safety of drinking water CHAPTER 3A - NATIONAL POLLUTANT INVENTORY PART 3A.1 - GENERAL 57A. Object of Chapter 57B. Interpretation 57C. Occupiers to whom this Chapter applies PART 3A.2 - REPORTING AND RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS 57D. Collection of data from reporting facilities 57E. Occupier must keep data for period of 4 years PART 3A.3 - ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES 57F. Emission estimation techniques 57G. Application for approval of estimation technique 57H. Approving estimation technique PART 3A.4 - EXEMPTIONS FROM REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 57I. Exemption on ground of national security 57J. Claiming exemption on ground of commercial confidentiality 57K. Deciding claim for exemption on ground of commercial confidentiality CHAPTER 3B - BURNING OF BIO-MATERIAL IN ELECTRICITY GENERATING WORKS 57L. Definitions 57M. Native forest bio-material not to be used for electricity generation 57N. Record-keeping 57O. Reports to be made publicly available 57P. Offence of providing false information 57Q. EPA guidelines 57R. Appropriate regulatory authority CHAPTER 3C - LAND POLLUTION 57S. Meaning of certain expressions CHAPTER 3D - GREEN OFFSETS 57T. Evaluation of green offset schemes or works CHAPTER 4 - GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 4.1 - POLICE ENTRY POWERS REGARDING NOISE 58. Warrants relating to noise abatement directions PART 4.2 - APPEALS 59. Appeals regarding noise: sec 290 PART 4.3 - FEES RELATING TO ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION NOTICES AND NOISE CONTROL NOTICES 60. Fee for administrative costs of preparing and giving clean-up notice: sec 94 (2) 61. Fee for administrative costs of preparing and giving prevention notice: sec 100 (2) 61A. Fee for administrative costs of preparing and giving noise control notice PART 4.4 - FINANCIAL ASSURANCES 62. Additional restriction on requiring financial assurances: sec 299 (d) PART 4.5 - PUBLIC REGISTER 63. Additional matters to be included in public register: sec 308 PART 4.6 - APPROPRIATE REGULATORY AUTHORITY 64. Marine Parks Authority 64A. Waterways Authority 64B. Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife 65. SOCOG 66. Inner West Light Rail 67. Outdoor entertainment activities 67A. Underground petroleum storage systems 67B. Existing waste activities PART 4.7 - EXCEPTIONS 68. Exception from prohibition on placing advertising material on vehicles: section 146B (3) (b) 69. Exemption for noise control and abatement provisions PART 4.8 - VEHICLE TESTING AND INSPECTION Division 1 - Preliminary 70. Definitions 71. Application of Part Division 2 - Approved mechanics and approved inspection stations 72. Approved mechanics 73. Approved inspection stations 74. Maximum fee for test or inspection 75. Vehicle inspection reports 76. Variation of approvals under this Part 77. Surrender of approvals under this Part 78. Suspension or revocation of approvals under this Part PART 4.9 - SAVINGS AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 79. Definitions 80. Pending applications 81. Existing licences 82. Changes of classification SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5